This article presents a method for measuring the quality of interaction in social mobile robotic telepresence. The methodology is in part based on Adam Kendon’s theory of F-formations. The theory is based on observations of how bodies naturally orient themselves during interaction between people in real life settings. In addition, two presence questionnaires (Temple Presence Inventory and Networked Minds Social Presence Inventory), designed to measure the users’ perceptions of others and the environment when experienced through a communication medium are used. The perceived presence and ease of use are correlated to the spatial formations between the robot and an actor. The proposed methodology is validated experimentally on a dataset consisting of interactions between an elder (actor) and 21 different users being trained in piloting a mobile robotic telepresence unit. The evaluation has shown that these tools are suitable for evaluating mobile robotic telepresence and also that correlations between the tools used exist. Further, these results give important guidelines on how to improve the interface in order to increase the quality of interaction.
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The authors would like to acknowledge Prof. Silvia Coradeschi for her support in the project and Martin Längkvist and Federico Pecora for participating in the experiment. We would also like to thank Rafael Muñoz Salinas, Enrique Yeguas Bolívar and Luis Díaz Mas for technical support with video recording.
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The ExCITE project has been supported by EU under the Ambient Assisted Living Joint Programme (AAL-2009-2-125).
Appendix: Supporting Definitions on Presence
Appendix: Supporting Definitions on Presence
The level of co-presence “is influenced by the degree to which the user and the agent appear to share an environment together, p. 5” [5]. The co-presence as used in this study consists of only four questions:
I felt that x and I were in the same place.
I believe that x felt as if we were in the same place.
I was aware of that x was there.
x was aware that I was there.
The attentional engagement “seek to measure the degree to which the users report attention to the other and the degree to which they perceive the other’s level of attention towards them, p. 10” [5]. The Attentional engagement as used in this study only contains two questions:
I payed attention to x.
x payed attention to me.
Comprehension is the degree to which the user and the other understand their respective intentions, thoughts etc. In total six questions were asked in the dimension, examples include:
I could communicate my intentions to x in a clear way.
x could communicate his/her intentions to me in a clear way.
My thoughts were clear to x.
I could understand what x meant.
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Kristoffersson, A., Severinson Eklundh, K. & Loutfi, A. Measuring the Quality of Interaction in Mobile Robotic Telepresence: A Pilot’s Perspective. Int J of Soc Robotics 5, 89–101 (2013). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12369-012-0166-7
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12369-012-0166-7