Area monitoring using Internet and barrier coverage is a typical application of wireless sensor networks. The main concerns in this type of applications are coverage efficiency and sensor energy conservation. For that, many activities scheduling algorithms are proposed in the literature. Unlike prior efforts based on an unrealistic binary sensor coverage model, this paper proposes three efficient activities scheduling algorithms based on realistic sensor coverage models. The first algorithm (C1L-PBC) is centralized and it is based on a coverage graph. The second algorithm (D1L-PBC) is distributed and it ensures 1-barrier coverage; whereas, the third one (D2L-PBC) is also distributed and it guarantees 2-barrier coverage. The obtained experimental results show that the proposed algorithms can effectively guarantee the barrier coverage and prolong the sensor network lifetime.
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Boudali, M., Senouci, M.R., Aissani, M. et al. Activities scheduling algorithms based on probabilistic coverage models for wireless sensor networks. Ann. Telecommun. 72, 221–232 (2017). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12243-017-0564-9
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12243-017-0564-9