The function of accessibility guide signs is to convey information to users. The key to designing accessibility guide signs is to improve the efficiency with which they convey information. In this paper, 16 subjects were recruited to study their attentional status when faced with different forms of accessibility sign design by setting up two sets of comparison tests. The subjects watched six videos containing different sign designs with different lighting effects to compare their attention to the different sign designs. We collected the participants' eye-movement, EEG, and HRV data during the experiment, and the PSSUQ questionnaire was administered. The data showed that subjects could quickly attend to the processed signs but did not show significant differences in brain responses. Among the study variables, there were significant differences in the effects of different light frequencies on subjects' attention. Study results suggest that designers can consider the existing sign designs for public places and add richer visual information to the designs, thus improving the efficiency of information transmission.
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The authors thank the Kingfar project team for providing technical assistance with the research and supporting the use of the ErgoLAB Man-Machine-Environment Testing Cloud Platform and related scientific research equipment.
This study was supported by the “Scientific Research Support” project provided by Kingfar International Inc.
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Jiang, W., Zhang, B., Sun, R. et al. A study on the attention of people with low vision to accessibility guidance signs. J Multimodal User Interfaces 18, 87–101 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12193-023-00417-6
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12193-023-00417-6