This paper addresses the issue of the prediction of slope stability with machine learning (ML) applications. Five well-known and popular ML algorithms, namely neural network (NNet), decision tree (DT), support vector machine (SVM), k-nearest neighbor (kNN), and random forest (RF), are used to demonstrate the effectiveness of the ML algorithms for predicting binary classification of slope stability based on a case history dataset containing outliers. This study also evaluates the winsorization method used to treat outliers in the dataset by outlining the effect of outliers on the prediction performances of models. To this end, the performance of all the generated ML models is assessed and compared both for unwinsorized (e.g., raw) and winsorized datasets based on performance metrics (i.e., Recall, Precision, Accuracy, and F1-Score) obtained from the confusion matrix. The experimental outputs showed that the application of winsorization enhanced the prediction performance of the models, and thus, all ML models built with winsorized datasets outperformed the unwinsorized ones. In this paper, the RF model achieves the best prediction performance, especially in the case of the winsorized dataset used. Moreover, it is found that SVM is the most sensitive algorithm to outliers as against the other ML algorithms, while the kNN algorithm is the least among the applied algorithms. Results showed that the increment percentage of accuracy nearly reaches 20% for the SVM model and the following 18% for DT, 11% for NNet, 10% for RF, and 4% for kNN, respectively. Furthermore, the results of the study reveal not only the performance of ML algorithms for the slope stability problem but also show how the handling of outliers of a dataset affects the models’ prediction performance.
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The dataset analyzed during the current study are publicly available at location cited in the reference section.
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Demir, S., Sahin, E.K. Application of state-of-the-art machine learning algorithms for slope stability prediction by handling outliers of the dataset. Earth Sci Inform 16, 2497–2509 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12145-023-01059-8
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12145-023-01059-8