The Industry 4.0 IoT network integration with blockchain architecture is a decentralized, distributed ledger mechanism used to record multi-user transactions. Blockchain requires a data storage system designed to be secure, reliable, and fully transparent, emerged as a preferred IoT-based digital storage on WSN. Blockchain technology is being used in the paper to construct the node recognition system according to the storage of data for WSNs. The data storage process on such data must be secure and traceable in different forensics and decision making. The primary theme of the dynamic data security is therefore for rejecting exploitation of the unauthorized user and for evaluating the mechanism in tracing and evidence of system’s data operation in a dynamic manner, growth and quality features under the stochastic state of the model; (1) a mathematical method for the secured storage of data in dynamic is built through distributed node cooperation in IoT industry. (2) the ownership transition feature and the dynamic storage of data system architecture are configured, (3) the emerging distributed storage architecture for blockchain-based WSN will substantially reduce overhead storage for each node without affecting data integrity; (4) minimize the latency of data reconstruction in distributed over storage system, and propose an effective and scalable algorithm for optimizing storage latency issue. In addition to this research, the system implements verified possession of data for replacing the evidence in original digital currency for mining and to store new data blocks that will be compared to the proof system, dramatically reduces computational capacity. The proposed ODSD framework has exceptional benefits for real-time applications while maintaining the security of the dynamic storage of data.
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Khalaf, O.I., Abdulsahib, G.M. Optimized dynamic storage of data (ODSD) in IoT based on blockchain for wireless sensor networks. Peer-to-Peer Netw. Appl. 14, 2858–2873 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12083-021-01115-4
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12083-021-01115-4