We propose a fully abstract semantics for value-passing CCS for trees (VCCTS) with the feature that processes are located at the vertices of a graph whose edges describe possible interaction capabilities. The operational semantics is given both in terms of a reduction semantics and in terms of a labelled transition semantics. We develop a theory of behavioral equivalences by introducing both weak barbed congruence and weak bisimilarity. In particular, we show that, on image-finite processes, weak barbed congruence coincides with weak bisimilarity. To illustrate potential applications and the powerful expressiveness of VCCTS, we formally compare VCCTS with some well-known models, e.g., dynamic pushdown networks, top-down tree automata and value-passing CCS.
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We thank the anonymous reviewers for valuable comments. This work has been funded by the CAS-INRIA major project VIP (GJHZ1844) and by the French-Chinese project Locali (NSFC 61161130530 and ANR-11-IS02-00201).
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Ying Jiang has been a research professor at Institute of Softwares, Chinese Academy of Sciences (ISCAS), China since 1999. She received her PhD degree from the University Paris 7 in 1993. She was responsible for three research grants from NSFC and co-responsible for two Sino French cooperation projects from NSFC-ANR and Ministry of Science and Technology of China, respectively. She is also co-responsible for a CAS-INRIA joint project. Her research interests focus on formalization of concurrent systems and verification of concurrent programs, in particular, on topics such as the connections (1) between model checking and automated theorem proving, (2) between CCS and tree automata, etc. Her research results published in I&C, TCS, The Computer Journal, Archive for Mathematical Logic, C.R.Acad. Sci. etc.
Shichao Liu received his PhD from the Institute of Softwares, Chinese Academy of Sciences (ISCAS), China in 2018. His research includes process calculus, concurrent systems and program semantics. Now he is a software engineer in a software company.
Thomas Ehrhard, CNRS Senior Researcher, University Paris Diderot. PhD in Computer Science from University Paris in 1987. He joined the newly created Laboratory of Discrete Mathematics in Marseille in 1994 and moved in 2005 to the PPS laboratory in Paris. Director of the PPS laboratory in 2009 and then deputy director of the IRIF laboratory in 2016 and 2017. He is a member of the editorial board of MSCS. His research interest is in theoretical computer science and mathematics, covering mainly proof theory and semantics. He has been responsible of the research grants ACI GEOCAL and ANR CHOCO. His research results have been published in prestigious conferences and journals including LICS, POPL, CONCUR, TCS, Information and Computation, JSL, JACM.
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Jiang, Y., Liu, S. & Ehrhard, T. A fully abstract semantics for value-passing CCS for trees. Front. Comput. Sci. 13, 828–849 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11704-018-7069-1
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11704-018-7069-1