The paper proposes contributions for mean-shift (MS) and covariance tracking (CT), and makes these two complementary methods cooperate. While MS runs fast and can handle non-rigid objects represented by their color distribution, CT is more time-consuming but achieves a generic tracking by mixing color and texture information. Each method is modified in order to alleviate their intrinsic limitations, and make the tracking adaptive to a changing context. Concerning MS, the colorspace is changed automatically when necessary to enhance the distinction between the object and the background. Regarding CT, the number of features is reduced without loss of accuracy, by using Local Binary Patterns. Finally, their complementary advantages are exploited in a cooperation process, which runs faster than CT alone, and is more robust than MS alone. A comprehensive study is made for their acceleration and their efficient execution on different multi-core CPUs. A speedup of ×2.8 is reached for MS and ×2.6 for CT.
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Single instruction multiple data.
The reader interested in a further explanation of the colorspaces can refer to [19].
A distractor is an object, the color distribution of which is approximately similar to the target object.
Let us recall that the scale change is achieved in a similar fashion as [9]
The detection problem is evoked in 2. In the paper, we choose to detect the object manually, in order to focus on the tracking problem.
A drift appears when the accuracy of the tracking is reduced during time, and the target is progressively lost.
It is a 1,600 MHz DDR3 with CAS 7—a RAM for gamer—with a 1,333 MHz nominal frequency.
Typically _mm_shuffle_ps and _mm_shuffle_epi8 are used
The efficiency is the speedup divided by the number of cores.
This is made with _mm_shuffle_ps in SSE
The scalar version requires 1 MUL, 2 LOAD, 1 STORE and the SIMD version: 7 MUL, 15 SHUFFLE, 2 LOAD, 7 STORE.
This sequence is available here: http://info.ee.surrey.ac.uk/Personal/Z.Kalal/tld.html
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This research is supported by the European ITEA2 SPY project (Surveillance imProved sYstem). Further information is available on the website: http://www.itea2-spy.org/.
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F. Laguzet and A. Romero contributed equally to the manuscript.
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Laguzet, F., Romero, A., Gouiffès, M. et al. Color tracking with contextual switching: real-time implementation on CPU. J Real-Time Image Proc 10, 403–422 (2015). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11554-013-0358-x
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11554-013-0358-x