In this paper, we propose a new hard problem, called bilateral inhomogeneous small integer solution (Bi-ISIS), which can be seen as an extension of the small integer solution problem on lattices. The main idea is that, instead of choosing a rectangle matrix, we choose a square matrix with small rank to generate Bi-ISIS problem without affecting the hardness of the underlying SIS problem. Based on this new problem, we present two new hardness problems: computational Bi-ISIS and decisional problems. As a direct application of these problems, we construct a new lattice-based key exchange (KE) protocol, which is analogous to the classic Diffie-Hellman KE protocol. We prove the security of this protocol and show that it provides better security in case of worst-case hardness of lattice problems, relatively efficient implementations, and great simplicity.
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Wang, S., Zhu, Y., Ma, D. et al. Lattice-based key exchange on small integer solution problem. Sci. China Inf. Sci. 57, 1–12 (2014). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11432-014-5147-z
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11432-014-5147-z