Using graph theory, we analyze the topological landscape of web service networks formed by real-world data set, either downloaded from web service repositories or crawled by a search engine. We first propose a flexible framework to study syntactic web service matchmaking in a unified manner. Under the framework, then, the data set is analyzed from diverse perspectives and granularity. By and large, the data set is shown to exhibit small world network well and power-law-like distribution to some extent. Finally, using random graph theory, we demonstrate how to accurately estimate the size of the giant component of such web service networks.
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Kil, H., Oh, SC., Elmacioglu, E. et al. Graph Theoretic Topological Analysis of Web Service Networks. World Wide Web 12, 321–343 (2009). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11280-009-0064-6
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11280-009-0064-6