As weather observation technology develops, natural disasters such as typhoon, earthquake, and heavy snow can be easily monitored as well as basic weather elements such as temperature, precipitation, wind, and air pressure. Advanced IT enables the statistical analysis of weather information and converged weather service. A variety of studies are being performed to analyze and utilize weather, temperature, humidity, etc. by using these IT convergence technology and weather observation technology. Meteorological Administration develops and provides the weather index to help the daily life of people by using weather elements. Influence of weather on life, industry and health is calculated by using indexes to provide weather index service. The weather index services are classified into life weather index, industry weather index and health weather index according to use. Weather indexes are correlated to each other as they are calculated by using common weather elements and advanced weather index service can be provided by analyzing these association patterns. The conventional service shows difference from the actual weather situation around the user as it is calculated by using weather information measured at the observation points. To improve this, personalized service can be provided by using context information-based ontology modeling and reasoning engine. This paper intends to propose a mining-based urban climate disaster index service according to potential risk. The proposed method constructs XML files provided by Meteorological Administration and Open Data Portal in the form of a tree by using the DOM parser and preprocesses it. Emerging risks are selected among socially important issues by using disaster-related keywords and early detected by using the previously developed WebBot. The collected weather indexes are normalized to construct weather index transactions. FP-Tree for mining is used to construct the weather index frequent pattern tree and extract association sets. Natural disaster risk, social disaster risk, and life safety risk are calculated from the extracted association sets. Urban climate disaster index is calculated by considering common elements among potential risks, weather information, disaster information, and emerging risk. Experimental application is tried to develop and verify its logical validity and effectiveness of urban climate disaster index monitoring. Therefore, urban climate disaster index service detects, predicts, and analyzes the trend of various risks such as disasters and safety accidents. It is also used for decision in disaster management in order to determine risks based on natural, man-made, and social disasters and predict future progress and direction of spread.
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This research was supported by a grant (14CTAP-C078863-01) from Infrastructure and transportation technology promotion research Program funded by Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport of Korean government.
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Kim, JC., Jung, H. & Chung, K. Mining Based Urban Climate Disaster Index Service According to Potential Risk. Wireless Pers Commun 89, 1009–1025 (2016). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11277-016-3212-1
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11277-016-3212-1