This paper considers the dynamic control of stochastic networks for the guaranteed delay with network utility maximization in multi-hop wireless networks. On contrary to single hop case, the delay is difficult to predict in multi-hop scenarios due to their unpredictable traffic pattern and variable queuing time in intermediate nodes. We present here a control policy for joint flow control and scheduling which can achieve high network utility and guarantees delay constraints. In addition, we derive the capacity region of the network under a given delay condition. Simulation results show that the proposed policy achieves near optimal network utility with delay guaranteed compare to exiting algorithms.
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This research was supported by the MSIP (Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning), Korea, under the Global IT Talent support program (NIPA-2014-H0904-14-1006) supervised by the NIPA (National IT Industry Promotion Agency).
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1.1 Proof of Proposition 1
We have following basic inequalities
Squaring both sides of Eqs. (1) and (3), and using above inequalities yields
Summing over all queues and flows, noting that if \(i = s(c)\) then \(\mu _{a,i}^{(c)} (t) = r^{(c)}(t)\) and
we obtains (6).
1.2 Proof of Theorem 1
To begin the proof, we first consider following lemma.
Lemma 1
A queue with arrival rate \(\lambda ^{(c)} = E\{ r^{(c)}_{in} (t)\}\) and departure rate \(\mu ^{(c)} =\lambda ^{(c)} +\varepsilon ^{(c)} \) has queue length bound by \(\frac{E\{ r^{(c)}_{in} (t)^{2}\} -2(\lambda ^{(c)})^{2} +\lambda ^{(c)} }{2\varepsilon ^{(c)} }\).
To begin the proof, we first compute bound of a queue with arrival rate \(\lambda ^{(c)} \) and departure rate \(\mu ^{(c)} =\lambda ^{(c)} +\varepsilon ^{(c)} \). Consider Lyapunov function \(L(y^{(c)} (t))=y^{(c)} (t)^{2} \) of dynamic evolution of the given queue. The drift of the Lyapunov function is defined as \(\varDelta L(y^{(c)} (t))=y^{(c)} (t+1)^{2} -y^{(c)} (t)^{2} \). Squaring both sides of the queueing evolution and rearranging, we have:
where \(\bar{B}^{(c)} =E\{ (\mu ^{(c)} (t)-r^{(c)}_{in} (t))^{2} \} \).
Using the facts that \(E\{ (\mu ^{(c)})^{2} \} =E\{ \mu ^{(c)} \} \) and \(E\{ \mu ^{(c)} \} =\lambda ^{(c)} \) under the stability condition we obtain:
Using \(\mu ^{(c)} =\lambda ^{(c)} +\varepsilon ^{(c)} \) in (17) yields
Using Lemma 4.2 from [2] with the above condition, the following is obtained:
The proof of Theorem shows that (11) is sufficient condition for stability of the network with delay constraints. More specifically, it proves that Lyapunov of L(S(t)) is negative when \(y(t)\) is sufficiently large. We rewrite (7) as following
Following inequality hold for the optimal rate in (10) due to \(\alpha \le 1\)
Plug flow control vector \(r^{(c)*} (t)\) into (18) and using (19) we have
It is well-known that the dual control [2, 3]
obtains the maximum stability region \(\varLambda \). Since \(q^{(c)}_{s(c)} \le Q^{(c)}(t)\), DFSE flow control always admits smaller rate than the one of the dual control. Thus \(\lambda = \left\{ {\bar{r}^{(c)*} (t)} \right\} _{c \in C} \in \varLambda \) regardless the scheduling policy.
Since \(\lambda \in \varLambda \) there exist \(\varepsilon =\{ (N^{(c)}-1)\varepsilon ^{(c)} \} _{c \in C } >0\) such that \(\lambda = \left\{ {\bar{r}^{(c)*} (t)} \right\} _{c \in C} + \varepsilon \in \varLambda \). According to the Corollary 3.9 in [2], for this \(\lambda \), there exist a randomized algorithm that allocated \(\mu (t)\) such that on each node of flow \(c\) we have \(E\left\{ {\mu _{a,i}^{(c)} (t)} \right\} = E\left\{ {\mu _{i,b}^{(c)} (t) } \right\} + \varepsilon ^{(c)}\) and \(E\left\{ {\mu ^{(c)} (t)} \right\} \geqslant \lambda ^{(c)}\). According to Lemma 1, every queue \(q^{(c)}(t)\) is bounded under the randomized algorithm. Let \(\bar{B}_e\) the upper bound of \(B_e(t)\), hence \(B_e(t) \le \bar{B}_e\). Moreover, since elements of \(M^{(c)}(t)\) are bounded, \(\bar{M}^{(c)}\) are also bounded. Thus under the randomized algorithm we have expectation of \(\varDelta L_e (S(t + 1))\) is bounded as follows
Since the scheduling in DFSE minimizes over all possible choice of \(\mu (t)\) at every time slot, including the randomized algorithm, (20) is also held for DFSE scheduling. Note that \(q^{(c)} (t) = \sum \limits _{(a,i) \in L^{(c)} } {q_i^{(c)} (t)}\), (20) is then rewritten as follows
It is clear that if (21) holds, the queueing system is stable since large \(y^{(c)}(t)\) leads to negative drift of the Lyapunov function \(L_e (S(t + 1))\) (Lemma 4.2 in [2, 3]). We now shows that condition (11) of Theorem 1 is sufficient condition of (21).
We first calculate the upper bound of \(q^{(c)} (t)\) under the randomized algorithm. According to Lemma 1, for the first node in flow \(c\) we have
For intermediate node, since \( E\{ r^{(c)}_{in} (t)^{2}\} = E\{ r^{(c)}_{in} (t)\} = \lambda , ^{(c)}\)
Hence, \(q^{(c)}(t)\) of flow \(c\) with \(N^{(c)}\) nodes on the path is bounded as follows
Thus given (11), (21) holds for all \(q^(c)(t)\). Theorem 1 holds.
1.3 Proof of Theorem 2
Proof technique of Theorem 2 is similar with the one of Theorem one. Here are the sketch of the proof. Lyapunov drift of \(L_{h}(S(t))\) is defined as follows
Applying DFSH flow control and randomized algorithm into (22), noting that \(E\left\{ \mu _{i,b}^{(c)} (t)\right. \left. - \mu _{a,i}^{(c)} (t) \right\} = \lambda ^{(c)*} + \varepsilon \) and \(E\left\{ {\mu ^{(c)} (t)} \right\} \geqslant \lambda ^{(c)*}\) we obtain
This is equivalent to
Thus, sufficient condition for the stability of the system under DFSH is
Condition (16) guarantees that (23) holds for every \(q_i^{(c)} (t)\). Thus (16) is sufficient condition for (23). Theorem 2 holds.
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Huynh, T., Pham, NT., Lee, SH. et al. Dynamic Control Policy for Delay Guarantees in Multi-hop Wireless Networks. Wireless Pers Commun 80, 647–670 (2015). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11277-014-2033-3
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11277-014-2033-3