Routing is fundamental in any wireless network for path selection, which provides the most effective way that legitimizes the data to be transmitted from a source to a destination device. In gigantic network demand nowadays, routing is pertinent to ensure fast and reliable data transfer. Ineffective routing may cause route flapping and degrade the overall Quality of Service (QoS). Meanwhile, Device-to-Device communications (D2D) is a technology that allows the devices to be connected without or partial involvement of the conventional cellular network. With these natures of qualities, D2D communication provides a reliable propitious medium that caters for the needs of many different telecommunications scenarios. The interconnectivity of multiple devices creates the Internet of Things (IoT), which will be an essential insistent in future technologies. With the dynamic nature of D2D technology, the routing approach act as a principal architecture that essential to be implemented in every niche D2D aspect. If wrong routing decisions are made in D2D communication, the QoS performance would be worse than the conventional cellular network. This paper present the state of the art of fundamentals, recent progress, current challenges, future directions, and potential routing applications for D2D and Beyond IoT 5G Networks. This review will also act as a guide and reference for future researchers and scientists to explore and integrate the routing technique in D2D communication and Beyond IoT 5G Networks.
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Malathy, S., Jayarajan, P., Hindia, M.H.D.N. et al. Routing constraints in the device-to-device communication for beyond IoT 5G networks: a review. Wireless Netw 27, 3207–3231 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11276-021-02641-y
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11276-021-02641-y