Large pre-trained vision-language models like CLIP have shown great potential in learning representations that are transferable across a wide range of downstream tasks. Different from the traditional representation learning that is based mostly on discretized labels, vision-language pre-training aligns images and texts in a common feature space, which allows zero-shot transfer to a downstream task via prompting, i.e., classification weights are synthesized from natural language describing classes of interest. In this work, we show that a major challenge for deploying such models in practice is prompt engineering, which requires domain expertise and is extremely time-consuming—one needs to spend a significant amount of time on words tuning since a slight change in wording could have a huge impact on performance. Inspired by recent advances in prompt learning research in natural language processing (NLP), we propose Context Optimization (CoOp), a simple approach specifically for adapting CLIP-like vision-language models for downstream image recognition. Concretely, CoOp models a prompt’s context words with learnable vectors while the entire pre-trained parameters are kept fixed. To handle different image recognition tasks, we provide two implementations of CoOp: unified context and class-specific context. Through extensive experiments on 11 datasets, we demonstrate that CoOp requires as few as one or two shots to beat hand-crafted prompts with a decent margin and is able to gain significant improvements over prompt engineering with more shots, e.g., with 16 shots the average gain is around 15% (with the highest reaching over 45%). Despite being a learning-based approach, CoOp achieves superb domain generalization performance compared with the zero-shot model using hand-crafted prompts.
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CoOp is pronounced as /ku:p/.
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This study is supported under the RIE2020 Industry Alignment Fund Industry Collaboration Projects (IAF-ICP) Funding Initiative, as well as cash and in-kind contribution from the industry partner(s).
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A Datasets Details
The detailed statistics of the 11 datasets, as well as the four variants of ImageNet, are shown in Table 6. The hand-crafted prompts used for zero-shot CLIP are also detailed in the table. For Caltech101, the “BACKGROUND_Google” and “Faces_easy” classes are discarded. For the video dataset, UCF101, the middle frame of each video is used as input to the image encoder.
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Zhou, K., Yang, J., Loy, C.C. et al. Learning to Prompt for Vision-Language Models. Int J Comput Vis 130, 2337–2348 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11263-022-01653-1
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11263-022-01653-1