The paper presents a risk-driven behavioral biometric-based user authentication scheme for smartphones. Our scheme delivers one-shot-cum-continuous authentication, thus not only authenticates users at the start of the application sign-in process but also, throughout the active user session. The scheme leverages the widely used PIN/password-based authentication technology by giving flexibility to users to enter any random 8-digit alphanumeric text, instead of pre-configured PIN/Passwords. Internally, the scheme exploits two behavioral biometric traits, i.e., touch-timing-differences of the entered strokes and the hand-movement gesture recorded during the random text entry, to authenticate users. And, for the entire user session, the scheme continuously authenticates the user by computing the risk-score every time the user initiates a sensitive activity. If the risk-score is higher than the predefined threshold, the current user session terminates. Afterward, the scheme requests the user to re-authenticate. Thus, our scheme serves three main objectives: Firstly, it offers users the flexibility to enter an 8 − digit random alphanumeric text as their secret enhancing the usability of PIN/password-based schemes. Secondly, it strengthens the security of PIN/password-based schemes as verification decision is not binary, and mimicking the invisible touch-timings and hand-movements simultaneously, could be extremely difficult as our security analysis determined. Lastly, the scheme does not require any dedicated device (e.g., a smart token for OTP generation) for 2-factor authentication. The results obtained on 11,400 user-samples (collected by 3 days in-the-wild testing) and user-experience responses (received from the Software Usability Scale4 survey) of 95 testers demonstrate our scheme as an accurate and acceptable user authentication scheme.
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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme DS 2018-2019-2020 as part of the E-Corridor project (www.e-corridor.eu) under grant agreement No 883135.
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Appendix A: Comparison of user authentication schemes
Study | Features | Evaluation | Participants | Performance |
[46] | Touch features X and Y coordinates, touch-pressure, the size of touch and the time offset. | DTW | 48 | FRR: 19% and FAR: 21% |
[47] | X & Y coordinates, the direction of finger motion, the pressure at each sample touch-point, and the distance between multi-touch points. Digital gloves add angular values from X, Y and Z direction in addition to roll, pitch, and yaw values. | Decision tree, Random Forest and Bayes net classifier. | 40 | FRR: 0.13% and FAR: 4.66% |
[48] | Touchscreen gestures like navigational movements. (e.g., horizontal/vertical strokes) | KNN classifier and SVM with Gaussian Radial Basis Function (RBF) kernel | 41 | EER: < 4% |
[49] | Single and multi touch gestures by combining static counter-clockwise rotation, closed and opened gesture with all five fingertips). | Ppairwise distance calculation and score calculation | 34 | EER: 7.88% (Single), 1.58% (Combined) |
[50] | Simple touch actions, i.e., keystroke, sliding, pinch, and handwriting to extract features like coordinates, pressure, size, etc. | SVM classifier using RBF kernel | 30 | EER: 0.75% (Sliding gesture) |
[54] | Extracts finger movements and touch features using accelerometer, touch screen, voice and location data | Naive Bayes classifier | 7 | TPR: 95.78% |
[52] | Extracted touch positions, touch pressure, touch area, moving direction, distance, duration, average moving direction and curvature, average curvature distance, average pressure, average touch-area, max-area portion, min-area portion. | SVM classifier | 75 | Accuracy: 95.78% |
[53] | Construct feature vectors from X, Y, Z values acquired from sensors and clustered them into V classes using K-means algorithm. | Continuous n-gram language model | 20 | Accuracy: 75% |
[58] | Extract statistical features for touch dynamics from the raw data acquired from the sensors. | Distance metrics: Euclidean,Euclidean normed, Manhattan, Manhattan scaled. | 20 | EER: 4.97% (fixed-ṫext passwords), 0.08% (sensor data) |
[63] | Static, contextual, and analytically calculated attributes | Provides policy rules that determine whether an access request must be permitted, denied, or challenged. | - | Calculates a risk scoreḃased on multipleẇeighted attributes |
[67] | User location and contextual data are associated with different risk assessments and accordingly user authentication was applied. | Risk-aware Authentication as per the user location. | - | CORMORANT Framework |
[66] | Acquire language, color depth, screen resolution, timezone, platform, plugins, etc. IP address range, time of access, geolocation, request headers, etc. | Adaptive and dynamic context fingerprinting based on Hoeffding trees | - | SmartAuth continuously assess the risk of fraudulent activities during long-lived user authenticated session. |
Appendix B: Demographic Questionnaire
What is your gender?
I don’t want to disclose
How old you are?
≤ than 20 years.
> 20 years and ≤ 40 years.
> 40 years and ≤ 60 years.
> than 60 years.
I don’t want to disclose
Tell us about your nationality.
I don’t want to disclose
Which hand(s) do you use for interacting with your smartphone?
I don’t want to disclose
Appendix C: TAR comparison of RF classifier for individual users in 3 activities
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Buriro, A., Gupta, S., Yautsiukhin, A. et al. Risk-Driven Behavioral Biometric-based One-Shot-cum-Continuous User Authentication Scheme. J Sign Process Syst 93, 989–1006 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11265-021-01654-2
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11265-021-01654-2