Advanced communication systems, such as long term evolution (LTE) and LTE-advanced (LTE-A) systems, promise to increase the number of users with high-speed data exchange. However, it leads to spectrum scarcity because of the huge size of data exchange with limited spectrum resources. Cognitive radio (CR) technique is considered the best solution for this spectrum scarcity problem. Spectrum sensing (SS), one of the CR techniques is used to detect the spectrum hole of primary user (PU) without interference with PU. In this paper, several SS approaches for LTE and LTE-A systems are investigated in the CR system. These SS approaches are based on two techniques, namely energy detection and cyclostationary feature detection techniques. The first technique includes four approaches of auto-correlation based advanced energy, time domain detection, Welch periodogram and two-stage model algorithms, while the second technique contains two approaches, namely pilot induced cyclostationary and second order cyclostationary algorithms. According to the analysis, the two-stage model and the second order cyclostationary algorithms are better than the other algorithms because they produce accurate results at the expense of system complexity. Hence, in general a good SS algorithms would require some trade-off between complexity and accuracy.
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The original version of this article was revised: The first author’s name was misspelled. “Emad Hamood Salman” should be “Emad Hmood Salman”.
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Salman, E.H., Noordin, N.K., Hashim, S.J. et al. An overview of spectrum sensing techniques for cognitive LTE and LTE-A radio systems. Telecommun Syst 65, 215–228 (2017). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11235-016-0221-z
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11235-016-0221-z