The rapid escalation in the usage of the Internet of Things (IoT) devices is threatened by botnets. The expected increase in botnet attacks has seen numerous botnet detection/mitigation proposals from academia and industry. This paper conducts a systematic mapping study of the literature so as to distinguish, sort, and synthesize research in this domain. The investigation is guided by various research questions that are relevant to the botnet studies. In this research, a total of 3,645 studies were gotten from our preliminary pursuit outcomes. Seventy four (74) studies were recognized based on importance, of which 52 were at last picked dependent on our characterized Incorporation and Elimination criteria. A classification for the mapping study with the following components: key contribution, research aspect, validation methods, network forensic methods, datasets and evaluation metric was proposed. Likewise, in this study, we identified eleven (11) key contributions which include evaluation, approach, model, system, software architecture, method, technique, framework, mechanism, algorithm and dataset. The findings of this systematic mapping investigation demonstrate that exploration of IoT-based botnet attacks is picking up more consideration in the past three years with steady distribution yield. Finally, this investigation can be a beginning point in examining researches on botnet assaults in IoT devices and finding better ways to detect and mitigate such assaults.
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This work is supported by Partnership Grant RK004-2017 and Faculty Grant GPF004D-2019 University of Malaya.
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Hamid, H., Noor, R.M., Omar, S.N. et al. IoT-based botnet attacks systematic mapping study of literature. Scientometrics 126, 2759–2800 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11192-020-03819-5
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11192-020-03819-5