Mobile commerce systems allow customers to purchase products over the Internet without using a pc. It also creates a new mobile business model and change e-commerce paradigms, having an especially significant effect on the medical and insurance industries. Furthermore, the real estate industry is increasing in the booming market, but tends to become overheated. Thus, some innovative techniques (such as mobile commerce) were adopted by estate agent to enhance their competitive advantage. Consequently, identifying the match between mobile commerce technique and individual performance is a valuable focus of research. In fact, technology acceptance model (TAM) is a well-known theory regarding the adoption of information technology (IT), but ignores the focus on evaluating IT; meanwhile, the task-technology fit (TTF) model takes a directly rational approach by assuming that users choose to use IT that provides benefits but does not consider about users’ beliefs and attitude towards IT. Therefore, this study examined an integrated model of TAM and TTF that provided additional explanatory power via structural equation modeling. Analytical results confirm that the integrated model provides greater explanatory power than either TAM or TTF alone. Furthermore, several practical implications and recommendations are also discussed below.
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Shih, YY., Chen, CY. The study of behavioral intention for mobile commerce: via integrated model of TAM and TTF. Qual Quant 47, 1009–1020 (2013). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11135-011-9579-x
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11135-011-9579-x