The year 2023 set summer temperature records, stressing the urgency of tackling greenhouse gas emissions and climate change, highlighting the need for a comprehensive approach that addresses vulnerable members of human society in urban, suburban, and rural environments. Vulnerability can be understood through the lens of equity, encompassing unjust social and political structures that dictate individuals’ sensitivity and resilience to natural disasters. It also signifies an imbalance between structural factors, system dynamics, and the environment, resulting in varying susceptibility patterns across geographical scales. Addressing vulnerability's root causes involves examining structural factors, system dynamics, and the environment, alongside mapping heat vulnerability using diverse metrics for comparison and coherence. The intricate relationship between environmental hazards and human vulnerability underscores the need to comprehend the multifaceted concept of vulnerability. This involves understanding exposure, sensitivity, and adaptive capacity, collectively shaping an entity’s susceptibility to extreme natural events. This review examines the intricate interplay between human vulnerability and environmental hazards, focusing on the context of heat-related risks. A more comprehensive understanding of heat challenges emerges by considering vulnerability variations influenced by human and environmental conditions. Population dynamics, often overlooked in vulnerability assessments, are recognized as critical determinants. We propose an integrated framework that advocates for incorporating changes in human and environmental conditions within vulnerability assessments, utilizing statistical predictive models to anticipate shifts due to population dynamics. Infrastructure and environmental factors are highlighted as essential components of vulnerability, requiring inclusion for accurate assessments at local levels. Challenges in vulnerability analysis, including defining outcomes and considering non-human species, are explored. Transformative heat policies are proposed to be concrete, inclusive, and responsive, emphasizing equity and involving stakeholders for effective governance. This review calls for more accurate, inclusive, and practical strategies for addressing heat-related vulnerabilities and enhancing community resilience.
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Macharia, C.W., Kiage, L.M. Conceptualizing heat vulnerability: equity-centered approaches for comprehensive resilience in a changing climate. Nat Hazards 120, 6923–6941 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11069-024-06440-4
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11069-024-06440-4