This work presents the methodology to synthesize the complex facial expressions images from the learned representation without specifying emotion labels as input. The proposed methodology consists of three main modules: the basic emotion recognition model, linear regression, and the generative model. The recognition model is designed to extract the expression-related features that are the baseline for generation of complex facial expression. The linear regression is responsible for transforming expression features into latent space, which are taken by a generative model for image generation. In this work, two benchmark facial expressions datasets (Extended Cohn-Kanade and Japanese Female Facial Expressions) are used for the experiment. Based on our results, the proposed methodology provides the complex facial expressions images for compound emotions with comparatively high-visual quality. For quantitative assessment, the basic emotion recognition model can predict the an emotion from the generated compound facial expressions image by the proposed methodology with the accuracy of 67.51% and 62.87% respectively.
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This work was supported by Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology Research Grants (Houga).
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Shwe Sin Khine Win, Prarinya Siritanawan and Kazunori Kotani are contributed equally to this work.
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Win, S.S.K., Siritanawan, P. & Kotani, K. Compound facial expressions image generation for complex emotions. Multimed Tools Appl 82, 11549–11588 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-022-14289-7
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-022-14289-7