The improvement from region-level to pixel-level and fewer hyper-parameters make anchor-free detectors popular. Most anchor-free algorithms will set a center-ness branch to reduce prediction points far away from the center of the target, which will indirectly weaken the more important features of the head in the pedestrian dataset. However, in a dense crowd, the head features of humans are critical to alleviating the problem of occlusion. In order to alleviate this problem, we have counted the characteristics of the target scale of a dense pedestrian dataset and introduced a Double Parallel Branches FCOS(DPB-FCOS) detector method. Based on the original prediction branch, we add a head branch to generate additional prediction boxes, and redefine the positive sample selection method of this branch, so that it can generate more prediction boxes in the head position of the human body. At the same time, considering the three factors of overlap area, distance, and aspect ratio, we designed a regression loss that is more suitable for anchor-free detectors. The center point distance in DIoU is used instead by the distance between the upper left and lower right corner points, which significantly improves the model’s performance. We verify our method on two popular models. Compared with baseline, FCOS can improve the accuracy by 5.9% and ATSS can improve the accuracy by 3.8% on the CrowdHuman dataset.
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Song, Q., Wang, H., Yang, L. et al. Double parallel branches FCOS for human detection in a crowd. Multimed Tools Appl 81, 15707–15723 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-022-12439-5
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-022-12439-5