Increasing the popularity of cloud computing raises the importance of efforts to improve the services of this paradigm. Searching over encrypted data is a requirement for cloud storage to provide, in addition to privacy-preserving, convenient and low-cost access to some of the outsourced data. Security and functionality along with efficiency are important characteristics of searchable encryption schemes that improve them make this schemes more applicable to the real world. There are proposed structures for symmetric searchable encryption (SSE) in this paper, by adding functionalities to randomized SSE schemes, to provide a optimal scheme. We design a rFSMSE scheme that allows searching by multiple keywords. This scheme is fully secure and its search time complexity is logarithmic. Then we upgrad this scheme to the verifiable rFSMSE scheme called rFSVMSE, without increasing the complexity of search time, storage, and communication. We demonstrate that the proposed schemes are upgradable to dynamic ones. Simulations show the time taken to search for multi-keywords in the rFSMSE and rFSVMSE schemes is less than that in the previous randomized SSE.
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Najafi, A., Javadi, H.H.S. & Bayat, M. Efficient and dynamic verifiable multi-keyword searchable symmetric encryption with full security. Multimed Tools Appl 80, 26049–26068 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-021-10844-w
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-021-10844-w