Scientificity is essentially methodology. The use of information technology as methodological instruments in science has been increasing for decades, this raises the question: Does this transform science? This question is the subject of the Special Issue in Minds and Machines “The epistemological significance of methods in computer simulation and machine learning”. We show that there is a technological change in this area that has three methodological and epistemic consequences: methodological opacity, reproducibility issues, and altered forms of justification.
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Cf. Poppers reconstruction: “Thus I shall try to establish the rules, or if you will the norms, by which the scientist is guided when he is engaged in research or in discovery, in the sense here understood.” (Popper 2002, p. 29).
We refer mainly to his manuscripts The Crisis of European Sciences and Transcendental Phenomenology (Husserl 1970). The manuscripts on which Husserl had worked in the mid-1930s until his death in 1938 appeared posthumously. However, preliminary studies of this can already be found in the articles on renewal published in early 1920 (cf. Husserl 1989), initially in a Japanese journal.
Cf. also the informative Supplement III to the Crisis-manuscript about the origin of geometry. See also Kaminski (2013).
For a foundation of this understanding of technology see Hubig (2006).
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Resch, M., Kaminski, A. The Epistemic Importance of Technology in Computer Simulation and Machine Learning. Minds & Machines 29, 9–17 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11023-019-09496-5
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11023-019-09496-5