Discussions of the issue of iterated belief revision are commonly accompanied by the presentation of three “concrete” operators: natural, restrained and lexicographic. This raises a natural question: What is so distinctive about these three particular methods? Indeed, the common axiomatic ground for work on iterated revision, the AGM and Darwiche-Pearl postulates, leaves open a whole range of alternative proposals. In this paper, we show that it is satisfaction of an additional principle of “Independence of Irrelevant Alternatives”, inspired by the literature on Social Choice, that unites and sets apart our three “elementary” revision operators. A parallel treatment of iterated belief contraction is also given, yielding a family of elementary contraction operators that includes, besides the well-known “conservative” and “moderate” operators, a new contraction operator that is related to restrained revision.
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This principle is given as follows:
\((\mathrm {P}^{\ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\) If ρA(x,y) = 1 and ρΨ(x,y) ≥ 0, then ρΨ∗A(x,y) = 1
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This research was partially supported by the Australian Government through an ARC Future Fellowship (project number FT160100092) awarded to Jake Chandler.
Appendix A: Proofs
Appendix A: Proofs
Proposition 1
Given \((KM^{\div }_{\preccurlyeq })\), \((\text {IIA}^{\ast }_{\preccurlyeq })\) does not imply any of \((\mathrm {C}{1},{2}^{\ast }_{\preccurlyeq })\)-\((\mathrm {C}{4}^{\ast }_{\preccurlyeq })\)
Let ∗ be defined in such a way that, for all states Ψ, x,y ∈ W and A ∈ L:
\(\min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi \ast A}, W) = \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, [\![{A}]\!])\)
If \(x, y\notin \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, [\![{A}]\!])\), then
If ρΨ(x,y) = 1, then ρΨ∗A(x,y) = − 1
If ρΨ(x,y) = 0, then ρΨ∗A(x,y) = 0
Essentially, this operator will set the \(\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }\)-minimal A-worlds as \(\preccurlyeq _{\Psi \ast A}\)-minimal (thus satisfying AGM) and simply “flip” the remainder of the ordering.
It is easy to see that ∗ satisfies \((\text {IIA}^{\scriptscriptstyle \ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\): Assume that \(x, y \notin \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, [\![{A}]\!])\cup \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{{\varTheta }}, [\![{B}]\!])\), that ρΨ(x,y) = ρΘ(x,y) and that ρA(x,y) = ρB(x,y). We need to show that ρΨ∗A(x,y) = ρΘ∗B(x,y). For this, we consider two cases:
(a) Assume ρΨ(x,y) = ρΘ(x,y) = 1. Then ρΨ∗A(x,y) = ρΘ∗B(x,y) = − 1.
(b) Assume ρΨ(x,y) = ρΘ(x,y) = 0. Then ρΨ∗A(x,y) = ρΘ∗B(x,y) = 0.
In either case, ρΨ∗A(x,y) = ρΘ∗B(x,y), as required.
Clearly, however, each of \((\mathrm {C}{1}^{\ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\) to \((\mathrm {C}{4}^{\ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\) will be violated. A counterexample is provided in Fig. 5. There, \((\mathrm {C}{1}^{\ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\) fails because, for instance, y ≺Ψx but x ≺Ψ∗Ay. Regarding \((\mathrm {C}{2}^{\ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\), we have t ≺Ψs but s ≺Ψ∗At. Regarding \((\mathrm {C}{3}^{\ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\) and \((\mathrm {C}{4}^{\ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\), we have z ≺Ψs but s ≺Ψ∗Az. □
Proposition 2
Given \((KM^{\ast }_{\preccurlyeq })\), \((\mathrm {C}{1},{2}^{\ast }_{\preccurlyeq })\)-\((\mathrm {C}{4}^{\ast }_{\preccurlyeq })\) do not jointly imply \((\text {IIA}^{\ast }_{\preccurlyeq })\)
Consider the operator ∗ defined as follows: for all states Ψ and A ∈ L, Ψ ∗ A = Ψ ∗LA if \(\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }\) is a chain (i.e. an antisymmetric TPO, such that, for all x,y ∈ W, if \(x\sim _{\Psi }y\), then x≠y), and Ψ ∗ A = Ψ ∗RA otherwise.
It is easily verified that ∗ satisfies \((\text {KM}^{\ast }_{\preccurlyeq })\) and \((\mathrm {C}{1,2}^{\ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\)-\((\mathrm {C}{4}^{\ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\). But ∗ does not satisfy \((\text {IIA}^{\scriptscriptstyle \ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\), as can be seen from the following countermodel: Let W = {x,y,z,w}, [ [A] ] = {z,x}, z ≺Ψw ≺Ψx ≺Ψy and {z,w}≺Θx ≺Θy, so that, notably, Ψ ∗ A = Ψ ∗LA but Θ ∗ A = Θ ∗RA. Then \(w, x \notin \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, [\![{A}]\!])\cup \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{{\varTheta }}, [\![{A}]\!])\), ρΨ(w,x) = ρΘ(w,x) = 1, but ρΨ∗A(w,x) = − 1 and ρΘ∗A(w,x) = 1. □
Proposition 3
Given \((\text {UD}_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\), \((\text {IIA}^{\ast }_{\preccurlyeq })\) is equivalent to the conjunction of the following principles of “Independence of Irrelevant Alternatives” with respect to the “Prior” and the “Input”, respectively:
\((\text {IIAP}^{\scriptscriptstyle \ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\) If \(x,y \notin \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, [\![{A}]\!])\cup \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{{\varTheta }}, [\![{A}]\!])\) then, if ρΨ(x,y) = ρΘ(x,y) then ρΨ∗A(x,y) = ρΘ∗A(x,y)
\((\text {IIAI}^{\scriptscriptstyle \ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\) If \(x,y \notin \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, [\![{A}]\!])\cup \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, [\![{B}]\!])\) then, if ρA(x,y) = ρB(x,y) then ρΨ∗A(x,y) = ρΨ∗B(x,y)
From \((\text {IIA}^{\scriptscriptstyle \ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\) to \((\text {IIAP}^{\scriptscriptstyle \ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\) and \((\text {IIAI}^{\scriptscriptstyle \ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\): simply set Ψ = Θ in the former case and A = B in the latter.
From \((\text {IIAP}^{\scriptscriptstyle \ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\) and \((\text {IIAI}^{\scriptscriptstyle \ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\) to \((\text {IIA}^{\scriptscriptstyle \ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\): Suppose \(x, y \notin \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, [\![{A}]\!])\cup \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{{\varTheta }}, [\![{B}]\!])\), ρΨ(x,y) = ρΘ(x,y) and ρA(x,y) = ρB(x,y). We need to show ρΨ∗A(x,y) = ρΘ∗B(x,y). Consider a state Φ such that, for all z∉{x,y},z ≺Φx,z ≺Φy and ρΦ(x,y) = ρΨ(x,y) = ρΘ(x,y). Such a state exists by \((\text {UD}_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\). Since \(x, y \notin \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, [\![{A}]\!])\), by the construction of \(\preccurlyeq _{\Phi }\), we must have \(x, y \notin \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Phi }, [\![{A}]\!])\). Hence, by \((\text {IIAP}^{\scriptscriptstyle \ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\), we have (1) ρΨ∗A(x,y) = ρΨ∗A(x,y). Similarly, since \(x, y \notin \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{{\varTheta }}, [\![{B}]\!])\), we have \(x, y \notin \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Phi }, [\![{B}]\!])\) and so, by \((\text {IIAP}^{\scriptscriptstyle \ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\), we have: (2) ρΘ∗B(x,y) = ρΘ∗B(x,y). Finally, from the fact that \(x, y \notin \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Phi }, [\![{A}]\!])\cup \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Phi }, [\![{B}]\!])\) and ρA(x,y) = ρB(x,y), by \((\text {IIAI}^{\scriptscriptstyle \ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\), we have: (3) ρΦ∗A(x,y) = ρΦ∗B(x,y). The required result then follows from (1), (2) and (3). □
Proposition 4
\((\text {IIAI}^{\scriptscriptstyle \ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\) does not imply \((\text {IIAP}^{\scriptscriptstyle \ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\) or vice versa, even in the presence of \((\text {KM}^{\ast }_{\preccurlyeq })\) and \((\mathrm {C}{1,2}^{\ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\)-\((\mathrm {C}{4}^{\ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\).
For an operator satisfying \((\text {KM}^{\ast }_{\preccurlyeq })\), \((\mathrm {C}{1,2}^{\ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\)-\((\mathrm {C}{4}^{\ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\), and \((\text {IIAI}^{\scriptscriptstyle \ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\) but not \((\text {IIAP}^{\scriptscriptstyle \ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\), we can consider the operator ∗ introduced in the proof of Proposition 2 above. It was defined as follows: for all states Ψ and A ∈ L, Ψ ∗ A = Ψ ∗LA if \(\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }\) is a chain (i.e. an antisymmetric TPO, such that, for all x,y ∈ W, if \(x\sim _{\Psi }y\), then x≠y), and Ψ ∗ A = Ψ ∗RA otherwise.
We’ve already noted above that it satisfies \((\text {KM}^{\ast }_{\preccurlyeq })\) and \((\mathrm {C}{1,2}^{\ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\)-\((\mathrm {C}{4}^{\ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\). \((\text {IIAI}^{\scriptscriptstyle \ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\) is also satisfied, since, for any given state, the same method (i.e. ∗L or ∗R) is used for all sentences and this method satisfies \((\text {IIAI}^{\scriptscriptstyle \ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\). But ∗ does not satisfy \((\text {IIAP}^{\scriptscriptstyle \ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\), as can be seen from the countermodel given in the proof of Proposition 2 above. For convenience, we repeat it here. Let W = {x,y,z,w}, [ [A] ] = {z,x}, z ≺Ψw ≺Ψx ≺Ψy and {z,w}≺Θx ≺Θy, so that, notably, Ψ ∗ A = Ψ ∗LA but Θ ∗ A = Θ ∗RA. Then \(w, x \notin \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, [\![{A}]\!])\cup \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{{\varTheta }}, [\![{A}]\!])\), ρΨ(w,x) = ρΘ(w,x) = 1, ρA(w,x) − 1, but ρΨ∗A(w,x) = − 1 and ρΘ∗A(w,x) = 1.
For an operator that satisfies \((\text {KM}^{\ast }_{\preccurlyeq })\), \((\mathrm {C}{1,2}^{\ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\)-\((\mathrm {C}{4}^{\ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\), and \((\text {IIAP}^{\scriptscriptstyle \ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\) but not \((\text {IIAI}^{\scriptscriptstyle \ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\), consider the operator ∗ defined as follows: For all states Ψ and A ∈ L, Ψ ∗ A = Ψ ∗LA if \(\lvert [\![{\neg A}]\!]\rvert =1\), and Ψ ∗ A = Ψ ∗RA otherwise.
Again, as for the previous operator, it is easily verified that ∗ satisfies \((\text {KM}^{\ast }_{\preccurlyeq })\), and \((\mathrm {C}{1,2}^{\ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\)-\((\mathrm {C}{4}^{\ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\). \((\text {IIAP}^{\scriptscriptstyle \ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\) is also satisfied, since, , for any given sentence, the same method (i.e. ∗L or ∗R) is used for all states and this method satisfies \((\text {IIAI}^{\scriptscriptstyle \ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\). But ∗ does not satisfy \((\text {IIAI}^{\scriptscriptstyle \ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\), as can be seen from the following countermodel: Let W = {x,y,z,w}, [ [A] ] = {x,z,w}, [ [B] ] = {x,w} and w ≺Ψy ≺Ψx ≺Ψz. Then \(x, y \notin \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, [\![{A}]\!])\cup \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, [\![{B}]\!])\) and ρA(x,y) = 1 = ρB(x,y), but ρΨ∗A(x,y) = 1, whereas ρΨ∗B(x,y) = − 1. □
Proposition 5
Given (KM\(^{\div }_{\preccurlyeq })\), \((\text {IIAP}^{\ast }_{\preccurlyeq })\) entails \((\text {TPOR}^{\scriptscriptstyle \ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\)
Assume that \(\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }=\preccurlyeq _{{\varTheta }}\). Consider arbitrary x,y ∈ W. If either x or y is in \(\min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, [\![{A}]\!])\cup \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{{\varTheta }}, [\![{A}]\!])\), then \(\rho _{\preccurlyeq _{\Psi \ast A}}({x},{y})= \rho _{\preccurlyeq _{{\varTheta }\ast A}}({x},{y})\) by virtue of \((\text {KM}^{\ast }_{\preccurlyeq })\). If \(x, y \notin \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, [\![{A}]\!])\cup \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{{\varTheta }}, [\![{A}]\!])\), then \(\rho _{\preccurlyeq _{\Psi \ast A}}({x},{y})= \rho _{\preccurlyeq _{{\varTheta }\ast A}}({x},{y})\) by virtue of \((\text {IIAP}^{\scriptscriptstyle \ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\). Hence \(\preccurlyeq _{\Psi \ast A}=\preccurlyeq _{{\varTheta }\ast A}\), as required. □
Proposition 6
Given \((KM^{\ast }_{\preccurlyeq })\), \((\mathrm {C}{1,2}^{\ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\)-\((\mathrm {C}{4}^{\ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\), \((\text {IIAI}^{\ast }_{\preccurlyeq })\) is equivalent to the conjunction of:
(\(\beta 1^{\ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq }\)) If \(x\notin \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, [\![C]\!]), \rho _{A}(x,y)= 1\) and ρΨ∗A(x,y) ≤ 0, then ρΨ∗C(x,y) ≤ 0
(\(\beta 2^{\ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq }\)) If \(x\notin \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, [\![C]\!]), \rho _{A}(x,y)= 1\) and ρΨ∗A(x,y) = − 1, then ρΨ∗C(x,y) = − 1
The proof of this claim closely resembles the proof of Proposition 3 of [8]. For ease of comparison, we use the \(\preccurlyeq \)-notation, rather than the ρ-notation, so that \((\beta {1}^{\ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\) and \((\beta {2}^{\ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\) are presented as follows:
\((\beta {1}^{\ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\) If \(x \not \in \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, [\![C]\!])\), x ≺Ay, and \(y \preccurlyeq _{\Psi \ast A} x\), then \(y \preccurlyeq _{\Psi \ast C} x\)
\((\beta {2}^{\ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\) If \(x \not \in \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, [\![C]\!])\), x ≺Ay, and y ≺Ψ∗Ax, then y ≺Ψ∗Cx
We first establish the following lemma:
Lemma 4
Given \((\mathrm {C}{1, 2}^{\ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\)–\((\mathrm {C}{4}^{\ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\),
(a) If x ≺Ay and ρA(x,y)≠ρC(x,y), then, if \(y \preccurlyeq _{\Psi \ast A} x\), then \(y \preccurlyeq _{\Psi \ast C} x\).
(b) If x ≺Ay and ρA(x,y)≠ρC(x,y), then, if y ≺Ψ∗Ax, then y ≺Ψ∗Cx.
We simply derive (a), since the proof of (b) is analogous. Assume that x ≺Ay and ρA(x,y)≠ρC(x,y). In other words: x ∈ [ [A] ],y ∈ [ [¬A] ], and either (i) x ∈ [ [C] ],y ∈ [ [C] ], (ii) x ∈ [ [¬C] ],y ∈ [ [¬C] ] or (iii) x ∈ [ [¬C] ],y ∈ [ [C] ]. Assume that \(y \preccurlyeq _{\Psi \ast A} x\). From this and x ∈ [ [A] ],y ∈ [ [¬A] ], it follows, by \((\mathrm {C}{3}^{\ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\), that \(y \preccurlyeq _{\Psi } x\). From this, if either (i), (ii) or (iii) hold, then, by \((\mathrm {C}{1, 2}^{\ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\), \((\mathrm {C}{2}^{\ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\), and \((\mathrm {C}{4}^{\ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\), respectively, we have \(y \preccurlyeq _{\Psi \ast C} x\), as required. This completes the proof of Lemma 4.
With this in hand, we can derive each direction of the equivalence:
(a) From \((\text {IIAI}^{\scriptscriptstyle \ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\) to \((\beta {1}^{\ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\) and \((\beta {2}^{\ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\): Regarding \((\beta {1}^{\ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\), assume \(x \not \in \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, [\![{C}]\!])\), x ≺Ay, and \(y \preccurlyeq _{\Psi \ast A} x\). We need to show that \(y \preccurlyeq _{\Psi \ast C} x\). If ρA(x,y)≠ρC(x,y), then the required result follows by principle (a) of Lemma 4. So assume ρA(x,y) = ρC(x,y), and hence that x ≺Cy. We now establish that \(x, y \notin \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, [\![{A}]\!])\cup \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, [\![{C}]\!])\). We already have \(x \not \in \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, [\![{C}]\!])\). Since, by x ≺Cy, it follows that y ∈ [ [¬C] ], we therefore have \(y \not \in \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, [\![{C}]\!])\). Furthermore, by x ≺Ay, it follows that y ∈ [ [¬A] ] and so \(y \not \in \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, [\![{A}]\!])\). Finally, assume for contradiction that \(x\in \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, [\![{A}]\!])\). Then \(x\in \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi \ast A}, W)\), by \((\text {KM}^{\ast }_{\preccurlyeq })\). Since y ∈ [ [¬A] ], by \((\text {KM}^{\ast }_{\preccurlyeq })\), \(y\notin \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi \ast A}, W)\). Hence x ≺Ψ∗Ay, contradicting \(y \preccurlyeq _{\Psi \ast A} x\). So we can infer that \(x\notin \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, [\![{A}]\!])\). With this in hand, we can apply \((\text {IIAI}^{\scriptscriptstyle \ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\) to derive \(y \preccurlyeq _{\Psi \ast C} x\), as required. The derivation of \((\beta {2}^{\ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\) is analogous, but using principle (b) of Lemma 4.
(b) From \((\beta {1}^{\ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\) and \((\beta {2}^{\ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\) to \((\text {IIAI}^{\scriptscriptstyle \ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\): Assume that \(x, y \notin \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, [\![{A}]\!])\cup \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, [\![{C}]\!])\) and that ρA(x,y) = ρC(x,y). We want to show that \(x\preccurlyeq _{\Psi \ast A} y\) iff \(x\preccurlyeq _{\Psi \ast C} y\). By symmetry, it suffices for this to show that \(x\preccurlyeq _{\Psi \ast A} y\) implies \(x\preccurlyeq _{\Psi \ast C} y\). So assume \(x\preccurlyeq _{\Psi \ast A} y\). Since ρA(x,y) = ρC(x,y), we have three cases to consider:
(i) \(\rho _{A}({x},{y}){\kern -.5pt}={\kern -.5pt}\rho _{C}({x},{y}){\kern -.5pt}={\kern -.5pt}1\): Assume for contradiction that y ≺Ψ∗Cx. From this, \(x \not \in \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, [\![{A}]\!])\) and x ≺Cy, it follows by \((\beta {2}^{\ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\) that y ≺Ψ∗Ax, contradicting \(x\preccurlyeq _{\Psi \ast A} y\). Hence \(x\preccurlyeq _{\Psi \ast C} y\), as required.
(ii) ρA(x,y) = ρC(x,y) = 0: It follows from this, via \((\mathrm {C}{1, 2}^{\ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\), that \(x\preccurlyeq _{\Psi \ast A} y\) iff \(x\preccurlyeq _{\Psi } y\) iff \(x\preccurlyeq _{\Psi \ast C} y\). Hence \(x\preccurlyeq _{\Psi \ast C} y\), as required.
(iii) ρA(x,y) = ρC(x,y) = − 1: By \((\beta {1}^{\ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\), it follows, from \(x \not \in \min \limits \) \((\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, [\![{A}]\!])\), y ≺Ax, and \(x\preccurlyeq _{\Psi \ast A} y\), that \(x\preccurlyeq _{\Psi \ast C} y\), as required.
Lemma 2
The conjunction of \((\text {KM}^{\ast }_{\preccurlyeq })\) transitivity of \({\preccurlyeq }_{\Psi \ast A}, (\text {PI}^{\ast }_{\preccurlyeq })\) and \((\text {IIA}^{\scriptscriptstyle \ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\) implies the following principle of “Zero Symmetry”:
\((\text {ZS}^{\ast }_{\preccurlyeq })\) If \(x,y \notin \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, [\![{A}]\!])\cup \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{{\varTheta }}, [\![{B}]\!]), \rho _{\Psi }(x,y)= -\rho _{{\varTheta }}(x,y)\) and ρA(x,y) = −ρB(x,y) then, ρΨ∗A(x,y) = −ρΨ∗B(x,y)
\((\text {KM}^{\ast }_{\preccurlyeq })\) and \((\text {IIA}^{\scriptscriptstyle \ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\) jointly tell us that that, for a pair of worlds {x,y}, the posterior relative rank ρΨ∗A(x,y) is determined by the prior relative rank ρΨ(x,y) and input sentence relative rank ρA(x,y) (although this mapping may be different for different pairs of worlds). With the case in which x or \(y\in \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, [\![{A}]\!])\) being taken care of by \((\text {KM}^{\ast }_{\preccurlyeq })\), the behaviour of ∗ with respect to {x,y} can therefore be represented in the form of a matrix giving us, for \(x, y\notin \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, [\![{A}]\!])\), the values of ρΨ∗A(x,y) as a function of those of ρΨ(x,y) and ρA(x,y).
Since we assume A to be consistent and hence that \(\min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, [\![{A}]\!])\) is non-empty, we must have strictly more than two, and therefore (since \(\lvert W\rvert =2^{n}\)) at least four, worlds. Let these worlds be x, y, z and w. We will consider the matrices for the pairs 〈x,y〉, 〈y,z〉 and 〈z,x〉 in Table 7.
\((\text {PI}^{\scriptscriptstyle \ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\) tells us that the value of the central cell in each matrix is 0. To establish \((\text {ZS}^{\scriptscriptstyle \ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\), we then just need to show that ai = −bi, for 1 ≤ i ≤ 4. We shall simply show that a1 = −b1, since the proof strategy is identical for other values of i.
Let Ψ be such that ρΨ(x,z) = ρΨ(x,y) = ρΨ(y,z) = 0. Let A be such that x,z ∈ [ [A] ] but y∉[ [A] ] (with \(x, z\notin \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi },[\![{A}]\!])\); this can be ensured by designating the fourth world w to be the sole member of that set) and so ρA(x,z) = 0. Since ρΨ(x,z) = 0, we therefore have ρΨ∗A(x,z) = 0. We also have ρA(x,y) = 1 and ρA(y,z) = − 1. Therefore ρΨ∗A(x,y) = a1 and ρΨ∗A(y,z) = d1. Assume a1≠ − d1 for reductio (so that 〈a1,d1〉 is equal to either 〈1, 0〉, 〈0, 1〉, 〈− 1, 0〉, 〈0,− 1〉, 〈1, 1〉, or 〈− 1,− 1〉). It then follows, by transitivity of \(\preccurlyeq _{\Psi \ast A}\), that ρΨ∗A(x,z) = 1 or − 1. But this contradicts our earlier finding that ρΨ∗A(x,z) = 0. Hence a1 = −d1. By similar reasoning, we can establish that e1 = −d1 (let A be such that y,x ∈ [ [A] ] but z∉[ [A] ], with \(y, x\notin \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi },[\![{A}]\!])\) and hence ρA(y,x) = 0) and e1 = −b1 (let A be such that z,y ∈ [ [A] ] but x∉[ [A] ], with \(z, y\notin \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi },[\![{A}]\!])\), and hence ρA(z,y) = 0) and hence that a1 = −b1, as required. □
Lemma 3
The conjunction of \((\text {KM}^{\ast }_{\preccurlyeq })\), transitivity of \({\preccurlyeq }_{\Psi \ast A}\), \((\text {PI}^{\scriptscriptstyle \ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\) and \((\text {IIA}^{\ast }_{\preccurlyeq })\) implies the following “Representation Invariance” principle:
\((\text {RI}^{\ast }_{\preccurlyeq })\) ρΨ∗A(x,y) = ρΘ∗π(A)(π(x),π(y)), for any order isomorphism π from \({\preccurlyeq }_{\Psi }\) to \({{\preccurlyeq }_{{\varTheta }}}\)
We consider 3 cases, depending on x and y’s membership of \(\min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, [\![{A}]\!])\): (a) one of x or y is in the set, (b) both x and y are in the set and (c) neither x nor y are in the set.
For each case, we shall prove the identity of the matrices relating to the pair 〈x,y〉 and revision by A on the one hand, and the pair 〈π(x),π(y)〉 and revision by π(A), on the other. Since, if π is an order isomorphism from \(\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }\) to \(\preccurlyeq _{{\varTheta }}\), then ρΨ(x,y) = ρΘ(π(x),π(y)) and ρA(x,y) = ρπ(A)(π(x),π(y)), it then follows that ρΨ∗A(x,y) = ρΘ∗π(A)(π(x),π(y)), as required.
Assume (a), so that, for example, \(x \in \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, [\![{A}]\!])\), \(y \notin \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, [\![{A}]\!])\) (the other case in analogous). Since we then have ρA(x,y) ≥ 0, it must be the case that either (i) ρA(x,y) = 1, or (ii) ρA(x,y) = 0. Furthermore, if (ii) is the case, it must be the case that ρΨ(x,y) = 1. The relevant matrix is then given in Table 8a, with impossible combinations of values indicated by “×”. Since, for all x ∈ W, A ∈ L and order isomorphisms π from \(\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }\) to \(\preccurlyeq _{{\varTheta }}\), we have \(x\in \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, [\![{A}]\!])\) iff \(\pi (x)\in \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, [\![{\pi (A)}]\!])\), the same matrix characterises the pair 〈π(x),π(y)〉 under revision by π(A). Assume (b). The reasoning is analogous to the one provided in relation to (a) above, this time with reference to the matrix given in Table 8b. Assume (c). Again, as we have noted above, since we assume A to be consistent and hence that \(\min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, [\![{A}]\!])\) is non-empty, we must have at least 4 worlds. Here we make use of the transitivity of \(\preccurlyeq _{\Psi \ast A}\), much as we did in the proof of Lemma 2, and consider, in addition to 〈x,y〉, the pairs 〈y,z〉 and 〈z,x〉. The matrices for these pairs are given in Table 7 above.
Using the strategy applied in relation to the same case in the proof of Lemma 2, we can show that, for 1 ≤ i ≤ 4, not only ai = −bi and ci = −di, but also ai = −di and so ai = ci. So the matrix for all sentences is the same for all pairs of worlds. In particular, the matrix relating to the pair 〈x,y〉 and revision by A on the one hand, is identical to that relating the pair 〈π(x),π(y)〉 and revision by π(A), on the other.
Proposition 7
In the presence of \((\text {UD}_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\), \((\text {ZS}^{\scriptscriptstyle \ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\) implies \((\text {IIA}^{\scriptscriptstyle \ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\).
Assume \(x, y \notin \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, [\![{A}]\!])\cup \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{{\varTheta }}, [\![{B}]\!])\), ρΨ(x,y) = ρΘ(x,y) and ρA(x,y) = ρB(x,y). We need to show that ρΨ∗A(x,y) = ρΘ∗B(x,y). By \((\text {UD}_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\), there will exist a state Ξ and sentence C such that \(x, y \notin \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, [\![{A}]\!])\cup \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Xi }, [\![{C}]\!])\), ρΨ(x,y) = −ρΞ(x,y) and ρA(x,y) = −ρC(x,y). By \((\text {ZS}^{\scriptscriptstyle \ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\), we then have ρΨ∗A(x,y) = −ρΞ∗C(x,y). But since ρΨ(x,y) = ρΘ(x,y) and ρA(x,y) = ρB(x,y), we also have ρΘ(x,y) = −ρΞ(x,y) and ρB(x,y) = −ρC(x,y). Since \(x, y \notin \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{{\varTheta }}, [\![{B}]\!])\cup \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Xi }, [\![{C}]\!])\), we can reapply \((\text {ZS}^{\scriptscriptstyle \ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\), to obtain ρΘ∗B(x,y) = −ρΞ∗C(x,y). Hence ρΨ∗A(x,y) = ρΘ∗B(x,y), as required. □
Proposition 8
\((\text {RI}^{\scriptscriptstyle \ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\) does not imply either \((\text {IIAI}^{\scriptscriptstyle \ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\) or \((\text {IIAP}^{\scriptscriptstyle \ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\) even in the presence \((\text {KM}^{\scriptscriptstyle \ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\) and \((\mathrm {C}{1}, {2}^{\ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\)-\((\mathrm {C}{4}^{\ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\)
We simply need to show that both the operators introduced in the proof of Proposition 4 satisfy \((\text {RI}^{\scriptscriptstyle \ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\). Indeed, both satisfy \((\text {KM}^{\ast }_{\preccurlyeq })\) and \((\mathrm {C}{1,2}^{\ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\)-\((\mathrm {C}{4}^{\ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\), but the first does not satisfy \((\text {IIAP}^{\scriptscriptstyle \ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\) and the second does not satisfy \((\text {IIAI}^{\ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\).
Regarding the first operator: If π is an order isomorphism between \(\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }\) and \(\preccurlyeq _{{\varTheta }}\), then \(\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }\) is a chain if and only if \(\preccurlyeq _{{\varTheta }}\) is. So we have \(\rho _{\Psi \ast A}({x},{y}) = \rho _{\Psi \ast _{\mathrm {L}} A}(x,y)\) if and only if we have \(\rho _{{\varTheta }\ast \pi (A)}({\pi (x)},{\pi (y)}) = \rho _{{\varTheta }\ast _{\mathrm {L}} \pi (A)}({\pi (x)},{\pi (y)})\) and similarly regarding ∗R. But we have also noted that ∗L and ∗R both satisfy \((\text {KM}^{\ast }_{\preccurlyeq })\) and \((\mathrm {C}{1,2}^{\ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\)-\((\mathrm {C}{4}^{\ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\). Furthermore, since they also satisfy \((\text {PI}^{\scriptscriptstyle \ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\) (because they satisfy \((\mathrm {C}{1,2}^{\ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\); see Lemma 1) and \((\text {IIA}^{\scriptscriptstyle \ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\), we know from Lemma 3 that they also satisfy \((\text {RI}^{\scriptscriptstyle \ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\).
Regarding the second operator: If π is an order isomorphism between \(\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }\) and \(\preccurlyeq _{{\varTheta }}\), then \(\lvert [\![{\neg A}]\!]\rvert =1\) iff \(\lvert [\![{\pi (\neg A)}]\!]\rvert =1\). So we have \(\rho _{\Psi \ast A}({x},{y}) = \rho _{\Psi \ast _{\mathrm {L}} A}({x},{y})\) iff \(\rho _{\Psi \ast \pi (A)}({\pi (x)},{\pi (y)}) = \rho _{\Psi \ast _{\mathrm {L}} \pi (A)}({\pi (x)},{\pi (y)})\) and similarly regarding ∗R. The reasoning to establish \((\text {RI}^{\scriptscriptstyle \ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\) then proceeds as above. □
Proposition 9
\((\text {RI}^{\scriptscriptstyle \ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\) entails \((\text {TPOR}^{\scriptscriptstyle \ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\).
Let \(\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }=\preccurlyeq _{{\varTheta }}\) and the order isomorphism π be such that π(x) = x. It follows by \((\text {RI}^{\scriptscriptstyle \ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\) that ρΨ∗A(x,y) = ρΘ∗π(A)(π(x),π(y)) = ρΘ∗A(x,y). □
Proposition 10
Given AGM, \((\text {PI}^{\scriptscriptstyle \ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\) is equivalent to:
(PI∗ ) If [Ψ∗B] = Cn(B), then [(Ψ∗A) ∗ A ∧ B] = [Ψ∗A ∧ B] and [(Ψ∗A) ∗¬A ∧ B] = [Ψ ∗¬A ∧ B]
From \((\text {PI}^{\scriptscriptstyle \ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\) to (PI∗): Assume that [Ψ∗B] = Cn(B) but, for reductio, [(Ψ ∗ A) ∗ A ∧ B]≠[Ψ∗A ∧ B] (the case of [(Ψ ∗ A) ∗¬A ∧ B] = [Ψ∗¬A ∧ B] is analogous). We consider two cases:
(i) \([{\Psi \ast A\wedge B}] \nsubseteq [{({\Psi }\ast A)\ast A\wedge B}]\), so \( [\![[{({\Psi }\ast A)\ast A\wedge B}]]\!] \nsubseteq [\![[{({\Psi }\ast A)\ast A\wedge B}]]\!]\): Then, since we assume A ∧ B to be consistent, \(\exists x\in \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi \ast A}, [\![{A\wedge B}]\!])\setminus \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, [\![{A\wedge B}]\!])\). Let \(y\in \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, [\![{A\wedge B}]\!])\). On the one hand, since x,y ∈ [ [B] ] and [Ψ∗B] = Cn(B), we have \(x, y\in \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, [\![{B}]\!])\), by \((\text {KM}^{\ast }_{\preccurlyeq })\), and so \(x\sim _{\Psi } y\). On the other hand, since \(y\in \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, [\![{A\wedge B}]\!])\), and x ∈ [ [A ∧ B] ] but \(x\notin \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, [\![{A\wedge B}]\!])\), we have y ≺Ψx. Contradiction.
(ii) \([{({\Psi }\ast A)\ast A\wedge B}]\nsubseteq [{\Psi \ast A\wedge B}]\) and so \([\![[{\Psi \ast A\wedge B}]]\!]\nsubseteq [\![[({\Psi }\ast A)\ast A\wedge B]]\!]\): Then, since we assume A ∧ B to be consistent, \(\exists x\in \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, [\![{A\wedge B}]\!]) \setminus \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi \ast A}, [\![{A\wedge B}]\!])\). Let \(y\in \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi \ast A}, [\![{A\wedge B}]\!])\). As above, since x,y ∈ [ [B] ] and [Ψ∗B] = Cn(B), we have \(x\sim _{\Psi } y\). Since x,y ∈ [ [A] ], it follows from this, by \((\text {PI}^{\scriptscriptstyle \ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\), that \(x\sim _{\Psi \ast A} y\). But since \(y\in \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi \ast A}, [\![{A\wedge B}]\!])\), and x ∈ [ [A ∧ B] ] but \(x\notin \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi \ast A}, [\![{A\wedge B}]\!])\), we also have y ≺Ψ∗Ax. Contradiction.
From (PI∗) to \((\text {PI}^{\scriptscriptstyle \ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\): Assume \(x\sim _{\Psi } y\). Then \(\min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, [\![{x\vee y}]\!])=[\![{x\vee y}]\!]\) and so [Ψ∗x ∨ y] = Cn(x ∨ y). By (PI∗), letting B = x ∨ y, we then have:
(a) [(Ψ ∗ A) ∗ A ∧ (x ∨ y)] = [Ψ∗A ∧ (x ∨ y)]
(b) [(Ψ ∗ A) ∗¬A ∧ (x ∨ y)] = [Ψ∗¬A ∧ (x ∨ y)]
We consider two cases:
(i) Assume x,y ∈ [ [A] ]. Then A ∧ (x ∨ y) ≡ x ∨ y. So by (a), [(Ψ ∗ A) ∗ x ∨ y] = [Ψ∗x ∨ y] = Cn(x ∨ y). Since \(x\sim _{\Psi \ast A} y\) iff [(Ψ ∗ A) ∗ x ∨ y] = Cn(x ∨ y), it then follows that \(x\sim _{\Psi \ast A} y\), as required.
(ii) Assume x,y ∈ [ [¬A] ]. Then we obtain \(x\sim _{\Psi \ast A} y\) by the same reasoning as above, this time using (b).
Proposition 11
Given AGM and \((\mathrm {C}{1,2}^{\scriptscriptstyle \ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\), \((\text {IIA}^{\scriptscriptstyle \ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\),\((\text {IIAP}^{\scriptscriptstyle \ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\) and \((\text {IIAI}^{\scriptscriptstyle \ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\) are respectively equivalent to:
\((\text {IIA}_{\preccurlyeq })\) If ¬C ∈ [Ψ ∗ A] ∩ [Θ ∗ B],A ≡CB and Ψ and Θ agree modulo C, then so do Ψ ∗ A and Θ ∗ B
\((\text {IIAP}_{\preccurlyeq })\) If ¬C ∈ [Ψ ∗ A] ∩ [Θ ∗ A], then, if Ψ and Θ agree modulo C , so do Ψ ∗ A and Θ ∗ A
\((\text {IIAI}_{\preccurlyeq })\) If ¬C ∈ [Ψ ∗ A] ∩ [Ψ ∗ B] and A ≡CB, then Ψ ∗ A and Ψ ∗ B agree modulo C
We simply prove the equivalence of (IIA∗) and \((\text {IIA}^{\scriptscriptstyle \ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\), since the remaining equivalences are established in an analogous manner. We first note that \((\mathrm {C}{1,2}^{\ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\) gives us the result that, if ρΨ(x,y) = ρΘ(x,y) and x,y ∈ [ [A ∧¬B] ] or x,y ∈ [ [¬A ∧ B] ], then ρΨ∗A(x,y) = ρΘ∗B(x,y). “Removing” these two cases from the condition ρA(x,y) = ρB(x,y) leaves us with four cases: (i) x ∈ [ [A ∧ B] ] and y ∈ [ [¬A ∧¬B] ], (ii) y ∈ [ [A ∧ B] ] and x ∈ [ [¬A ∧¬B] ], (iii) x,y ∈ [ [A ∧ B] ], or (iv) x,y ∈ [ [¬A ∧¬B] ]. In view of this, \((\text {IIA}^{\scriptscriptstyle \ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\) is equivalent to the following weaker principle in the presence of \((\mathrm {C}{1,2}^{\ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\):
If \(x, y \notin \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, [\![{A}]\!])\cup \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{{\varTheta }}, [\![{B}]\!])\), then, if ρΨ(x,y) = ρΘ(x,y) and (i) x ∈ [ [A ∧ B] ] and y ∈ [ [¬A ∧¬B] ], (ii) y ∈ [ [A ∧ B] ] and x ∈ [ [¬A ∧¬B] ], (iii) x,y ∈ [ [A ∧ B] ], or (iv) x,y ∈ [ [¬A ∧¬B] ], then ρΨ∗A(x,y) = ρΘ∗B(x,y)
We first show that this weaker principle can alternatively be presented as follows:
If \([\![{C}]\!]\cap (\min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, [\![{A}]\!])\cup \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{{\varTheta }}, [\![{B}]\!]) )= \varnothing \) and, for all x,y ∈ [ [C] ], ρΨ(x,y) = ρΘ(x,y) and either (i) x ∈ [ [A ∧ B] ] and y ∈ [ [¬A ∧¬B] ], (ii) y ∈ [ [A ∧ B] ] and x ∈ [ [¬A ∧¬B] ], (iii) x,y ∈ [ [A ∧ B] ], or (iv) x,y ∈ [ [¬A ∧¬B] ], then, for all x,y ∈ [ [C] ], ρΨ∗A(x,y) = ρΘ∗A(x,y)
Going from the second principle to the first, the entailment is obvious, since the latter is just the special case in which [ [C] ] = {x,y}. Going the other way, assume that \([\![{C}]\!]\cap (\min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, [\![{A}]\!])\cup \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{{\varTheta }}, [\![{B}]\!])) = \varnothing \) and, for all x,y ∈ [ [C] ], ρΨ(x,y) = ρΘ(x,y) and (i) x ∈ [ [A ∧ B] ] and y ∈ [ [¬A ∧¬B] ], (ii) y ∈ [ [A ∧ B] ] and x ∈ [ [¬A ∧¬B] ], (iii) x,y ∈ [ [A ∧ B] ], or (iv) x,y ∈ [ [¬A ∧¬B] ]. Assume further that x,y ∈ [ [C] ], for arbitrary x,y ∈ W. From these assumptions, we have \(x, y \notin \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, [\![{A}]\!])\cup \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{{\varTheta }}, [\![{B}]\!])\), ρΨ(x,y) = ρΘ(x,y) and (i) x ∈ [ [A ∧ B] ] and y ∈ [ [¬A ∧¬B] ], (ii) y ∈ [ [A ∧ B] ] and x ∈ [ [¬A ∧¬B] ], (iii) x,y ∈ [ [A ∧ B] ], or (iv) x,y ∈ [ [¬A ∧¬B] ]. Given this, by \((\text {IIA}^{\scriptscriptstyle \ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\), it follows that ρΨ∗A(x,y) = ρΘ∗B(x,y), as required.
Next we establish syntactic equivalents for the various semantic properties figuring in this principle.
Clearly \([\![{C}]\!]\cap (\min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, [\![{A}]\!])\cup \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{{\varTheta }}, [\![{B}]\!]) )= \varnothing \) iff ¬C ∈ [Ψ∗A] ∩ [Θ ∗ B]. Furthermore, it is easy to see that conditions (i) to (iv) hold for all x,y ∈ [ [C] ] iff A ≡CB.
Finally, we can show that ρΨ(x,y) = ρΘ(x,y) for all x,y ∈ [ [C] ] iff Ψ and Θ agree modulo C (and obviously similarly regarding Ψ ∗ A and Θ ∗ B).
Indeed, assume that (1) ∀B ∈ L, [Ψ∗B ∧ C] = [Θ ∗ B ∧ C], but, for reductio, that (2) ∃x,y ∈ [ [C] ], such that ρΨ(x,y)≠ρΘ(x,y). Where B ∈ L is such that [ [B ∧ C] ] = {x,y}, it follows from (2) that \(\min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, [\![{B\wedge C}]\!])\neq \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{{\varTheta } ,} [\![{B\wedge C}]\!])\). But from (1), we have \(\min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, [\![{B\wedge C}]\!])=\min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{{\varTheta }}, [\![{B\wedge C}]\!])\). Contradiction.
Going the other way, assume that (1) ∀x,y ∈ [ [C] ], ρΨ(x,y) = ρΘ(x,y), but, for reductio, that (2) ∃B ∈ L such that [Ψ∗B ∧ C]≠[Θ ∗ B ∧ C]. From (2), \(\min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, [\![{B\wedge C}]\!])\neq \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{{\varTheta }}, [\![{B\wedge C}]\!])\). From this, either there exists x ∈ W such that \(x\in \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, [\![{B\wedge C}]\!])\) but \(x\notin \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{{\varTheta }}, [\![{B\wedge C}]\!])\), or exists x ∈ W such that \(x\in \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{{\varTheta }}, [\![{B\wedge C}]\!])\) but \(x\notin \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, [\![{B\wedge C}]\!])\). Assume the former (the other case is analogous). Let \(y\in \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{{\varTheta }}, [\![{B\wedge C}]\!])\). From this, we have y ≺Θx but \(x\preccurlyeq _{\Psi } y\) and hence ρΨ(x,y)≠ρΘ(x,y). However, since x,y ∈ [ [C] ], this contradicts (1). □
Proposition 12
Given AGM and \((\mathrm {C}{1, 2}^{\scriptscriptstyle \ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\), \((\text {ZS}^{\scriptscriptstyle \ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\) is equivalent to:
(ZS∗ ) If ¬C ∈ [Ψ ∗ A] ∩ [Θ ∗ B],A ≡C¬B and Ψ and Θ are in opposition modulo C, then so are Ψ∗A and Θ ∗ B
The proof is somewhat similar to the one given in relation to Proposition 11. We first note that \((\mathrm {C}{1,2}^{\ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\) gives us the result that, if ρΨ(x,y) = −ρΘ(x,y) and x,y ∈ [ [A ∧ B] ] or x,y ∈ [ [¬A ∧¬B] ], then ρΨ∗A(x,y) = −ρΘ∗B(x,y). Note that in these two cases, we have ρA(x,y) = −ρB(x,y) = 0. “Removing” the cases from the condition ρA(x,y) = −ρB(x,y) leaves us with two cases: (i) x ∈ [ [A ∧¬B] ] and y ∈ [ [¬A ∧ B] ] and (ii) y ∈ [ [A ∧¬B] ] and x ∈ [ [¬A ∧ B] ].
In view of this, \((\text {ZS}^{\scriptscriptstyle \ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\) is equivalent to the following weaker principle in the presence of \((\mathrm {C}{1,2}^{\ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\):
If \(x, y \notin \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, [\![{A}]\!])\cup \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{{\varTheta }}, [\![{B}]\!])\), ρΨ(x,y) = −ρΘ(x,y) and (i) x ∈ [ [A ∧¬B] ] and y ∈ [ [¬A ∧ B] ] or (ii) y ∈ [ [A ∧¬B] ] and x ∈ [ [¬A ∧ B] ], then ρΨ∗A(x,y) = −ρΘ∗B(x,y)
We first show that this weaker principle can alternatively be presented as follows:
If \([\![{C}]\!]\cap (\min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, [\![{A}]\!])\cup \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{{\varTheta }}, [\![{B}]\!])) = \varnothing \) and, for all x,y ∈ [ [C] ], ρΨ(x,y) = −ρΘ(x,y) and (i) x ∈ [ [A ∧¬B] ] and y ∈ [ [¬A ∧ B] ] or (ii) y ∈ [ [A ∧¬B] ] and x ∈ [ [¬A ∧ B] ], then, for all x,y ∈ [ [C] ], ρΨ∗A(x,y) = −ρΘ∗B(x,y)
Going from the second principle to the first, the entailment is obvious, since the latter is just the special case in which [ [C] ] = {x,y}. Going the other way, assume that \([\![{C}]\!]\cap (\min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, [\![{A}]\!])\cup \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{{\varTheta }}, [\![{B}]\!]) = \varnothing \) and, for all x,y ∈ [ [C] ], (i) x ∈ [ [A ∧¬B] ] and y ∈ [ [¬A ∧ B] ] or (ii) y ∈ [ [A ∧¬B] ] and x ∈ [ [¬A ∧ B] ], and ρΨ(x,y) = −ρΘ(x,y). From these assumptions, we have \(x, y \notin \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, [\![{A}]\!])\cup \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{{\varTheta }}, [\![{B}]\!])\), ρΨ(x,y)= −ρΘ(x,y) and ρA(x,y) = −ρB(x,y). Given this, by \((\text {ZS}^{\scriptscriptstyle \ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\), it follows that ρΨ∗A(x,y) = −ρΘ∗B(x,y), as required.
Next we establish syntactic equivalents for the various semantic properties figuring in this principle.
As we have noted above, in the proof of Proposition 11, \([\![{C}]\!]\cap (\min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, [\![{A}]\!])\cup \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{{\varTheta }}, [\![{B}]\!]) )= \varnothing \) iff ¬C ∈ [Ψ∗A] ∩ [Θ ∗ B]. Furthermore, (i) and (ii) hold for all x,y ∈ [ [C] ] iff A ≡C¬B.
Finally, we can show that ρΨ(x,y) = −ρΘ(x,y) for all x,y ∈ [ [C] ] iff Ψ and Θ are in opposition modulo C (and obviously similarly regarding Ψ ∗ A and Θ ∗ B).
From left to right: Assume that (1) ∀x,y ∈ [ [C] ], ρΨ(x,y) = −ρΘ(x,y) but, for reductio, that ∃B,D ∈ L such that B is quasi-complete, \(B\wedge C\nvdash D\), D ∈ [Ψ∗B ∧ C] but ¬D∉[Θ ∗ B ∧ C]. Since \(B\wedge C\nvdash D\), there exists x ∈ [ [B ∧ C ∧¬D] ]. Let \(y\in \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, [\![{B\wedge C}]\!])\) (we can assume that such a y exists, since \(B\wedge C\nvdash D\) and hence \([\![{B\wedge C}]\!]\neq \varnothing \)). Since D ∈ [Ψ∗B ∧ C] and x ∈ [ [B ∧ C ∧¬D] ], we have y ≺Ψ∗B∧Cx. Therefore, since x,y ∈ [ [B ∧ C] ], by \((\mathrm {C}{1, 2}^{\ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\), it follows that y ≺Ψx, so that ρΨ(x,y) = − 1. Given our assumption that ρΨ(x,y) = −ρΘ(x,y), we then recover ρΘ(x,y) = 1. From this, given that x,y ∈ [ [B ∧ C] ], we have ρΘ∗B∧C(x,y) = 1, by \((\mathrm {C}{1, 2}^{\ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\). Since B is quasi-complete and x,y ∈ [ [B ∧ C] ], we also have [ [B ∧ C] ] = {x,y}. It then follows that ¬D ∈ [Θ ∗ B ∧ C]. Contradiction.
From right to left: Assume that (1) for all B,D ∈ L such that B is quasi-complete and \(B\wedge C\nvdash D\), if D ∈ [Ψ∗B ∧ C], then ¬D ∈ [Θ ∗ B ∧ C], but, for reductio, that (2) ∃x,y ∈ [ [C] ], such that ρΨ(x,y)≠ − ρΘ(x,y). Where B ∈ L is such that [ [B] ] = {x,y}, and D ∈ L is such that x ∈ [ [D] ] but y∉[ [D] ], it follows from (1) that x ≺Ψ∗B∧Cy and y ≺Θ∗B∧Cx. By \((\mathrm {C}{1, 2}^{\ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\), since x,y ∈ [ [B ∧ C] ], we then have x ≺Ψy and y ≺Θx and hence ρΨ(x,y) = −ρΘ(x,y). Contradiction. □
Proposition 13
Given AGM \((\text {RI}^{\ast }_{\preccurlyeq })\) is equivalent to
\((\text {RI}^{\scriptscriptstyle \ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle })\) \(B {\kern -.5pt}\in {\kern -.5pt} [({\Psi \ast A}) \ast C]\ \mathit {iff}\ \iota (B){\kern -.5pt} \in {\kern -.5pt} [({{\varTheta }\ast \iota (A)})\ast \iota (C)]\), for any c-belief isomorphism ι from Ψ to Θ
Proof For convenience, we first recall the definition of \((\text {RI}^{\scriptscriptstyle \ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\):
\((\text {RI}^{\scriptscriptstyle \ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\) ρΨ∗A(x,y) = ρΘ∗π(A)(π(x),π(y)), for any order isomorphism π from \( \preccurlyeq _{\Psi }\) to \(\preccurlyeq _{{\varTheta }}\)
Let I be the set of all c-belief isomorphisms between Ψ and Θ and π the set of all order isomorphisms between the corresponding TPOs. We will show that there exists a bijection f between π and I such that if ι = f(π), then the biconditional of (RI∗) holds for ι iff the equality of \((\text {RI}^{\scriptscriptstyle \ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\) holds for π. It then follows from this that the biconditional holds for all ι in I iff the equality holds for all π in π.
We divide the proof into two lemmas. The first establishes that a particular relation f is a bijection. The second shows that f has the required property stated above. The first lemma, then, is:
Lemma 5
The relation \(f\subseteq {\Pi }\times I\), such that, ∀A ∈ L, ∀π ∈π, ∀ι ∈ I, f(π,ι) iff [ [ι(A)] ] = {x ∈ W∣∃y ∈ [ [A] ], such that x = π(y)}, is a bijection from π to I.
In other words f maps π onto the unique ι (modulo logical equivalence) such that the set of models of the image, under ι, of a sentence A is the set of images, under π, of the models of A. Since f is a bijection, we write f(π) for the unique ι (modulo logical equivalence) such that f(π,ι).
To establish Lemma 5, we first note that [18, Proposition 6.2] already prove the following first of two sublemmas, where \({\Sigma }\supseteq I\) is the set of all belief amount preserving symbol translations (i.e. permutations of L satisfying properties (i)–(iii) of Definition 9) σ on L and \({\varGamma }\supseteq {\Pi }\) is the set of all permutations γ of W:
Sublemma 1
The relation \(g\subseteq {\Pi }\times {\varSigma }\), such that, ∀A ∈ L, ∀γ ∈Γ, ∀σ ∈Σ, f(γ,σ) iff [ [σ(A)] ] = {x ∈ W∣∃y ∈ [ [A] ], such that x = γ(y)}, is a bijection from Γ to Σ.
In view of this, it therefore simply remains to be shown that ι is in I iff its pre-image under g is in π, since it then follows from this, and the fact that g is a bijection between Γ and Σ, that f is a bijection between π and I:
Sublemma 2
Where ι = g(π), the following are equivalent
(1) For all x,y ∈ W, ρΨ(x,y) = ρΘ(π(x),π(y))
(2) For all A,B ∈ L, B ∈ [Ψ∗A] iff ι(B) ∈ [Θ ∗ ι(A)]
From (1) to (2): Assume ι = g(π) and (1). We need to establish (2), which, given \((\text {KM}^{\ast }_{\preccurlyeq })\), we can reformulate in terms of minimal sets as: \(\min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi },[\![{A}]\!])\subseteq [\![{B}]\!]\) iff \(\min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{{\varTheta }},[\![{\iota (A)}]\!])\subseteq [\![{\iota (B)}]\!]\). We simply derive the left to right direction of (2), since the other direction is established in an analogous manner. Assume that \(\min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi },[\![{A}]\!])\subseteq [\![{B}]\!]\) but, for reductio, that \(\min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{{\varTheta }},[\![{\iota (A)}]\!])\nsubseteq [\![{\iota (B)}]\!]\), so that \(\exists x\in \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{{\varTheta }},[\![{\iota (A)}]\!])\cap [\![{\neg \iota (B)}]\!]\). By the definitions of ι and g, it follows that π− 1(x) ∈ [ [A] ] ∩ [ [¬B] ]. Let \(y\in \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi },[\![{A}]\!])\). Since \(\min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi },[\![{A}]\!])\subseteq [\![{B}]\!]\), we then have y ≺Ψπ− 1(x). By (1), we then have π(y) ≺Θx. Since y ∈ [ [A] ], it follows by the definition of g that π(y) ∈ [ [ι(A)] ] and so, given π(y) ≺Θx, that \(x\notin \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{{\varTheta }},[\![{\iota (A)}]\!])\) after all: contradiction.
From (2) to (1): Assume that ι = g(π) and that (2) holds. Given \((\text {KM}^{\ast }_{\preccurlyeq })\), we can again reformulate (2) in terms of minimal sets as: \(\min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi },[\![{A}]\!])\subseteq [\![{B}]\!]\) iff \(\min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{{\varTheta }},[\![{\iota (A)}]\!])\subseteq [\![{\iota (B)}]\!]\). Where [ [A] ] = {x,y}, this gives us, in view of the definition of g:
\(\min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, \{x, y\})\subseteq [\![{B}]\!]\) iff \(\min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{{\varTheta }}, \{\pi (x), \pi (y)\})\subseteq [\![{\iota (B)}]\!]\)
By the definition of g, for all x ∈ W, x ∈ [ [B] ] iff π(x) ∈ [ [ι(B)] ]. Hence ρΨ(x,y) = ρΘ(π(x),π(y)), i.e. (1). This completes the proof of Sublemma 2 and hence of Lemma 5.
We finally derive our second lemma towards the proof of our main result, which tells us that f has the required property, namely that, if ι = f(π), then the biconditional in (RI∗) holds for ι, iff the equality in \((\text {RI}^{\scriptscriptstyle \ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\) holds for π:
Lemma 6
Where ι = f(π), the following are equivalent
(1) For all x,y ∈ W and A ∈ L, ρΨ∗A(x,y) = ρΘ∗π(A)(π(x),π(y))
(2) For all A,B,C ∈ L, B ∈ [(Ψ ∗ A) ∗ C] iff ι(B) ∈ [(Θ ∗ ι(A)) ∗ ι(C)]
The proof of this is identical to that of Sublemma 2, save for the fact that we need to note that, as we defined the extension of π to L, Θ ∗ π(A) = Θ ∗ ι(A).
The conjunction of Lemmas 5 and 6 then establishes the required result. □
Proposition 15
Lexicographic revision is the only elementary revision operator that satisfies \((\text {IIAP}+^{\ast }_{\preccurlyeq })\)
We show that, given \((\text {KM}^{\ast }_{\preccurlyeq })\) and \((\text {UD}_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\), \((\mathrm {IIAP+}^{\scriptscriptstyle \ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\) entails Recalcitrance (i.e. if ρA(x,y) = 1, then ρΨ∗A(x,y) = 1), which characterises lexicographic revision in the presence of \((\mathrm {C}{1, 2}^{\ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\). This was already established as Fact 2.2 (a) in [15]. Let ρA(x,y) = 1, so that x ∈ [ [A] ] and y ∈ [ [¬A] ]. Then, by \((\text {UD}_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\), for any state Ψ, there will exist a state Θ such that ρΘ(x,y) = ρΨ(x,y) and \(x\in \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{{\varTheta }}, [\![{A}]\!])\) (and, since y ∈ [ [¬A] ], \(y\notin \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{{\varTheta }}, [\![{A}]\!])\)). But by \((\text {KM}^{\ast }_{\preccurlyeq })\), if \(x\in \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{{\varTheta }}, [\![{A}]\!])\) but \(y\notin \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{{\varTheta }}, [\![{A}]\!])\), then x ≺Θ∗Ay. So, by \((\mathrm {IIAP+}^{\scriptscriptstyle \ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\), x ≺Ψ∗Ay, as required. □
Proposition 16
Lexicographic revision is the only elementary revision operator that satisfies \((\text {IIAI}+^{\ast }_{\preccurlyeq })\)
\((\mathrm {IIAI+}^{\scriptscriptstyle \ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\), in conjunction with \((\mathrm {C}{1, 2}^{\ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\)–\((\mathrm {C}{4}^{\ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\), can be shown to entail a principle that we have called “\((\beta {1 +}^{\ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\)” in previous work [6]. Indeed, in the proof of Proposition 6 above, we established the equivalence between \((\text {IIAI}^{\scriptscriptstyle \ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\) and the conjunction of \((\beta {1}^{\ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\) and \((\beta {2}^{\ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\) using only \((\mathrm {C}{1, 2}^{\ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\)–\((\mathrm {C}{4}^{\ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\). This proof can be adapted to establish a strengthening of Proposition 3 in [8], in which, unlike in the original, the principle of “Independence” \((\mathrm {P}^{\ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\) is not appealed to. This yields the following: In the presence of \((\text {KM}^{\ast }_{\preccurlyeq })\) and \((\mathrm {C}{1, 2}^{\ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\)–\((\mathrm {C}{4}^{\ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\), Booth & Meyer’s strengthening of \((\text {IIAI}^{\scriptscriptstyle \ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\) is equivalent to the conjunction of what [6] call “\((\beta {1 +}^{\ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\)” and “\((\beta {2 +}^{\ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\)”.
Furthermore, we also showed in [6] (see Corollary 1 there) that \((\beta {1 +}^{\ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\) characterises lexicographic revision, given \((\text {KM}^{\ast }_{\preccurlyeq })\) and \((\mathrm {C}{1, 2}^{\ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\)-\((\mathrm {C}{2}^{\ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\). □
Proposition 17
Lexicographic revision is the only elementary revision operator that satisfies \((\text {ZS}{+}^{\ast }_{\preccurlyeq })\)
We show that, given \((\text {KM}^{\ast }_{\preccurlyeq })\) and \((\mathrm {C}{3}^{\ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\), \((\mathrm {ZS+}^{\scriptscriptstyle \ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\) entails Recalcitrance (i.e. if ρA(x,y) = 1, then ρΨ∗A(x,y) = 1), which characterises lexicographic revision in the presence of \((\mathrm {C}{1, 2}^{\ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\). Assume for reductio that Recalcitrance fails, so that there exists Ψ, x,y ∈ W, A ∈ L such that
(1) ρA(x,y) = 1
(2) ρΨ∗A(x,y)≠ 1
From (1) and (2), by \((\mathrm {C}{3}^{\ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\), we must have:
(3) ρΨ(x,y)≠ 1
From (1), we have:
(4) ρ¬A(x,y) = − 1
From (1), it follows that y ∈ [ [¬A] ] and x≠y, and so by \((\text {UD}_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\) there exists a state Θ such that:
(5) \(y\in \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{{\varTheta }}, [\![{\neg A}]\!])\)
(6) ρΘ(x,y) = −ρΨ(x,y)
From (1), (4), (3) and (6), by \((\mathrm {ZS+}^{\scriptscriptstyle \ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\):
(7) ρΘ∗¬A(x,y)≠ − 1
However, by AGM, given (4) and (5), we have ρΘ∗¬A(x,y) = − 1, directly contradicting (7). □
Proposition 18
Given AGM ÷R is characterised by the following property:
We first recall the definition of ÷R:
If x ∈ or \(y \in \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, W)\cup \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, [\![{\neg A}]\!])\), then:
$$ \rho_{\Psi\div_{\mathrm{R}} A}({x},{y})=\begin{cases} 1 \text{, if } x \in \text{ and } y\notin \min(\preccurlyeq_{\Psi}, W)\cup \min(\preccurlyeq_{\Psi}, [\![{\neg A}]\!]) \\ 0\text{, if } x\in \text{ and } y \in \min(\preccurlyeq_{\Psi}, W)\cup \min(\preccurlyeq_{\Psi}, [\![{\neg A}]\!]) \\ -1\text{, if } x\notin \text{ and } y \in \min(\preccurlyeq_{\Psi}, W)\cup \min(\preccurlyeq_{\Psi}, [\![{\neg A}]\!]) \end{cases} $$ -
If x∉ and \(y \notin \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, W)\cup \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, [\![{\neg A}]\!])\), then:
$$ \rho_{\Psi\div_{\mathrm{R}} A}({x},{y})=\begin{cases} \rho_{\Psi}({x},{y})\text{, if }\rho_{\Psi}({x},{y})\neq 0\\ \rho_{\neg A}({x},{y})\text{, if }\rho_{\Psi}({x},{y})= 0\end{cases} $$
Next, with the help of (KM\(^{\div }_{\preccurlyeq }\)), we translate the two conditionals on the right hand side of the equality of the characteristic syntactic property into the following statements about minimal sets:
(1) If \(\min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, W)\cup \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, [\![{\neg B}]\!])\subseteq [\![{A\vee B}]\!]\), then \(\min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{({\Psi }\div A)\div B}, W)=\min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi \div A}, W)\cup \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi \div A}, [\![{A\wedge \neg B}]\!])\)
(2) If \(\min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, W)\cup \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, [\![{\neg B}]\!])\nsubseteq [\![{A\vee B}]\!]\), then \(\min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{({\Psi }\div A)\div B}, W)=\min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi \div A}, W)\cup \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi \div A}, [\![{\neg A\wedge \neg B}]\!])\)
From the semantic characterisation to the syntactic one: We first note that, given (KM\(^{\div }_{\preccurlyeq }\)), the consequent of (1) is equivalent to \(\min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi \div A}, [\![{\neg B}]\!]) - \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi \div A}, W) = \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, [\![{A\wedge \neg B}]\!]) -\min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi \div A}, W)\), while the consequent of (2) is equivalent to \(\min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi \div A}, [\![{\neg B}]\!]) - \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi \div A}, W) = \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, [\![{\neg A\wedge \neg B}]\!]) -\min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi \div A}, W)\). We then split the proof into two obvious parts:
(A) If ÷ = ÷R, then (1): Assume \(\min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, W)\cup \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, [\![{\neg B}]\!])\subseteq [\![{A\vee B}]\!]\), so that there does not exist \(x\in \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi },[\![{\neg B}]\!])\cap [\![{\neg A}]\!]\). Assume for reductio that \(\min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi \div A}, [\![{\neg B}]\!]) -\min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi \div A}, W)\nsubseteq [\![{A}]\!]\), so that there exists \(x\in \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi \div A}, [\![{\neg B}]\!])\cap [\![{\neg A}]\!]\) and \(x\notin \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi \div A}, W)\). As we have noted, from our initial assumption, it must be the case that \(x\notin \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, [\![{\neg B}]\!])\cap [\![{\neg A}]\!]\) and hence, since x ∈ [ [A] ], \(x\notin \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, [\![{\neg B}]\!])\). So, since x ∈ [ [¬B] ], there exists y ∈ [ [¬B] ] such that ρΨ(y,x) = 1. Given the semantic definition of ÷R, the fact that \(x\notin \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi \div A}, W)\) then suffices to ensure that ρΨ÷A(y,x) = 1 (indeed, if \(y\in \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi \div A}, W)\), then this follows from the first conditional of the definition, and if \(y\notin \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi \div A}, W)\), then, since ρΨ(y,x)≠ 0, the second conditional tells us that ρΨ÷A(y,x) = ρΨ(y,x) = 1), and hence, since y ∈ [ [¬B] ], \(x\notin \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi \div A}, [\![{\neg B}]\!])\cap [\![{\neg A}]\!]\). Contradiction. We can therefore conclude that \(\min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi \div A}, [\![{\neg B}]\!])-\min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi \div A}, W)\subseteq [\![{A}]\!]\). From this, it follows that \(\min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi \div A}, [\![{\neg B}]\!]) -\min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi \div A}, W)= \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi \div A}, [\![{A\wedge \neg B}]\!])-\min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi \div A}, W)\). Since ÷R satisfies \((\mathrm {C}{1,2}^{\scriptscriptstyle \div }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\), it follows that \(\min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi \div A}, [\![{A\wedge \neg B}]\!])= \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, [\![{A\wedge \neg B}]\!])\) and hence we finally have \(\min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi \div A}, [\![{\neg B}]\!]) -\min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi \div A}, W)= \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, [\![{A\wedge \neg B}]\!])-\min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi \div A}, W)\), as required.
(B) If ÷ = ÷R, then (2): We first note that, like ÷P, ÷R satisfies the following property, which could be considered the analogue for contraction of the property \((\mathrm {P}^{\ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\), satisfied by ∗L and ∗R:
\((\text {wP}^{\scriptscriptstyle \div }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\) If \(y\notin \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, W)\), ρ¬A(x,y) = 1 and ρΨ(x,y) ≥ 0, then ρΨ÷A(x,y) = 1Footnote 1
Now assume \(\min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, W)\cup \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, [\![{\neg B}]\!])\nsubseteq [\![{A\vee B}]\!]\), so that there exists \(x\in \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, W)\cup \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, [\![{\neg B}]\!])\), such that x ∈ [ [¬A ∧¬B] ]. If \(x\in \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, W)\), since x ∈ [ [¬B] ], we have \(x\in \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, [\![{\neg B}]\!])\). So, either way, \(x\in \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, [\![{\neg B}]\!])\). Assume for reductio that \(\min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi \div A}, [\![{\neg B}]\!]) -\min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi \div A}, W)\nsubseteq [\![{\neg A}]\!]\), so that there exists \(y\in \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi \div A}, [\![{\neg B}]\!])-\min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi \div A}, W)\), such that y ∈ [ [A] ] and therefore, since x ∈ [ [¬A] ], ρ¬A(x,y) = 1. Since \(x\in \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, [\![{\neg B}]\!])\) and y ∈ [ [¬B] ], we have ρΨ(x,y) ≥ 0. Since, by assumption, \(y\notin \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi \div A}, W)\), it follows, by (KM\(^{\div }_{\preccurlyeq }\)), that \(y\notin \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, W)\). Given, \(y\notin \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, W)\), ρ¬A(x,y) = 1, and ρΨ(x,y) ≥ 0, we can now apply \((\text {wP}^{\scriptscriptstyle \div }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\), to obtain ρΨ÷A(x,y) = 1. Since x,y ∈ [ [¬B] ], we then have \(y\notin \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi \div A}, [\![{\neg B}]\!])\). Contradiction. We can therefore conclude that \(\min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi \div A}, [\![{\neg B}]\!])-\min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi \div A}, W)\subseteq [\![{\neg A}]\!]\). From this, it follows that \(\min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi \div A}, [\![{\neg B}]\!]) -\min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi \div A}, W)= \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi \div A}, [\![{\neg A\wedge \neg B}]\!])-\min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi \div A}, W)\). Since ÷R satisfies \((\mathrm {C}{1,2}^{\scriptscriptstyle \div }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\), it follows that \(\min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi \div A}, [\![{\neg A\wedge \neg B}]\!])= \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, [\![{\neg A\wedge \neg B}]\!])\) and hence we finally have \(\min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi \div A}, [\![{\neg B}]\!]) -\min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi \div A}, W)= \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, [\![{\neg A\wedge \neg B}]\!])-\min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi \div A}, W)\), as required.
From the syntactic characterisation to the semantic one: Assume x ∈ or \(y \in \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, W)\cup \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, [\![{\neg A}]\!])\). Then the required result follows simply by (KM\(^{\div }_{\preccurlyeq }\)). So assume that x∉ and \(y \notin \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, W)\cup \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, [\![{\neg A}]\!])\). We divide the remainder of the proof into two obvious parts:
(A) Proof that, if ρΨ(x,y)≠ 0, then ρΨ÷A(x,y) = ρΨ(x,y): It suffices to show that, if ρΨ(x,y) = 1, then ρΨ÷A(x,y) = 1 (establishing that, if ρΨ(x,y) = − 1, then ρΨ÷A(x,y) = − 1, is analogous). So assume that ρΨ(x,y) = 1. We first note that the required conclusion that ρΨ÷A(x,y) = 1 holds iff \(y\notin \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{({\Psi }\div A)\div \neg x\wedge \neg y}, W)\): Indeed, by (KM\(^{\div }_{\preccurlyeq }\)), we have \(\min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{({\Psi }\div A)\div \neg x\wedge \neg y}, W)= \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi \div A}, W)\cup \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi \div A}, \{x, y\})\). Since \(\{x, y\}\subseteq W\), it then follows from this that \(y\in \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{({\Psi }\div A)\div \neg x\wedge \neg y}, W)\) iff \(y\in \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi \div A}, \{x, y\})\). Since, trivially, we have ρΨ÷A(x,y) = 1 iff \(y\notin \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi \div A}, \{x, y\})\), the required result then follows. We then split the proof into two cases:
(a) Assume \( \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, W)\cup \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, \{x, y\})\subseteq [\![{A\vee (\neg x\wedge \neg y)}]\!]\). Then, by (KM\(^{\div }_{\preccurlyeq }\)) and the syntactic characteristic principle (setting B = ¬x ∧¬y) we have:
$$ \begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} &&\min(\preccurlyeq_{({\Psi}\div A)\div\neg x\wedge \neg y}, W)\\ &&\quad\quad\quad\quad\quad\quad\quad= \min(\preccurlyeq_{\Psi\div A}, W)\cup \min(\preccurlyeq_{\Psi\div \neg A\vee (\neg x\wedge \neg y)}, W) \end{array} $$By assumption, \(y \!\notin \! \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi \div A}, W)\). So it remains to be shown that \(y\!\notin \! \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi \div \neg A\vee (\neg x\wedge \neg y)}, W)\). By (KM\(^{\div }_{\preccurlyeq }\)), \( \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi \div \neg A\vee (\neg x\wedge \neg y)},\) \(W) = \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, W)\cup \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, [\![{A\wedge (x\vee y)}]\!])\). Since we have already also assumed that \(y\notin \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, W)\), we are just left with verifying that \(y\notin \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, [\![{A\wedge (x\vee y)}]\!])\). So assume for reductio that \(y\in \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, [\![{A\wedge (x\vee y)})]\!]\), so that y ∈ [ [A] ] and, if x ∈ [ [A] ], then ρΨ(x,y) ≤ 0. From \(\min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, W)\cup \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, \{x, y\})\subseteq [\![{A\vee (\neg x\wedge \neg y)}]\!]\) and ρΨ(x,y) = 1, it follows that x ∈ [ [A] ]. Hence ρΨ(x,y) ≤ 0. But this contradicts our assumption that ρΨ(x,y) = 1. So \(y\notin \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, [\![{A\wedge (x\vee y)})]\!]\) and we therefore have \(y\notin \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{({\Psi }\div A)\div \neg x\wedge \neg y}, W)\), as required.
(b) Assume \(\min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, W)\cup \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, \{x, y\})\nsubseteq [\![{A\vee (\neg x\wedge \neg y)}]\!]\). Then the reasoning is similar to the above, except that we proceed by showing that \(y\notin \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, [\![{\neg A\wedge (x\vee y)}]\!])\).
(B) Proof that, if ρΨ(x,y) = 0, then ρΨ÷A(x,y) = ρ¬A(x,y): Assume that ρΨ(x,y) = 0. We again split the proof into two cases:
(a) Assume \(\min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, W)\cup \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, \{x, y\})\subseteq [\![{A\vee (\neg x\wedge \neg y)}]\!]\). Then x,y ∈ [ [A] ] and so ρ¬A(x,y) = 0. So we need to establish that ρΨ÷A(x,y) = 0, or equivalently \(x, y\in \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{({\Psi }\div A)\div \neg x\wedge \neg y}, W)\). It also follows, by (KM\(^{\div }_{\preccurlyeq }\)) and the syntactic characteristic principle (setting B = ¬x ∧¬y), that:
$$ \begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} &&\min(\preccurlyeq_{({\Psi}\div A)\div \neg x\wedge \neg y}, W) \\ &&\qquad\quad\quad\quad\qquad= \min(\preccurlyeq_{\Psi\div A}, W)\cup \min(\preccurlyeq_{\Psi\div (\neg A\vee (\neg x\wedge \neg y)}, W) \end{array} $$As we have already noted, by (KM\(^{\div }_{\preccurlyeq }\)), \( \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi \div (\neg A\vee (\neg x\wedge \neg y)}, W) = \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, W)\cup \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, [\![{A\wedge (x\vee y)})]\!]\). Furthermore, it follows from x,y ∈ [ [A] ] and ρΨ(x,y) = 0 that \(x, y\in \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, [\![{A\wedge (x\vee y)})]\!]\). Hence \(x, y\in \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{({\Psi }\div A)\div \neg x\wedge \neg y}, W)\), as required.
(b) Assume \(\min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, W)\cup \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, \{x, y\})\nsubseteq [\![{A\vee (\neg x\wedge \neg y)}]\!]\). Then, by (KM\(^{\div }_{\preccurlyeq }\)) and the syntactic characteristic principle (setting B = ¬x ∧¬y):
$$ \begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} &&\min(\preccurlyeq_{({\Psi}\div A)\div\neg x\wedge \neg y}, W)\\ &&\quad\quad\quad\quad\quad\quad\quad= \min(\preccurlyeq_{\Psi\div A}, W)\cup \min(\preccurlyeq_{\Psi\div A\vee (\neg x\wedge \neg y)}, W) \end{array} $$From the fact that \(\min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, \{x, y\})\nsubseteq [\![{A\vee (\neg x\wedge \neg y)}]\!]\) and hence, since ρΨ(x,y) = 0, that \(\{x, y\}\nsubseteq [\![{A}]\!]\), we are left with two possibilities to consider:
(i) Assume x,y ∈ [ [¬A] ]. Then ρ¬A(x,y) = 0. So we need to establish that ρΨ÷A(x,y) = 0, or equivalently \(x, y\in \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{({\Psi }\div A)\div \neg x\wedge \neg y}, W)\). By (KM\(^{\div }_{\preccurlyeq }\)), it follows that we have \( \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi \div A\vee (\neg x\wedge \neg y)}, W) = \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, W)\cup \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, [\![{\neg A\wedge (x\vee y)}]\!])\). Since x,y ∈ [ [¬A] ] and ρΨ(x,y) = 0, we have \(x, y\in \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, [\![{\neg A\wedge (x\vee y)}]\!])\) and so, finally, we recover \(x, y\in \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{({\Psi }\div A)\div \neg x\wedge \neg y}, W)\), as required.
(ii) Assume x ∈ [ [A] ], y ∈ [ [¬A] ] (the other case, in which y ∈ [ [A] ], x ∈ [ [¬A] ] is analogous). Then ρ¬A(x,y) = − 1. So we need to establish that ρΨ÷A(x,y) = − 1, or equivalently \(x\notin \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{({\Psi }\div A)\div \neg x\wedge \neg y}, W)\). We already know that \(x\notin \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi \div A}, W)\). So it remains to be established that \(x\notin \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi \div A\vee (\neg x\wedge \neg y)}, W)\). By (KM\(^{\div }_{\preccurlyeq }\)), \(\min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi \div (A\vee (\neg x\wedge \neg y)}, W) = \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, W)\cup \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, [\![{\neg A\wedge (x\vee y)}]\!])\). We have already assumed that \(x\notin \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, W)\) and, since x ∈ [ [A] ], \(x\notin \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, [\![{\neg A\wedge (x\vee y)}]\!])\). We therefore recover \(x\notin \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{({\Psi }\div A)\div \neg x\wedge \neg y}, W)\), as required.
Proposition 19
Where i ∈ { P, R, N }, it is not the case that for any state Ψ and sentences A, B ∈ L there exists C ∈ L such that [(Ψ÷iA) ÷iB] = [Ψ ÷iC]
We shall say that a rank associated with \(\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }\) is an equivalence class generated by the indifference relation \(\sim _{\Psi }\). All three operators are such that, if A ∈ [Ψ], then the number of ranks associated with \(\preccurlyeq _{\Psi \div A}\) is equal to n − 1, where n is the number of ranks associated with \(\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }\) (and equal to n if A∉[Ψ]). We can then find a countermodel by considering Ψ and A,B ∈ L such that A ∈ [Ψ] and B ∈ [Ψ÷A]: we will then have n − 2 ranks associated with \(\preccurlyeq _{({\Psi }\div A)\div B}\) and therefore no C ∈ L such that \(\preccurlyeq _{\Psi \div C}=\preccurlyeq _{({\Psi }\div A)\div B}\). Figure 6 depicts a countermodel relating to all three operators. □
Proposition 21
Let 〈i,j〉∈{〈N,N〉,〈R,R〉}. Then, if ∗ is defined from ÷j using \((\mathrm {iLIRC_{\preccurlyeq }})\), then ∗ = ∗i.
Let 〈i,j〉∈{〈N,N〉,〈R,R〉}. We need to show that the following equality holds: \(\rho _{\Psi \ast _{i} A}({x},{y}) = \rho _{({\Psi } \div _{j} \neg A) \ast _{\mathrm {N}} A}({x},{y})\).
We first note that our operators satisfy certain preservation conditions for strict preference. In particular ∗N and ∗R satisfy:
(SPPres\(^{\ast }_{\preccurlyeq }\)) If \(y\notin \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, [\![{A}]\!])\) and x ≺Ψy, then x ≺Ψ∗Ay
whereas ÷N and ÷R satisfy:
(SPPres\(^{\div }_{\preccurlyeq }\)) If \(y\notin \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, [\![{A}]\!])\) and x ≺Ψy, then x ≺Ψ÷¬Ay
We divide the proof into two main cases:
(1) Assume x ∈ or y ∈ \(\min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, [\![{A}]\!])\). By \((\text {KM}^{\ast }_{\preccurlyeq })\), it follows that \(\min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi \ast _{i} A}, W)=\min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, [\![{A}]\!])\). By \((\mathrm {C}{1,2}^{\scriptscriptstyle \div }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\), we have \(\min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, [\![{A}]\!])= \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi \div _{j} \neg A}, [\![{A}]\!])\). Finally, again by \((\text {KM}^{\ast }_{\preccurlyeq })\), we recover the result that \( \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi \div _{j} \neg A}, [\![{A}]\!])=\min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{({\Psi }\div _{j} \neg A)\ast _{\mathrm {N}} A}, W)\). These 3 equalities then yield \(\min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi \ast _{i} A}, W)=\min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{({\Psi }\div _{j} \neg A)\ast _{\mathrm {N}} A}, W)\). By \((\text {KM}^{\ast }_{\preccurlyeq })\), again, we also have \(\min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, [\![{A}]\!])=\min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi \ast _{i} A}, W)\). Hence:
$$ \min(\preccurlyeq_{\Psi}, [\![{A}]\!])=\min(\preccurlyeq_{\Psi\ast_{i} A}, W)= \min(\preccurlyeq_{({\Psi}\div_{j} \neg A)\ast_{\mathrm{N}} A}, W) $$With this in hand: \(\rho _{\Psi \ast _{i} A}({x},{y}) = \rho _{({\Psi }\div _{j} \neg A)\ast _{\mathrm {N}} A}({x},{y})=1\), if x ∈ and y∉ \(\min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, [\![{A}]\!])\), \(\rho _{\Psi \ast _{i} A}({x},{y}) = \rho _{({\Psi }\div _{j} \neg A)\ast _{\mathrm {N}} A}({x},{y})=0\), if x,y ∈ \(\min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, [\![{A}]\!])\), and \(\rho _{\Psi \ast _{i} A}({x},{y}) = \rho _{({\Psi }\div _{j} \neg A)\ast _{\mathrm {N}} A}({x},{y})=-1\), if x∉ and y ∈ \(\min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, [\![{A}]\!])\).
(2) Assume x,y∉ \(\min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, [\![{A}]\!])\).
(a) Assume x ∈ or y ∈ \(\min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, W)\).
(i) Assume \(x,y\in \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, W)\). Then ρΨ(x,y) = 0. Since x,y∉ \(\min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, [\![{A}]\!])\), we must also have x,y ∈ [ [¬A] ] and hence ρA(x,y) = 0. By \((\mathrm {C}{1,2}^{\ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\), it then follows that we have \(\rho _{\Psi \ast _{i} A}({x},{y})=\rho _{({\Psi } \div _{j} \neg A) \ast _{\mathrm {N}} A}({x},{y})=0\).
(ii) Assume that x ∈ and y∉ \(\min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, W)\) (the remaining case is analogous). Then ρΨ(x,y) = 1. Furthermore, since \(y\notin \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, [\![{A}]\!])\), by (SPPres\(^{\ast }_{\preccurlyeq }\)) and (SPPres\(^{\div }_{\preccurlyeq }\)), \(\rho _{\Psi \ast _{i} A}({x},{y}) = \rho _{\Psi \div _{j} \neg A}({x},{y}) =1\). By reapplying (SPPres\(^{\ast }_{\preccurlyeq }\)) again, we then obtain \(\rho _{({\Psi } \div _{j} \neg A) \ast _{\mathrm {N}} A}({x},{y})=1\) and we are done.
(b) Assume x∉ and y∉ \(\min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, W)\). We know from the definitions of these operators that, for x,y∉ \(\min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, W)\cup \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, [\![{A}]\!])\), we have \(\rho _{\Psi \div _{j} \neg A}({x},{y}) = \rho _{\Psi \ast _{i} A}({x},{y})\). Therefore \(\rho _{({\Psi }\div _{j} \neg A)\ast _{\mathrm {N}} A}({x},{y})=\rho _{({\Psi }\ast _{i} A)\ast _{\mathrm {N}} A}({x},{y})\). But, since, by \((\text {KM}^{\ast }_{\preccurlyeq })\), \(\rho _{({\Psi }\ast _{i} A)\ast _{\mathrm {N}} A}({x},{y})\subseteq [\![{A}]\!]\), it follows, by the definition of ∗N, that \(\rho _{({\Psi }\ast _{i} A)\ast _{\mathrm {N}} A}({x},{y}) = \rho _{\Psi \ast _{i} A}({x},{y})\). We can therefore conclude that \(\rho _{\Psi \ast _{i} A}({x},{y})=\rho _{({\Psi }\div _{j} \neg A)\ast _{\mathrm {N}} A}({x},{y})\), as required.
Proposition 22
If ∗ is defined from ÷P via \((\mathrm {iLIRC_{\preccurlyeq }})\) then ∗≠∗L.
We provide a countermodel in Fig. 7. □
Proposition 23
If 〈i,j〉∈{〈L,P〉,〈N,N〉,〈R,R〉} then ∗i and ÷j jointly satisfy \((\mathrm {iLI\ast _{\preccurlyeq }})\).
Let 〈i,j〉∈{〈L,P〉,〈N,N〉,〈R,R〉}. We need to show that \(\rho _{\Psi \ast _{i} A}({x},{y}) = \rho _{({\Psi }\div _{j} \neg A)\ast _{i} A}({x},{y})\).
Regarding the case in which 〈i,j〉 = 〈L,P〉: Assume ρA(x,y) = 1. Then, since it is a property of lexicographic revision that, if ρA(x,y) = 1, then \(\rho _{\Psi \ast _{\mathrm {L}} A}({x},{y})=1\), it follows that \(\rho _{\Psi \ast _{\mathrm {L}} A}({x},{y}) = \rho _{({\Psi }\div _{\mathrm {P}} \neg A)\ast _{\mathrm {L}} A}({x},{y})=1\). Assume ρA(x,y) = 0. Then, by \((\mathrm {C}{1,2}^{\ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\), \(\rho _{\Psi \ast _{\mathrm {L}} A}({x},{y}) = \rho _{({\Psi }\div _{\mathrm {P}} \neg A)\ast _{\mathrm {L}} A}({x},{y})=\rho _{\Psi }({x},{y})\).
Regarding the case in which 〈i,j〉∈{〈N,N〉,〈R,R〉}, we divide the proof into two main cases:
(1) Assume x ∈ or y ∈ \(\min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, [\![{A}]\!])\). The proof proceeds as in the corresponding case in the proof of Proposition 21 above.
(2) Assume x,y∉ \(\min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, [\![{A}]\!])\).
(a) Assume x ∈ or y ∈ \(\min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, W)\). Again, the proof proceeds as in the corresponding case in the proof of Proposition 21.
(b) Assume x∉ and y∉ \(\min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, W)\). We know from the definitions of these operators that, for x,y∉ \(\min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, W)\cup \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, [\![{A}]\!])\), we have \(\rho _{\Psi \div _{j} \neg A}({x},{y}) = \rho _{\Psi \ast _{i} A}({x},{y})\). Since ∗R and ∗N both satisfy \((\text {KM}^{\ast }_{\preccurlyeq })\) and \((\text {IIA}^{\scriptscriptstyle \ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\) and the latter tell us that ρΨ(x,y) and ρA(x,y) jointly determine ρΨ∗A(x,y), it follows that \(\rho _{({\Psi }\div _{j} \neg A)\ast _{i} A}({x},{y})=\rho _{({\Psi }\ast _{i} A)\ast _{i} A}({x},{y})\). For the final step, we note that ∗R and ∗N both satisfy:
\((\text {Idem}^{\scriptscriptstyle \ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\) ρ(Ψ∗A)∗A(x,y) = ρΨ∗A(x,y)
Indeed, in the presence of \((\text {KM}^{\ast }_{\preccurlyeq })\), \((\text {IIAP}^{\scriptscriptstyle \ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\) tells us that the posterior relative rank ρΨ∗A(x,y) of a pair 〈x,y〉 of worlds is determined by the prior relative rank ρΨ(x,y), with the nature of this mapping depending, for non-minimal A-worlds, on the relevant proposition and pair of worlds. \((\text {Idem}^{\scriptscriptstyle \ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\) is then the requirement that, for any given value of ρA(x,y), if the row for value v points to value w, then the row for w also points to w. That this condition holds for ∗R and ∗N can be seen from Table 2. (Note, in passing, that \((\text {Idem}^{\scriptscriptstyle \ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\) can more generally be shown to be derivable from \((\text {KM}^{\ast }_{\preccurlyeq })\), \((\text {IIAP}^{\scriptscriptstyle \ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\) and \((\mathrm {C}{1,2}^{\ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\)–\((\mathrm {C}{4}^{\ast }_{\scriptscriptstyle \preccurlyeq })\) and is hence also satisfied by ∗L.)
Hence \(\rho _{({\Psi }\ast _{i} A)\ast _{i} A}({x},{y}) = \rho _{\Psi \ast _{i} A}({x},{y})\) and we can conclude that \(\rho _{\Psi \ast _{i} A}({x},{y})=\rho _{({\Psi }\div _{j} \neg A)\ast _{\mathrm {N}} A}({x},{y})\), as required.
Proposition 24
Let 〈i,j〉∈{〈L,P〉,〈N,N〉,〈R,R〉}. Then if ÷ defined from ∗i by \(\preccurlyeq _{\Psi \div A} = {\preccurlyeq }_{\Psi }{\oplus _{\mathrm {TQ2}}}{\preccurlyeq }_{{\Psi }{{\ast }_{i}}\neg A}\), then ÷ = ÷j.
The result is obvious from the definitions of the various elementary contraction operators in Definition 10 and elementary revision operators in Definition 2. ⊕TQ2 combination of \(\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }\) and \(\preccurlyeq _{\Psi \ast _{i} \neg A}\) yields the result that the minimal equivalence class under \(\preccurlyeq _{\Psi \div A}\), is given by \(\min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, W)\cup \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi \ast _{i} \neg A},W)\), which is equal to \( \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi \div _{j} \neg A},W)\). Regarding the subsequent equivalence classes, ⊕TQ2 combination gives us the result that, for x∉ and \(y \notin \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi }, W)\cup \min \limits (\preccurlyeq _{\Psi \ast _{i} \neg A},W)\), \(\rho _{\Psi \div A}({x},{y})=\rho _{\Psi \ast _{i} \neg A}({x},{y})\). But as we noted in Section 5.1, for the same x and y, we have \(\rho _{\Psi \div _{j} A}({x},{y})=\rho _{\Psi \ast _{i} \neg A}({x},{y})\) and so \(\rho _{\Psi \div A}({x},{y})=\rho _{\Psi \div _{j} A}({x},{y})\). □
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Chandler, J., Booth, R. Elementary Belief Revision Operators. J Philos Logic 52, 267–311 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10992-022-09672-6
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10992-022-09672-6