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This research is supported by the Major Program of the National Social Science Foundation of China (NO. 17ZDA026). The author is supported by the “Shuimu Scholars” programme of Tsinghua University. The author would like to thank Fenrong Liu, Sonja Smets and Alexandru Baltag for bringing to his attention the fascinating topic on social network and information flow and keeping giving him advice during the writing of this paper. Especially, he would like to thank Johan van Benthem for his substantial feedback and help, which put the results presented here into perspective. Furthermore, the author would like to thank the two referees for their invaluable comments and suggestions. At last, the author would like to thank the Tsinghua - Amsterdam Joint Research Centre for Logic for making the exchange visits possible to conduct the research in this paper.
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1.1 A1 Proof of Theorems 2 and 3
Theorem 2
When an influence matrix is strongly connected, 0 and 1 are the only absorbing states in the generated transition matrix (Theorem 2). This is implied by the following: (a) A group state b is absorbing in \(\mathbb {T}\) generated by \(\mathfrak {I}\) if and only if Ib = b, (b) For a strongly connected influence matrix \(\mathfrak {I}\), every column vector x with \(\mathfrak {I}\mathbf {x} = \mathbf {x}\) is a constant vector (Theorem 11.10 in [13]).
Theorem 3
Next we prove, using also the regularity, that all states except 1 and 0 can reach both absorbing states.
Given a group with a strongly connected and aperiodic influence matrix \(\mathfrak {I}\), for any vector \(\mathbf {b}\in \mathfrak {b}\) with some i ∈ G such that bi = 1, there exists a walk from b to 1. I.e., there is a sequence p0,p1,…,pn of vectors in \(\mathfrak {b}\) such that p0 = b, pn = 1 and for all natural numbers k ∈ [0,n − 1], \(\mathbb {T}_{p^{k}, p^{k+1}} >0\). Similarly, there is a walk from b≠1 to 0.
First, it is well-known, [24], that when a stochastic matrix \(\mathfrak {I}\) is strongly connected and aperiodic, there is a natural number N such that for all n ≥ N, \(\mathfrak {I}^{n}_{ij} > 0\) for all i and j in the group (see also [30, Appendix D.3, Theorem D.3.1] for a concrete proof).
Now take any binary vector \(\mathbf {b}\in \mathfrak {b}\) such that bi = 1 for some i ∈ G. We fix such an agent, ι, satisfying bι = 1. We try to find a natural number n and n + 1 binary vectors p0,…,pn such that \(\mathbb {T}_{p^{k}, p^{k+1}} >0\) for all natural numbers k ∈ [0,n − 1] and p0 = b and pn = 1.
We first show how to find the sequence of binary vectors. Let p0 = b. Suppose that pk has been defined, then we set \(p^{k+1}_{i} := 1\), if there is y ∈ G such that \(\mathfrak {I}_{iy}>0\) and \({p^{k}_{y}} = 1\), and := 0, otherwise. □
This definition implies that for all positive integers k, \(\mathbb {T}_{p^{k}, p^{k+1}} >0\).
Take any i ∈ G. (a) If there is a y ∈ G such that \(\mathfrak {I}_{iy}>0\) and \({p^{k}_{y}} = 1\), according to the definition of \(P(Bv_{i}^{\prime }=1|Bv=p^{k})\) given by (2), \(\mathfrak {I}_{iy}>0\) and \({p^{k}_{y}} = 1\) imply that \(P(Bv_{i}^{\prime }=1|Bv=p^{k}) > 0\). Since in this case \(p^{k+1}_{i} = 1\), it clearly follows that \(P(Bv_{i}^{\prime }=p^{k+1}_{i}|Bv=p^{k}) > 0\). (b) If there is no y ∈ G such that \(\mathfrak {I}_{iy}>0\) and \({p^{k}_{y}} = 1\), then \(P(Bv_{i}^{\prime }=1|Bv=p^{k}) = 0\), which implies that \(P(Bv_{i}^{\prime }=0|Bv=p^{k}) =1 > 0\). In this case \(p^{k+1}_{i} = 0\). Therefore, we have \(P(Bv_{i}^{\prime }=p^{k+1}_{i}|Bv=p^{k}) > 0\).
It follows that, for all i ∈ G, \(P(Bv_{i}^{\prime }=p^{k+1}_{i}|Bv=p^{k}) > 0\), which implies that \(\mathbb {T}_{p^{k}, p^{k+1}} = {\prod }_{i\in G}P(Bv_{i}^{\prime }=p^{k+1}_{i}|Bv=p^{k}) > 0\).
Next, we show that by taking any number n satisfying \(\mathfrak {I}_{ij}^{n} > 0\) for all i,j ∈ G (the existence of such numbers n is ensured by the property of the influence matrix \(\mathfrak {I}\) observed at the beginning of this proof), pn = 1.
Assume that n is the number satisfying \(\mathfrak {I}_{ij}^{n} > 0\) for all i,j ∈ G. Then for all x ∈ G, there must be a walk from x to ι in the graph representation of the matrix \(\mathfrak {I}\)Footnote 1 whose length is n. For each x ∈ G, fix such a walk wx from x to ι. Let Sn = {wx∣x ∈ G}. Keep in mind that for all walks in the associated graph, their length is n and they start from x and end at ι. □
pn = 1.
For all x ∈ G, let \({w_{x}^{m}}\) be the agent m steps away from ι along the opposite direction of the path wx ∈ Sn. For example, \({w_{x}^{0}} = \iota \). (a) We first show that for all x ∈ G and all m > 0, \(p^{m}_{{w^{m}_{x}}} = 1\) by induction. Obviously, \(p^{1}_{{w^{1}_{x}}} = 1\), because there is y ∈ G, which is \({w^{0}_{x}}\) (i.e., ι), satisfying \(\mathfrak {I}_{{w^{1}_{x}}y} > 0\) and \({p^{0}_{y}} = 1\). (b) Now suppose that \(p^{m}_{{w^{m}_{x}}} = 1\). By noticing that \({w^{m}_{x}}\) satisfies \(\mathfrak {I}_{w^{m+1}_{x}{w^{m}_{x}}} > 0\), we get \(p^{m+1}_{w^{m+1}_{x}} = 1\). (c) Next, we show that for the number n, \(G = \{{w^{n}_{x}}\mid x\in G\}\). Recall the definition of wx. For all x ∈ G, it follows by the definition of wx that \({w^{n}_{x}} = x\).
Therefore, for all x ∈ G, \({p^{n}_{x}} = p^{n}_{{w^{n}_{x}}}= 1\). That is pn = 1.
By a similar argument there is a walk from any state b≠1 to 0. □
1.2 A2 Proof of Theorem 5
The proof is by induction. We first prove the base case for all states of a group \(\mathbf {b}\in \mathfrak {b}\) and all group members i ∈ G, \(\mathfrak {I}_{i\ast }\cdot \mathbf {b} = {\sum }_{\mathbf {s}_{i} = 1}\mathbb {T}_{\mathbf {bs}}\).
\({\sum }_{\{\mathbf {s}\in \mathfrak {b}\mid \mathbf {s}_{i} =1\}}{\prod }_{\{x\in G\mid x\neq i\}} P(Bv_{x}^{\prime } = \mathbf {s}_{x}|Bv = \mathbf {b}) = 1\)
Recall that \(P(Bv^{\prime } = \mathbf {s}| Bv = \mathbf {b}) = \mathbb {T}_{\mathbf {bs}}\). Since \(\mathbb {T}_{\mathbf {bs}} = {\prod }_{x\in G} P(Bv_{x}^{\prime } = \mathbf {s}_{x}|Bv = \mathbf {b})\), for all \(\mathbf {s}\in \mathfrak {b}\) such that si = 1: \( P(Bv^{\prime } = \mathbf {s}| Bv = \mathbf {b}, Bv_{i}^{\prime } = 1) = \frac {P(Bv ' = \mathbf {s}| Bv = \mathbf {b})}{P(Bv_{i}^{\prime } = 1|Bv =\mathbf {b})} = {\prod }_{\{x\in G\mid x\neq i\}} P(Bv_{x}^{\prime } = \mathbf {s}_{x}|Bv = \mathbf {b}) \). Obviously, \({\sum }_{\{\mathbf {s}\in \mathfrak {b}\mid \mathbf {s}_{i} =1\}}P(Bv^{\prime } = \mathbf {s}\mid Bv = \mathbf {b}, Bv_{i}^{\prime } = 1) = 1\).
Making use of the claim, we prove the base case:
Next we prove \(\mathfrak {I}^{n+1}_{i\ast }\cdot \mathbf {b} = {\sum }_{\mathbf {s}_{i} = 1}\mathbb {T}^{n+1}_{\mathbf {bs}}\) assuming that \(\mathfrak {I}^{n}_{i\ast }\cdot \mathbf {b} = {\sum }_{\mathbf {s}_{i} = 1}\mathbb {T}^{n}_{\mathbf {bs}} \enspace \).
This completes the proof.
Next, we use Theorem 5 to prove the direction from 3 to 4 in Theorem 6.
First, using Theorem 5, we prove that as n tends to \(\infty \), if the powers of the transition matrix \(\mathbb {T}^{n}\) converge, so do \(\mathfrak {I}^{n}\), the powers of the influence matrix . □
Let the powers \(\mathbb {T}^{n}\) converge as n tends to \(\infty \). By Theorem 5, \(\mathfrak {I}_{ij}^{n} = \mathfrak {I}_{i\ast }^{n}\mathbf {e_{j}} = {\sum }_{\mathbf {s}_{i} = 1}\mathbb {T}^{n}_{\mathbf {e}_{j}\mathbf {s}}\) for all \(n\in \mathbb {N}\), where ej is the vector with i th entry 1 and all other entries 0. Because \(\mathbb {T}^{n}\) converges to \(\mathbb {T}^{\infty }\), \(\mathfrak {I}_{ij}^{n}\) converges to \({\sum }_{\mathbf {s}_{i} = 1}\mathbb {T}^{\infty }_{\mathbf {e}_{j}\mathbf {s}}\). Each entry of \(\mathfrak {I}\) thus converges to a number, and hence \(\mathfrak {I}\) converges. □
Second, we prove that if in the limiting matrix \(\mathbb {T}^{\infty }\), \(\mathbb {T}^{\infty }_{\mathbf {bd}} = 0\) for each state b and each state d≠1,0, no other entries are zero and \(\mathbb {T}^{\infty }_{\mathbf {11}} = \mathbb {T}^{\infty }_{\mathbf {00}} = 1\), then the rows of \(\mathfrak {I}^{\infty }\) are all the same strictly positive stochastic vector.
Given the assumption, for all i ∈ G, \(\mathfrak {I}_{ij}^{\infty } = \mathfrak {I}^{\infty }_{i\ast }\mathbf {e}_{j} = {\sum }_{\mathbf {s}_{i} = 1}\mathbb {T}^{\infty }_{\mathbf {e}_{j}\mathbf {s}} = \mathbb {T}^{\infty }_{\mathbf {e}_{j}\mathbf {1}}\). The second equality is what we have just proved. The third equality holds as the only non-zero entries in \(\mathbb {T}^{\infty }_{\mathbf {e}_{j}\ast }\) are \(\mathbb {T}^{\infty }_{\mathbf {e}_{j}\mathbf {1}}\), \(\mathbb {T}^{\infty }_{\mathbf {e}_{j}\mathbf {0}}\). □
Finally, the fact that the row vector in \(\mathfrak {I}^{\infty }\) sums to 1 follows from the fact that any powers of a probability matrix is a probability matrix (namely, each row vector sums to 1 and is non-negative).
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Shi, C. Collective Opinion as Tendency Towards Consensus. J Philos Logic 50, 593–613 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10992-020-09579-0
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10992-020-09579-0