With quaternion matrices and quaternion tensors being gradually used in the color image and color video processing, the block diagonalization of block circulant quaternion matrices has become a key issue in the establishment of T-product based methods for quaternion tensors. Out of this consideration, we aim at establishing a fast calculation approach for the block diagonalization of block circulant quaternion matrices with the help of the fast Fourier transform (FFT). We first show that the discrete Fourier matrix \(\mathbf {F_p}\) cannot diagonalize \(p\times p\) circulant quaternion matrices, nor can the unitary quaternion matrices \(\mathbf {F_p}\textbf{j}\) and \(\mathbf {F_p}(1+\textbf{j})/\sqrt{2}\) with \(\textbf{j}\) being an imaginary unit of quaternion algebra. Then we prove that the unitary octonion matrix \(\mathbf {F_p}\textbf{p}\) with \(\textbf{p}=\textbf{l},\textbf{il}\) or \((\textbf{l}+\textbf{il})/\sqrt{2}\) (\(\textbf{l}, \textbf{il}\) being imaginary units of octonion algebra) can diagonalize a circulant quaternion matrix of size \(p\times p\), which further means that a block circulant quaternion matrix of size \(mp\times np\) can be block diagonalized at the cost of \(O(mnp\log p)\) via the FFT. As one of applications, we give a fast algorithm to speed up the calculation of the T-product between \(m\times n\times p\) and \(n\times s\times p\) third-order quaternion tensors via FFTs, whose computational magnitude is almost 1/p of the original one. As another application, we propose an effective compression strategy for third-order quaternion tensors with a certain low-rankness. Simulations on the color image and color video compression demonstrate that our compression strategy with no QSVD involved, can achieve higher quality compression in terms of PSNR values at much less time costs, compared with the QSVD-based methods.
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We do not analyse or generate any data sets, because our work proceeds within a theoretical and mathematical approach.
In [17], the tubal-scalars of \(\mathcal {S}\) are called eigentuples of tensor \(\mathcal {A}\). For more relevant studies on the eigentuples and the corresponding eigenmatrices, the linear combinations with tubal-scalars, tensor polynomials and the computation of tensor eigendecomposition for third-order tensors, based on the T-product algebra and the diagonalization theory of circulant matrices, please see [17] for reference.
The Matlab command \(svd(\hat{\mathcal {A}}(:,:,r),k)\) means to compute the first k largest singular values for each matrix \(\hat{\mathcal {A}}(:,:,r)\).
It can be seen that when the quaternion tensor truncation problem for tensor \(\mathcal {A}\) degenerates to the real case, the term “\((\mathbf {P_p}\otimes \mathbf {I_m})unfold(\overline{\hat{\mathcal {A}}_k^{(1,\textbf{i})}})\)” in the 5-th line of Algorithm 5.2 becomes “\(unfold({\hat{\mathcal {A}}_k^{(1,\textbf{i})}})\)” as a result of the conjugate symmetry of the fourier transform performing on real numbers (please see the reference [17] by Kilmer, Braman, Hao and Hoover in 2013), which implies that our method provided by Algorithm 5.2 reduces to the classic truncated approximation strategy for third-order real tensors given in reference [18], i.e. Algorithm 2.2.
The MATLAB code can be downloaded from https://hkumath.hku.hk/\(\sim \)mng/mng_files/LANQSVDToolbox.zip.
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The authors would like to thank anonymous referees for their valuable comments and suggestions that helped us to improve the quality of this paper. This work is supported by National Natural Science Foundations of China (Grant No.12371315), the Natural Science Foundation of Hunan Province, China (Grant No.2022JJ40543) and China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (Grant No.2021MD703978).
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Here, we provide the proofs of Proposition 4.1, Proposition 4.2, Theorem 5.1 and Theorem 5.3.
A.1. Proof of Proposition 4.1:
Proof. (i) From the octonion multiplication rules in Table 2, it can be seen that if \(u\in \{\textbf{l},\textbf{il},\textbf{jl},\textbf{kl}\}\), then \((p+q\textbf{j})u=u\overline{(p+q\textbf{j})}=u(\bar{p}-q\textbf{j}).\) Thus, it can be deduced
(ii) From the octonion multiplication rules in Table 2, it follows that
Thus, it can be deduced \((p\textbf{l})\cdot q\cdot (r\textbf{l})=-p\bar{q}\bar{r}=[p(\textbf{jl})]\cdot q\cdot [r(\textbf{jl})].\)
(iii) Similar to the proof of (ii), from Table 2, we can obtain that
thus, it follows that \((p\textbf{l})\cdot (q\textbf{j})\cdot (r\textbf{l})=pq\bar{r}\textbf{j}=[p(\textbf{jl})]\cdot (q\textbf{j})\cdot [r(\textbf{jl})].\)
(iv) Similarly, from Table 2, we can obtain that
thus, it follows that \((p\textbf{l})\cdot q\cdot [r(\textbf{jl})]=\bar{p}q\bar{r}\textbf{j}=-[p(\textbf{jl})]\cdot q\cdot (r\textbf{l}).\)
(v) Similarly, from Table 2, we can obtain that
thus, it follows that \((p\textbf{l})\cdot (q\textbf{j})\cdot [r(\textbf{jl})]=\bar{p}\bar{q}\bar{r}=-[p(\textbf{jl})]\cdot (q\textbf{j})\cdot (r\textbf{l}).\) \(\square \)
A.2. Proof of Proposition 4.2:
Proof. (i) From Proposition 4.1, it follows that
Noting that \(p,q,r,s\in \mathbb {C}\), thus we have that
(ii) From Proposition 4.1 (i) and (ii), it follows that
By the octonion multiplication rules shown in Table 2, we can obtain that
From Proposition 4.1 (i) and (iii), it follows that
By the octonion multiplication rules shown in Table 2, we can obtain that
Hence, it follows that
In addition, by the octonion multiplication rules shown in Table 2, it is similar to obtain that (iii), (iv), (v) and (vi) hold. \(\square \)
A.3. Proof of Theorem 5.1:
Proof. To show that (5.2) holds, we only need to prove that
From Theorem 4.4 and (5.1), it follows that
Then by Proposition 4.2 (iii), (iv) and (7.2), it follows that
By Proposition 4.2 (iii), (iv) and (7.3), it follows that
By a similar proof as [20, Lemma 2.3], we can obtain that the following property holds for quaternion tensors \(\mathcal {A}\) and \(\mathcal {B}\), that is:
Thereby, from (7.4), (7.5) and (7.6), it is deduced that
By (4.1) and (2.4), it is easy to see \(\mathbf {{P}_{p}}=\mathbf {F_{p}}\mathbf {F_{p}}=\mathbf {F^*_{p}}\mathbf {F^*_{p}} =-(\mathbf {F_{p}}\textbf{l})(\mathbf {F^*_{p}}\textbf{l}) =-(\mathbf {F^*_{p}}\textbf{l})(\mathbf {F_{p}}\textbf{l})\in \mathbb {R}^{p\times p}\) and
Denote \(\hat{\textbf{A}_1}={Diag}(\hat{\mathcal {A}}^{(1,\textbf{i})}),\hat{\textbf{A}_2}={Diag}(\hat{\mathcal {A}}^{(\textbf{j},\textbf{k})}), \hat{\textbf{B}_1}={Diag}(\hat{\mathcal {B}}^{(1,\textbf{i})}),\;\text{ and }\;\hat{\textbf{B}_2}={Diag}(\hat{\mathcal {B}}^{(\textbf{j},\textbf{k})}).\) Then, from Proposition 4.2 (i), (v), (vi) and (7.8), it follows
From Proposition 4.2 (ii), (v), (vi) and (7.8), it follows
From Proposition 4.2 (i), (v), (vi) and (7.8), it follows
From Proposition 4.2 (ii), (v) and (vi), it follows
Thus, by (7.7), (7.9), (7.10), (7.11), (7.12), (7.2) and (7.3), we obtain that
i.e., (7.1) holds. \(\square \)
A.4. Proof of Theorem 5.3:
Proof. From \(\hat{\mathcal {A}}=\textrm{fft}(\overline{\mathcal {A}},[\;],3)\), it follows that
By Lemma 5.2, it follows from (5.10) that \(\hat{\mathcal {A}_k}=\textrm{fft}(\overline{\mathcal {A}_k},[\;],3)\), thus
Furthermore, Since \(\mathbf {F_p}\otimes \mathbf {I_m}\) is unitary, it follows that
Assume that \(\widetilde{\mathcal {A}}\in M\), then there exist \(\mathcal {X}\in \mathbb {Q}^{m\times k\times p}\), \(\mathcal {Y}\in \mathbb {Q}^{k\times n\times p}\) such that
where \(\widetilde{\mathcal {A}}=\widetilde{\mathcal {A}}_1+\widetilde{\mathcal {A}}_2\textbf{j}\) with \(\widetilde{\mathcal {A}}_1\), \(\widetilde{\mathcal {A}}_2\in \mathbb {C}^{m\times n\times p}\). Then similar to (7.13), we can obtain that
For every \(i\in [p]\), denote the QSVD of \(\mathcal {X}(:,:,i) \mathcal {Y}(:,:,i)\) as
then it follows from \(\mathcal {X}\in \mathbb {Q}^{m\times k\times p}\) and \(\mathcal {Y}\in \mathbb {Q}^{k\times n\times p}\) that \(\widetilde{\mathcal {S}}(k+1:m,k+1:n,i)=0\). Hence, it is deduced that
which, together with (7.13), implies that \(\mathcal {A}_k=argmin_{\widetilde{\mathcal {A}}\in M}||\mathcal {A} -\widetilde{\mathcal {A}}||_F\). \(\square \)
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Zheng, MM., Ni, G. Block Diagonalization of Block Circulant Quaternion Matrices and the Fast Calculation for T-Product of Quaternion Tensors. J Sci Comput 100, 69 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10915-024-02623-0
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10915-024-02623-0
- Block circulant quaternion matrix
- Block diagonalization
- Fast Fourier transform
- Quaternion tensor
- Color image compression