We address the numerical solution to multimarginal optimal transport (MMOT) with pairwise costs. MMOT, as a natural extension from the classical two-marginal optimal transport, has many important applications including image processing, density functional theory and machine learning, but lacks efficient and exact numerical methods. The popular entropy-regularized method may suffer numerical instability and blurring issues. Inspired by the back-and-forth method introduced by Jacobs and Léger, we investigate MMOT problems with pairwise costs. We show that such problems have a graphical representation and leverage this structure to develop a new computationally gradient ascent algorithm to solve the dual formulation of such MMOT problems. Our method produces accurate solutions which can be used for the regularization-free applications, including the computation of Wasserstein barycenters with high resolution imagery.
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We distinguish between the projection of measures and the canonical projection of measures. For example, given a probability measure P on the space \((X_1\times X_2)\times X_3\cdots \times X_m\), then the projection of measures \((\pi _1)_{\#}P=P_{1}\in \mathbb {P}(X_1), (\pi _2)_{\#}P=P_2\in \mathbb {P}(X_2)\), while the canonical projection of measures \(({\textbf {Proj}}_1)_{\#}P=P_{12}\in \mathbb {P}(X_1\times X_2), ({\textbf {Proj}}_2)_{\#}P=P_3\in \mathbb {P}(X_3)\). This will be used in Lemma 3.2.
To distinguish with the Legendre transform, we still denote the optimal solution to (2.3) by \((f_1,f_2)\).
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We would like to thank Anne Gelb, Yoonsang Lee, Doug Cochran, Xianfeng David Gu and James Ronan for many fruitful conversations. We would like thank anonymous referees for their careful reading and valuable suggestions. This work was funded in part by US Office of Naval Research MURI grant N00014-20-1-2595.
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Zhou, B., Parno, M. Efficient and Exact Multimarginal Optimal Transport with Pairwise Costs. J Sci Comput 100, 25 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10915-024-02572-8
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10915-024-02572-8