We propose a new color image vectorization method converting raster images to resolution-independent scalable vector graphics. Starting from a quantized raster image, the method builds a hierarchical structure to represent its discontinuity set. The lowest level elements, called curve-elements, separate exactly two colors and end at T-junctions or X-junctions. The middle-level objects, called curvebases, are concatenations of curve-elements following perceptual rules and representing the apparent contours of objects. On the highest level, the jump set coincides with the discontinuity set of the quantized image input. A geometric filtering method removes pixelization effects by affine shortening of the curvebases while resolving the induced topological changes. All junctions are preserved, thus maintaining the highest level of perceptual fidelity even on tiny pixel art images. A single parameter controls the simplification of curves between two junctions. Theoretical bounds are given to guarantee the method’s topological consistency. This allows the method to be iterated such that it yields a smoothing semigroup. In both qualitative and quantitative experiments, our method compares favorably to multiple state-of-the-art algorithms and software.
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Data Availability
The datasets analyzed for vectorizing photographic images are available in the IPOL demo https://ipolcore.ipol.im/demo/clientApp/demo.html?id=5555531082036. The datasets analyzed for vectorizing pixel art are available in the published articles [10, 24].
When presenting the results by [19], since the available program only vectorizes the boundaries without correctly rendering the colors, we manually filled in the corresponding colors.
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All authors jointly wrote the main manuscript text. Yuchen He implemented the algorithm, produced the experiments, and prepared the figures. All authors reviewed the manuscript.
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An online demo of the method is available here: https://ipolcore.ipol.im/demo/clientApp/demo.html?id=5555531082036.
Appendix A Intersection Test for Two Line Segments
Appendix A Intersection Test for Two Line Segments
This technique is classical in computational geometry, and we state the details for completeness and reproducibility. Suppose we have two line segments \(\overline{P_0P_1}\) and \(\overline{Q_0Q_1}\), the task is to determine whether they intersect, and if they do, whether they intersect at the segment’s interior or boundary, i.e., the end points. The key quantities for such decisions are
These signs indicate relative positions of the involved points. For example, \(q_0\) indicates by \(-1\), \(+1\), and 0, respectively, whether \(Q_0\) lies one the right-hand side of, or left-hand side of, or on the line passing through \(P_1\) and \(P_0\). We have the following cases:
\(q_0q_1<0\) and \(p_0p_1<0\). \(\overline{P_0P_1}\) and \(\overline{Q_0Q_1}\) intersect at \(T^*\) that lies in the interior of both lines.
\(q_0q_1<0\), \(p_0=0\), and \(p_1\ne 0\). \(\overline{P_0P_1}\) and \(\overline{Q_0Q_1}\) intersect at \(P_0\), which is in the interior of \(\overline{Q_0Q_1}\).
\(q_0q_1<0\), \(p_0\ne 0\), and \(p_1= 0\). \(\overline{P_0P_1}\) and \(\overline{Q_0Q_1}\) intersect at \(P_1\), which is in the interior of \(\overline{Q_0Q_1}\).
\(p_0p_1<0\), \(q_0\ne 0\), \(q_1= 0\). \(\overline{P_0P_1}\) and \(\overline{Q_0Q_1}\) intersect at \(Q_1\), which is in the interior of \(\overline{P_0P_1}\).
\(p_0p_1 <0\), \(q_0= 0\), \(q_1\ne 0\). \(\overline{P_0P_1}\) and \(\overline{Q_0Q_1}\) intersect at \(Q_0\), which is in the interior of \(\overline{P_0P_1}\).
\(p_0=0\), \(p_1\ne 0\) \(q_0= 0\), \(q_1\ne 0\). \(\overline{P_0P_1}\) and \(\overline{Q_0Q_1}\) intersect at \(P_0=Q_0\).
\(p_0\ne 0\), \(p_1= 0\) \(q_0= 0\), \(q_1\ne 0\). \(\overline{P_0P_1}\) and \(\overline{Q_0Q_1}\) intersect at \(P_1=Q_0\).
\(p_0=0\), \(p_1\ne 0\) \(q_0\ne 0\), \(q_1= 0\). \(\overline{P_0P_1}\) and \(\overline{Q_0Q_1}\) intersect at \(P_0=Q_1\).
\(p_0\ne 0\), \(p_1= 0\) \(q_0\ne 0\), \(q_1= 0\). \(\overline{P_0P_1}\) and \(\overline{Q_0Q_1}\) intersect at \(P_1=Q_1\).
\(p_0=0\), \(p_1= 0\) \(q_0= 0\), \(q_1= 0\). \(\overline{P_0P_1}\) and \(\overline{Q_0Q_1}\) have infinitely many intersection points. This is practically impossible due to numerical perturbation.
Otherwise, \(\overline{P_0P_1}\) and \(\overline{Q_0Q_1}\) do not intersect.
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He, Y., Kang, S.H. & Morel, JM. Topology- and Perception-Aware Image Vectorization. J Math Imaging Vis 65, 874–893 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10851-023-01149-8
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10851-023-01149-8