Polar active contours have proven to be a powerful segmentation method for many medical as well as other computer vision applications, such as interactive image segmentation or tracking. Inspired by recent work on Sobolev active contours we derive a Sobolev-type function space for polar curves, which is endowed with a metric that allows us to favor origin translations and scale changes over smooth deformations of the curve. The resulting translation, scale, and deformation weighted polar active contours inherit the coarse-to-fine behavior of Sobolev active contours as well as their robustness to local minima and are thus very useful for many medical applications, such as cross-sectional vessel segmentation, aneurysm analysis, or cell tracking.
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The authors would like to thank Darko Zikic for many fruitful discussions and his suggestions on the preparation of the manuscript.
The first author is fully supported by the international graduate school of science and engineering (IGSSE) at Technische Universität München (TUM).
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Appendix A: Solving the ODE
The computation of the gradient \(\nabla _{\!E}\mathcal{H}\) requires the solution of the following ordinary differential equation, cf. also [25]:
where we set g=k r and f=h r in order to keep the notation simple. Further, we denote the differentiation with respect to s is by ⋅′. At first, we integrate twice and obtain:
Second, we perform integration by parts for the rightmost term:
Thus we end up with
Now we set s=L and use the boundary condition g(0)=g(L) and obtain:
due to the definition of \(\bar{f}\). Changing \(\hat{s}\) to s eventually yields
Plugging this formula into (40), integrating both sides form 0 to L, and using again that \(\bar{g}=\bar{f}\) we finally obtain
where K γ (s) is the kernel defined in (26). Since the definition of the arc length allows us to choose the starting point arbitrarily we can conclude from (45) that g may also be obtained by g=K γ f.
Appendix B: Deriving a First Order Correction for ϕ
Now we want to derive a first-order accurate correction ψ such that \(\hat{\phi}(x)=\psi(x)\phi(x)\), where ϕ defined in (32), is close to a signed distance representation of c, which we denote by Φ(x). At first, we note that the level lines of a signed distance representation of c are solutions to c t =n. Supposing that ϵ∈ℝ is sufficiently small one might say that the level line L ϵ ={x∈Ω:Φ(x)=ϵ} can be approximated by evolving c with a forward Euler discretization of the flow c t =n:
where c 0=c and τ=ϵ—see also sketch below:
As we are only interested in the geometry of c we can add a tangential component to the flow c t =n:
since t and n are an orthonormal basis. From this we may conclude that the c t =n and c t =1/(s⋅n)s yield the same geometric curve. This means that the level line L ϵ can also be approximated by performing a forward Euler step of the flow c t =1/(s⋅n)s:
where again c 0=c and τ=ϵ. As ϕ(x) gives us the signed distance ϵ/(s⋅n) we thus know that the correction ψ is given by
Of course, this correction is only first-order accurate in ϵ, because we derived it via a forward Euler discretization.
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Baust, M., Yezzi, A., Unal, G. et al. Translation, Scale, and Deformation Weighted Polar Active Contours. J Math Imaging Vis 44, 354–365 (2012). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10851-012-0331-5
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10851-012-0331-5