The amounts of available Semantic Web (SW) data (including Linked Open Data) constantly increases. Users would like to browse and explore effectively such information spaces without having to be acquainted with the various vocabularies and query language syntaxes. This paper discusses the work that has been done in the area for the case of RDF/S datasets, with emphasis on session-based interaction schemes for exploratory search. In particular, it surveys the related works according to various aspects, such as assumed user goals, structuring of the underlying information space, generality and configuration requirements, and various (state space-based) features of the navigation structure. Subsequently it introduces a small but concise formal model of the interaction (that captures the core functionalities) which is used as reference model for describing what the existing systems support. Finally the paper describes the evaluation methods that have been used. Overall, the presented analysis aids the understanding and comparison of the various different approaches that have been proposed so far.
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Note that there is a wide variation regarding the identified tasks in the literature (refer to Li (2009) for an overview). In this survey we focus on a faceted-oriented task analysis approach.
For example, instead of just displaying the number of books of an author on a particular topic, also show the average price of the author’s books.
Since cr3 does not participate to a madeBy property, an alternative approach that one might follow is to add an artificial value, say NonApplicable/Unknown, whose count would equal 1, for informing the user that one element of the focus has no value to the madeBy property.
This kind of transition is called existential selection in Oren et al. (2006).
TriQ (Arenas et al. 2014) is a datalog based QL that offers a general form of recursion, reasoning and navigational capabilities, that incorporates the main RDF QLs.
This “mapping” can be implemented over any web accessible RDF/S dataset by exploiting the SPARQL extension described in Fafalios and Tzitzikas (2015), even if no triplestore or SPARQL endpoint is installed.
Instructions are available at http://docs.openlinksw.com/virtuoso/rdfsparqlrule.html
Measurements performed b Michalis Mountantonakis
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Tzitzikas, Y., Manolis, N. & Papadakos, P. Faceted exploration of RDF/S datasets: a survey. J Intell Inf Syst 48, 329–364 (2017). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10844-016-0413-8
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10844-016-0413-8