With the advent of globalization and the knowledge-based economy, industrial SMEs must constantly innovate to remain competitive. Now, an important research issue in this regard concerns the role played by IT capabilities in enabling innovation processes such as new product development, and in determining the product innovation performance of these organizations. Using a configurational approach grounded in the resource-based view, contingency theory, and the notions of “fit” and equifinality, we argue that IT capabilities can be leveraged for innovation purposes to the extent that they are coaligned and thus constitute IT capability configurations. This paper presents the results of a survey of 588 Canadian industrial SMEs designed to further analyze this issue. Three IT capability configurations were thus empirically identified, that is, IT Defenders (n = 234), IT Analyzers (n = 91) and IT Prospectors (n = 263), the last two being associated to greater product innovation performance.
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Funding was provided by SSHRC (Grant No. 890-2011-0153).
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Appendix: Questions posed to measure the SME’s e-business and AMT capabilities
Appendix: Questions posed to measure the SME’s e-business and AMT capabilities
Please indicate the business activities presently realized through the firm’s use of the Internet and the Web:
- Selling products to customers:
- Interacting with customers to improve services:
- Interacting with business partners to develop new products and services:
- Prospecting for new customers:
- Developing business intelligence:
- Placing orders to suppliers:
- Recruiting human resources:
Please indicate the manufacturing technologies and systems presently used by the firm:
- Computer-aided drafting:
- Computer-aided design (CAD):
- Computer-aided manufacturing (CAM):
- Computer-based bar-coding:
- Computer-based production scheduling:
- Enterprise resource planning (ERP):
- Computer-based production inspection and control:
- Computer-based quality assurance:
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Raymond, L., Uwizeyemungu, S., Fabi, B. et al. IT capabilities for product innovation in SMEs: a configurational approach. Inf Technol Manag 19, 75–87 (2018). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10799-017-0276-x
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10799-017-0276-x