Mobile payment is an attractive option that has recently boomed because of the advent of smart phones and their applications. Despite the great potential of such technology in simplifying our lives, its uptake remains limited. As the technology acceptance fails to meet expectations, this study aims at providing a better understanding of the factors influencing mobile payment acceptance. Through an empirical investigation that couples the traditional technology acceptance factors with “network externalities” effect. This study hypothesized that performance expectancy, effort expectancy; social influence, trust, and network externality are major factors that influence the intention to use mobile payment. Results indicated that while the traditional acceptance drivers still impact customers’ willingness to adopt mobile payment, network externalities was the most influential driver of mobile payment acceptance. Results also failed to support the influence of effort expectancy. Conclusions and future work propositions are stated at the end.
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Qasim, A., Abu-Shanab, E. Drivers of mobile payment acceptance: The impact of network externalities. Inf Syst Front 18, 1021–1034 (2016). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10796-015-9598-6
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10796-015-9598-6