This paper describes a randomized and controlled efficacy study conducted in high school biology classrooms across the USA. In this study, teachers implemented the use of Data Nuggets, activities designed to bring real research and data into the classroom. These materials can be embedded within the existing instructional modality of any given curriculum, thus infusing these curricula with science stories and associated datasets. Our design had teachers incorporate Data Nuggets into one of their class sections, while teaching a second class section in a business-as-usual manner. Although students in both conditions improved similarly in quantitative reasoning over the course of the study semester, we saw several key differences for students taught using the intervention as compared to those taught using only standard instruction. Students in classrooms that utilized Data Nuggets spent more time engaged in the practices of science and had greater improvement in their ability to construct scientific explanations. In addition, students using the intervention activities showed increases in both their self-efficacy in data-related tasks and their interest in STEM careers. Finally, the effects of teacher implementation on student outcomes when using Data Nuggets were assessed.
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Thanks to Brian Donovan, Kjelvik and Schultheis, Christopher Wilson, May Lee, Alexa Warwick, Monica Weindling, Alex Duncan, Paul Strode, Audrey Mohan, Zoë Buck Bracey, Kristin Bass, and the participating teachers for their contributions to the research study. Thank you to the anonymous reviewers for their thoughtful comments. This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under DRK-12 grant numbers 1503211 and 1503005. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. Additional funding from Kellogg Biological Station (KBS) Long-Term Ecological Research program (NSF DEB 1832042) and NSF IUSE 2012014. This is KBS Contribution #2294.
This research was completed with funding from NSF DRK-12 1503211 and 1503005.
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Schultheis, E.H., Kjelvik, M.K., Snowden, J. et al. Effects of Data Nuggets on Student Interest in STEM Careers, Self-efficacy in Data Tasks, and Ability to Construct Scientific Explanations. Int J of Sci and Math Educ 21, 1339–1362 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10763-022-10295-1
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10763-022-10295-1