Access control mechanisms protect critical resources of systems from unauthorized access. In a policy-based management approach, administrators define user privileges as rules that determine the conditions and the extent of users’ access rights. As rules become more complex, analytical skills are required to identify conflicts and interactions within the rules that comprise a system policy—especially when rules are stateful and depend on event histories. Without adequate tool support such an analysis is error-prone and expensive. In consequence, many policy specifications are inconsistent or conflicting that render the system insecure. The security of the system, however, does not only depend on the correct specification of the security policy, but in a large part also on the correct interpretation of those rules by the system’s enforcement mechanism.
In this paper, we show how policy rules can be formalized in Fusion Logic, a temporal logic for the specification of behavior of systems. A symbolic decision procedure for Fusion Logic based on Binary Decision Diagrams (BDDs) is provided and we introduce a novel technique for the construction of enforcement mechanisms of access control policy rules that uses a BDD encoded enforcement automaton based on input traces which reflect state changes in the system. We provide examples of verification of policy rules, such as absence of conflicts, and dynamic separation of duty and of the enforcement of policies using our prototype implementation (FLCheck) for which we detail the underlying theory.
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For readability we use \(\operatorname {Aut}^{d}\) in the context of Policy, and \(\operatorname {Aut}\) in the context of the Enforcement Mechanism.
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The authors would like to thank the anonymous reviewers for their comments that were very helpful for shaping the manuscript.
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Appendix: Proofs
Appendix: Proofs
Lemma 3 Let R be a right fusion logic formula and dep(R) be the dependent variables introduced by and
(k=0,1). Then the formula below is valid:
The proof is done via structural induction on R and by employing the reduction rules in Table 2. We also make use of some existing Fusion Logic theorems.
Case R=W:
is equal to, using the reduction rule
and dep(W)=∅, □ r true which is equal to true.
Case R=¬X:
is equal to, using the reduction rule
. Because dep(¬X)=dep(X), this is equal to
. Using the induction hypothesis, this holds.
Case R=X 1∨X 2:
is equal to, using the reduction rule
is equal to, as dep(X 1∨X 2)=dep(X 1)∪dep(X 2) and dep(X 1)∩dep(X 2)=∅,
. Using the induction hypothesis twice, this holds.
Case R=〈test(W)〉X:
is equal to, using the reduction rule
. This is equal to, as dep(〈test(W)〉X)=dep(X),
. Using the induction hypothesis, this holds.
Case R=〈step(T)〉X: We first consider k=0.
is equal to, using the reduction rule
. This is equal to, as dep(〈test(W)〉X)={r 〈step(T)〉X }∪dep(X),
. This is equal to, using the induction hypothesis,
. Substitute for r 〈step(T)〉X the value
will give
which holds.
We now consider the case k=1.
is equal to, using the reduction rule
. This is equal to, as dep(〈test(W)〉X)=dep(X),
. Using the induction hypothesis, this holds.
Case R=〈E 1∨E 2〉X:
is equal to, using the reduction rule
and dep(〈E 1∨E 2〉X)=dep(〈E 1〉X)∪dep(〈E 2〉X) and using the reduction rule
. Using the induction hypothesis in a similar way as the case R=X 1∨X 2, we get the desired result.
Case R=〈E 1;E 2〉X:
is equal to, using the reduction rule
, let X 1=〈E 2〉X and dep(〈E 1;E 2〉X)=dep(〈E 1〉X 1),
. Using the induction hypothesis, this holds.
Case R=〈E ∗〉X:
is equal to, using the reduction rule
and let X 1 denote \(X \mathrel {\scriptstyle \vee }\langle c(E) \rangle {r_{\scriptsize \langle E^{*}\rangle {X}}}\),
. Using induction hypothesis and \(dep(\langle E ^{*}\rangle {X} ) = \{ r_{\scriptsize \langle E ^{*}\rangle {X}} \} \cup dep(X)\), we get
. Substitute for \(r_{\scriptsize \langle E ^{*}\rangle {X}}\) the value
, will give the desired result.
Lemma 4 Let R be a right fusion logic formula. Then the next implication is valid:
The proof is done via structural induction on R and by employing the reduction rules in Table 2. We also make use of some existing Fusion Logic theorems.
Case R=W:
is equal to, using the reduction rules
, □ r true⊃W≡W and this holds.
Case R=¬X:
is equal to, using the reduction rule
which is equivalent to
. Use the induction hypothesis to get the desired result.
Case R=X 1∨X 2:
is equal to, using the reduction rules
. Using the induction hypothesis
, and the theorem
, will give the desired result.
Case R=〈test(W)〉X:
is equal to, using the reduction rules
. Using the induction hypothesis
and the theorem 〈test(W)〉X≡(W∧X), gives the desired result.
Case R=〈step(T)〉X: We first consider k=0.
is equal to, using the reduction rules
. We know that
is equivalent to
. Using the induction hypothesis
we get
. Using the theorem
, gives us the desired result.
We now consider the case k=1.
is equal to, using the reduction rules
. Using the induction hypothesis
and the theorem
, gives us the desired result.
Case R=〈E 1∨E 2〉X:
is equal to, using the reduction rules
. Using the induction hypothesis
plus the theorem
and 〈E 1∨E 2〉X≡〈E 1〉X∨〈E 2〉X, gives us the desired result.
Case R=〈E 1;E 2〉X:
is equal to, using the reduction rules
. Using the induction hypothesis
and the theorem 〈E 1;E 2〉X≡〈E 1〉〈E 2〉X, gives us the desired result.
Case R=〈E ∗〉X:
is equal to, using the reduction rules
and let X 1 denote \(X\,{\mathrel {\scriptstyle \vee }}\, \langle c(E) \rangle {r_{\scriptsize \langle E^{*}\rangle {X}}}\),
. Using the induction hypothesis
and the theorem
and 〈E ∗〉X≡X∨〈c(E)〉〈E ∗〉X, gives us the desired result.
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Cau, A., Janicke, H. & Moszkowski, B. Verification and enforcement of access control policies. Form Methods Syst Des 43, 450–492 (2013). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10703-013-0187-3
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10703-013-0187-3