Learning is integral in the present dynamic environment characterized by factors, such as intense technological innovation and global economy. Thus, learning is constantly required as, for example, rapid development of technologies is both a push factor in learning requirements and a vehicle to advance the learning process. The global nature of the environment today calls for virtual learning because of convenience, time and cost factors. This research seeks to draw measures to promote virtual learning experience. The research is based on a virtual learning of a master’s level information and communication technology for development (ICT4D) course at the University of Tampere in 2016. This course was offered two times and to two sets of different student groups. A questionnaire was conducted at the mid-course stage to assess the virtual learning experience and propose the ways to improve learning process. The assessment included how well the virtual environment and pedagogy promoted qualities of learning, these are, active, constructive, collaborative, intentional, contextual, transfer and reflective learning. Excellence in learning should always be promoted and in virtual environment, there is always new opportunities because of the advances in technology. This research seeks to promote qualities of learning by considering context in terms of assessing the learning environment that is, participants’ virtual learning experience, study contents and learning technologies. Context is important in order to map the learning process that suits the learners and study contents. The results of this study include highlighting of pedagogical techniques and technological tools that fit the learners’ and study content requirements to foster learning in a virtual environment.
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Mavengere, N., Ruohonen, M. Context and user needs in virtual learning in pursuit of qualities of learning. Educ Inf Technol 23, 1607–1620 (2018). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10639-017-9681-3
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10639-017-9681-3