It is often necessary for organizations to perform data mining tasks collaboratively without giving up their own data. This necessity has led to the development of privacy preserving distributed data mining. Several protocols exist which deal with data mining methods in a distributed scenario but most of these methods handle a single data mining task. Therefore, if the participating parties are interested in more than one classification methods they will have to go through a series of distributed protocols every time, thus increasing the overhead substantially. A second significant drawback with existing methods is that they are often quite expensive due to the use of encryption operations. In this paper a method has been proposed that addresses both these issues and provides a generic approach to efficient privacy preserving classification analysis in a distributed setting with a worst-case privacy guarantee. The experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of this method.
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Communicated by Elena Ferrari.
In the appendix we give brief summary of the SMC protocols we use in this paper.
Secure sum protocol
The secure sum protocol [10] uses homomorphic encryption. More specifically, suppose we want to compute the sum of x i (1≤i≤r) where x i belongs to party i. Two parties are first randomly selected. Without loss of generality, suppose party 1 and 2 are chosen. Party 1 then generates a pair of public and private keys for a homomorphic encryption scheme. It then sends the public key to the other parties. Each party uses the public key to encrypt x i and then sends the encrypted x i to party 2. Party 2 then computes the encrypted sum without decrypting each individual x i using the property of homomorphic encryption. Party 2 then sends the result back to party 1, which will decrypt the result and distribute the sum to each party.
The secure sum protocol is used in our algorithm for horizontally partitioned case to compute number of elements in class, class mean, global mean, global S b , and global S w , all of which are essentially sum of local shares. The secure sum protocol is also used by our algorithm for vertically partitioned case to compute the result of LDA transform (\(\hat{D}_{t}\)).
The secure sum protocol just needs r encryption operations (r as the number of parties) and 1 decryption operation. So both the communication overhead and computational overhead is O(r).
Secure scalar product
We use the secure scalar product protocol that was first proposed in [24] and later used in [26]. Suppose two parties A and B each has a vector x A and x B. We want to compute the scalar product of x A⋅x B. The protocol also uses homomorphic encryption. Party A generates a pair of public and private keys and sends the public key to B. Party A then computes encrypted value for x A and sends it to Party B. Party B selects a random value s B and uses the property of homomorphic encryption to compute the encryption of x A⋅x B−s B and sends it back to Party A. Party A decrypts the result and gets s A =x A⋅x B−s B . Now each party has a random share (s A and s B ) for the scalar product.
The secure scalar product is used in the secure K-Means clustering [26] algorithm to compute distances. We also use it in our algorithm for the vertically partitioned case to compute S b and S w . Let us first consider S b . Let vector x i (1≤i≤m)be a 1 by c vector where the j-th value x ij is the value of \(\mu_{j}-\bar{x}\) on column i. So the value at i-th row and j-th column of S b is essentially scalar product of x i and x j . Similarly, for S w , suppose y lj is a 1 by |c l | vector where the i-th element is the value of the i-th row in class c l on column j minus the value of μ l on column j. The value at i-th row and j-th column of S w is the sum of a series of c (c as the number of classes) scalar products where each scalar product equals y li ⋅y lj (i.e., the scalar product computed in class c l but over the column i and j).
The protocol requires n encryption operations and one decryption operation for a length n vector. Since the encrypted value of a data element may be used in several scalar product computations (e.g., column 1 will be used to compute the scalar product with column 2, 3, …, ), we can reuse the encrypted value. Thus each data element needs to be encrypted at most once. Our algorithm requires O(mn) encryption operations to compute S b and S w in the vertically partitioned case.
Secure comparison protocol
We use the secure comparison protocol to find the closest cluster and the range of each column in our algorithms for horizontally and vertically partitioned cases. The protocol was proposed by Yao at [57].
Secure K-Means clustering
We use the secure K-Means clustering protocol proposed in [26]. This protocol also calls secure sum, secure scalar protocol, and Yao’s secure comparison protocol. The secure K-Means clustering protocol requires O(sngrr k ) encryption operations where n is number of rows in data, s is number of columns after LDA, r is number of parties, g is the number of clusters, and r k is the number of iterations in K-Means clustering.
The overhead of these SMC protocols are dominated by the cost of encryption. In the horizontally partitioned case, our algorithm requires O(mcr+sgrr k ) encryption operations. Note that this is irrelevant to the number of rows in the data set because each party can do most computations locally. So the algorithm is efficient. In the vertically partitioned case, our algorithm requires O(mn+sngrr k ) encryption operations. Encryption can be quite expensive in practice, especially for large data sets under the vertically partitioned case. However, as stated in [24], the current hardware and some optimization tricks (such as reusing encrypted values) can make the computational overhead tolerable.
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Banerjee, M., Chen, Z. & Gangopadhyay, A. A generic and distributed privacy preserving classification method with a worst-case privacy guarantee. Distrib Parallel Databases 32, 5–35 (2014). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10619-013-7126-6
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10619-013-7126-6