In business applications such as direct marketing, decision-makers are required to choose the action which best maximizes a utility function. Cost-sensitive learning methods can help them achieve this goal. In this paper, we introduce Pessimistic Active Learning (PAL). PAL employs a novel pessimistic measure, which relies on confidence intervals and is used to balance the exploration/exploitation trade-off. In order to acquire an initial sample of labeled data, PAL applies orthogonal arrays of fractional factorial design. PAL was tested on ten datasets using a decision tree inducer. A comparison of these results to those of other methods indicates PAL’s superiority.
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Rokach, L., Naamani, L. & Shmilovici, A. Pessimistic cost-sensitive active learning of decision trees for profit maximizing targeting campaigns. Data Min Knowl Disc 17, 283–316 (2008). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10618-008-0105-2
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10618-008-0105-2