Differences in domains of language use between training data and test data have often been reported to result in performance degradation for phrase-based machine translation models. Throughout the past decade or so, a large body of work aimed at exploring domain-adaptation methods to improve system performance in the face of such domain differences. This paper provides a systematic survey of domain-adaptation methods for phrase-based machine-translation systems. The survey starts out with outlining the sources of errors in various components of phrase-based models due to domain change, including lexical selection, reordering and optimization. Subsequently, it outlines the different research lines to domain adaptation in the literature, and surveys the existing work within these research lines, discussing how these approaches differ and how they relate to each other.
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See Ozdowska and Way (2009) for a clear demonstration that building MT systems with more EuroParl data does not always lead to better translation results.
As a side note, the size of the N-best list does not seem to have a significant impact on adaptation [cf. Bertoldi and Federico (2009)].
In principle, search errors caused by a decoding algorithm can be a factor. The contribution of this factor to degradation of lexical translation quality, however, is minor, as shown in Irvine et al. (2013a).
In Su et al. (2012), an interpolation model is computed for \(P_{IN}(z_{{\tilde{f}}_{IN}}|\ \tilde{f})\), which is decomposed into the topic posterior distribution at word level for smoothing.
Joint inference of topic models on a concatenation of \(\mathcal {S}_{IN}\) and \(\mathcal {S}_{OUT}\) would drop the requirement of computing the topic-mapping probability distribution [cf. Gong et al. (2011) and Hewavitharana et al. (2013)]. An empirical comparison of the approaches, however, has yet to be thoroughly conducted, to the best of our knowledge.
There has not been any attempt at such an implementation for combining multiple sub-models, as far as we are aware.
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We thank the editor, anonymous reviewers and Ivan Titov for their inputs. The work is performed at ILLC, University of Amsterdam. The authors are supported by EU FP7 Marie Curie ITN Project (nr. 317471) and QT21 Project (H2020 nr. 645452).
Funding was provided by VICI (Grant No. 277-89-002).
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Cuong, H., Sima’an, K. A survey of domain adaptation for statistical machine translation. Machine Translation 31, 187–224 (2017). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10590-018-9216-8
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10590-018-9216-8