Multi-level methods are widely used for the solution of large-scale problems, because of their computational advantages and exploitation of the complementarity between the involved sub-problems. After a re-interpretation of multi-level methods from a block-coordinate point of view, we propose a multi-level algorithm for the solution of nonlinear optimization problems and analyze its evaluation complexity. We apply it to the solution of partial differential equations using physics-informed neural networks (PINNs) and consider two different types of neural architectures, a generic feedforward network and a frequency-aware network. We show that our approach is particularly effective if coupled with these specialized architectures and that this coupling results in better solutions and significant computational savings.
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The tests presented in this manuscript do not rely on any particular dataset and they can be reproduced by the information provided in the numerical results sections.
This assumption is standard in complexity analysis and prevents arbitrary change in the gradient over short steps. In particular, it prevents the occurence of infinite gradients at iterates, which would cause the algorithm to fail. It is more general than assuming bounded gradients, as can be seen by considering convex quadratics. See also the discussion at the end of the present section.
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Work partially supported by 3IA Artificial and Natural Intelligence Toulouse Institute (ANITI), French “Investing for the Future - PIA3” program under the Grant agreement ANR-19-PI3A-0004 and by the GDR ISIS project MOMIGS.
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Proofs of convergence theorems
1.1 Proof of Theorem 3.1
Consider iteration k of ML-BCD and suppose that this iteration occurs in the minimization of subproblem \(\mathcal{A}_i\) on the variables given by \(x_i\). From the Lipschitz continuity of the gradient and (15), we obtain that
Since the minimization of subproblem \(\mathcal{A}_i\) has not yet terminated, we must have that \(\Vert \nabla ^1_{x_i}f(x_k)\Vert \ge \frac{\epsilon }{\sqrt{2}}\), and thus
Summing this inequality on all iterations, we deduce that, for all k before termination of the ML-BCD algorithm,
This implies that the algorithm cannot take more than
iterations before it terminates, proving the theorem with
\(\square \)
1.2 Proof of Theorem 3.2
Consider iteration k of ML-BCD and suppose that this iteration occurs in the minimization of subproblem \(\mathcal{A}_i\) on the variables given by \(x_i\). From the Lipschitz continuity, using the SG update of the selected block (16) we obtain:
Using assumption (17) and the bound on \(\alpha \) we deduce that
and, if k is a major iteration, we have that
Taking the total expectation gives that
Consider now a major iteration k, denoting by \(x_{k+\ell }\) (for \(\ell \in \{1,\dots ,\ell _k\}\) and \(\ell _k\le {\bar{\ell }}\)) the iterations performed on the selected subproblem. We deduce from (28) that
If the minimization of the subproblem is not stopped, this means that \(\Vert g_i(x_{k+\ell },\xi _{k+\ell })\Vert \ge c_\epsilon \), so that \(\mathbb {E}_{\xi _{k+\ell }}(\Vert g_{i}(x_{k+\ell },\xi _{k+\ell })\Vert ^2)\ge c_\epsilon ^2\). From (17), we have that
and, since k is a major iteration, from the condition for the choice of the blocks we have \( \Vert \nabla ^1_{x_i}f(x_k)\Vert >\tau \Vert \nabla ^1_x f(x_k)\Vert . \) Thus
Taking into account the fact that that f is bounded from below, summing up K major iterations and using the assumption \(c_\epsilon >2\sigma _1^2\) we obtain:
where the last inequality follows from the fact that \({\bar{\ell }} \sigma _1^2 \left( \frac{\alpha L}{\mu }- \frac{1}{\sigma _2^2}\right) <0\) by the assumption on \(\alpha \). Taking \({\bar{\ell }}\) large we can thus improve the bound, as long as \(\epsilon \) remains larger than the variance. \(\square \)
A Mscale FAML variant and its performance
1.1 Another frequency-aware architecture
This appendix reports on tests conducted using a frequency-aware network architecture based on MscaleDNN defined in [25], instead of the WWP networks used in Sect. 5. A large part of the success of Mscale networks is due to their wavelet-inspired activation functions. These compactly-supported have good scale separation properties and are constructed so that the bandwidth of their Fourier transform increases with their input scaling. Several activation functions have been proposed in [25], but the most efficient one from a practical point of view has been introduced in [26] and is given by
where z is the input scaling. This is a continuous function which decays faster and has better localization property in the frequency domain than the previously proposed sRelu. The amplitude peaks of the differently scaled s2ReLU in the frequency domain are well separated in the Fourier domain. They are indicated by black stars in Fig. 11, and we observe their expected monotonic growth with scaling.
As in Sect. 5, we use these functions to create a neural network composed of a sum of subnetworks each targeting a different frequency range (analogously to Fig. 4). In this modified architecture, the lower frequency networks still use \(\tanh \) activation functions while the higher frequency networks now use (31). For each subnetwork, the first activation function is a SFM function associated with a fixed input scaling, as in standard Mscales networks. The details of this architecture are given in Table 4. Each of the subnetworks is composed of 3 hidden layers of 100 neurons each.
Associated with the ML-BCD algorithm (exactly as in Sect. 5), this modified architecture defines an Mscale variant of the FAML approach.
1.2 Numerical results
We tested this approach using the same experimental setup and methodology as that of Sect. 5 and again compared its performance to that the standard single level training applied on the complete network. The results are reported in Table 5.
As was the case when using P-WWP networks, the Mscale FAML variant produced lower losses than the standard training in each case. The differences are particularly significant for a small computational budget where the improvement is of several orders of magnitude. This is also almost always the case for the associated MSE. These results thus remain excellent, despite the fact that our complexity theory does not formally cover the Mscale FAML variant because of the non-smoothness of (31).
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Gratton, S., Mercier, V., Riccietti, E. et al. A block-coordinate approach of multi-level optimization with an application to physics-informed neural networks. Comput Optim Appl 89, 385–417 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10589-024-00597-1
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10589-024-00597-1