Dynamic workloads with varying parameters are delivered to data centers to be scheduled on virtual machines (VMs). These unreliable, inconsistent, shockingly rising workloads with changing resource requisites may cause data center servers to become imbalanced. Consequently, the servers' resource utilization and QoS get degraded which further subsides the energy usage. To meet the requirement for variable on-demand resource provisioning, the current infrastructure must be virtualized to escalate its capability and capacity. Furthermore, because of the existence of competing balancing constraints, load balancing in cloud systems is NP-hard. An efficient load-balancing strategy in coalition with a scheduling technique based on the fusion of the Firefly (FF) and Honeybee algorithm (HA) is implemented to resolve the shortcomings of load balancing. This article proposes an efficient Firefly and Honeybee-based Load Balancing algorithm (FHLBA), to optimize average load, response time, and turnaround time. This methodology not only improvises resource utilization and throughput but also depreciates the makespan, degree of imbalance. It initially executes the FF algorithm to explore potential search space and identify the best feasible mapping of tasks to VMs. Further, the HA technique is applied to eliminate over-usage and under-usage of resources and optimize resource usage as per the workload. The efficacy of the proposed technique is appraised through simulation of the independent and non-preemptive tasks on Cloudsim. A comparison with different mechanisms such as RR, FCFS, SJF, GA, IPSO, IPSO-Firefly, Firefly, OLB, and JAYA is given. The simulation results show the least average load of 0.238 ms, minimum average response time of 13.56 ms, memory usage up to 93%, effective CPU utilization of 98%, a throughput of 73%, and a makespan time of 148 ms, degree of imbalance of 172.01 is achieved with a variable volume of tasks and VMs.
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The data used to support the findings of this study is included within the article.
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Srivastava, A., Kumar, N. An efficient firefly and honeybee based load balancing mechanism in cloud infrastructure. Cluster Comput 27, 2805–2827 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10586-023-04118-3
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10586-023-04118-3