The goals of cross-product reuse in a software product line (SPL) are to mitigate production costs and improve the quality. In addition to reuse across products, due to the evolutionary development process, a SPL also exhibits reuse across releases. In this paper, we empirically explore how the two types of reuse—reuse across products and reuse across releases—affect the quality of a SPL and our ability to accurately predict fault proneness. We measure the quality in terms of post-release faults and consider different levels of reuse across products (i.e., common, high-reuse variation, low-reuse variation, and single-use packages), over multiple releases. Assessment results showed that quality improved for common, low-reuse variation, and single-use packages as they evolved across releases. Surprisingly, within each release, among preexisting (‘old’) packages, the cross-product reuse did not affect the change and fault proneness. Cross-product predictions based on pre-release data accurately ranked the packages according to their post-release faults and predicted the 20 % most faulty packages. The predictions benefited from data available for other products in the product line, with models producing better results (1) when making predictions on smaller products (consisting mostly of common packages) rather than on larger products and (2) when trained on larger products rather than on smaller products.
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A fault is defined as an accidental condition, which if encountered, may cause the system or system component to fail to perform as required. We avoid using the term defect, which is used inconsistently in the literature to refer in some cases to both faults and failures and in other cases only to faults or perhaps, faults detected pre-release.
For a comprehensive survey of binary classification studies the reader is referred to the recent paper by Hall et al. (2012).
For this study, a package is considered faulty if any file contained in that package exhibited one or more post-release faults.
Thompson and Heimdahl (2003) proposed a set-theoretic approach to represent requirements reuse in product line engineering, which described the boundaries of sets as commonalities and the members within the sets as products. The approach taken in our previous work (Devine et al. 2012) and used here is complementary to Thompson and Heimdahl (2003). Specifically, it is used to illustrate the amount of shared code at different levels of cross-product reuse; the elements within the sets are packages of the SPL, and the boundaries of sets define the products.
The complexity measure used by SourceMonitor approximately follows the definition by McConnell (2004).
Some form of \(k\)-fold cross validation is commonly employed in machine learning in general and software engineering in particular. Cross validation is the process of splitting the data randomly into \(k\) groups, and then predicting values for the \(k\)-th group by building a model on the other \(k-1\) groups. This is repeated using each of the \(k\) groups as a testing group and the average value of the predicted variable is reported. Cross validation may provide better results than building models and predicting on disjoint data sets (as was done in this paper) because averaging the results over \(k\) repeated trials offers more consistent, flattened end results than one achieved via building models and predicting on disjoint sets.
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This work was supported in part by the National Science Foundation Grants 0916275 and 0916284 with funds from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 and by the WVU ADVANCE Sponsorship Program funded by the National Science Foundation ADVANCE IT Program award HRD-100797. Part of this work was performed while Robyn Lutz was visiting the California Institute of Technology.
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Appendix: Aggregation metrics
Appendix: Aggregation metrics
The static code and change metrics were collected at file-level and then were aggregated to the package level, as specified in Tables 7 and 8. As a result, each package was characterized by a vector \(\mathbf{m}\) of 112 metrics (i.e., features), where \(\mathbf{m}\left[ i \right] , i=1,\ldots ,73\) are static code metrics, while \(\mathbf{m}\left[ i \right] , i=74,\ldots ,112\) are change metrics.
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Devine, T., Goseva-Popstojanova, K., Krishnan, S. et al. Assessment and cross-product prediction of software product line quality: accounting for reuse across products, over multiple releases. Autom Softw Eng 23, 253–302 (2016). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10515-014-0160-4
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10515-014-0160-4