Waste separation system which has been relatively successful in developed countries is expected to be the solution for municipal solid waste’s problems in Padang city, Indonesia. However, the existing solid waste (SW) bank (a system for waste separation implementation in Padang city) is claimed to be ineffective proved by the low percentage of waste that can be treated by it. This study aims to understand the social condition toward citizens’ environmental behavior which brings to the conclusion of readiness of Padang citizen for plan of waste separation-based system application in the future and propose a new system that is appropriate for Padang city’s social condition. The study conducted structural equation modeling (SEM) [including exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA)] and a scoring system of social evaluation by surveying 609 residents. This study showed that Padang citizens are not completely ready for the plan of modification of the solid waste management system and that the city needs to improve citizens’ pro-environmental behavior. This study proposes the waste FUN system as a solution to improve the level of readiness of the citizens that has a high potential for application in Indonesia and other developing countries with similar social condition.
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We gratefully acknowledge the lecturers and students of Andalas University and citizens of Padang, Indonesia for filling the questionnaires and providing data and other valuable information to make this study a reality.
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Ulhasanah, N., Goto, N. Assessment of citizens’ environmental behavior toward municipal solid waste management for a better and appropriate system in Indonesia: a case study of Padang City. J Mater Cycles Waste Manag 20, 1257–1272 (2018). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10163-017-0691-4
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10163-017-0691-4