Existing adaptive kernel density estimators (KDEs) and kernel regressions (KRs) often employ a data-independent kernel, such as Gaussian kernel. They require an additional means to adapt the kernel bandwidth locally in a given dataset in order to produce better estimations. But this comes with high computational cost. In this paper, we show that adaptive KDEs and KRs can be directly derived from Isolation Kernel with constant-time complexity for each estimation. The resultant estimators called IKDE and IKR are the first KDE and KR that are fast and adaptive. We demonstrate both the superior efficiency and efficacy of IKDE and IKR in anomaly detection and regression tasks, respectively.
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The preliminary version of this paper was reported in 2021 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining [45], and it presents the work on kernel density estimation only. Kai Ming Ting was supported by Natural Science Foundation of China (62076120).
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Appendix A: Experimental settings
The experiments ran on a Linux CPU machine: AMD 16-core CPU with each core running at 2 GHz and 32 GB RAM. The IK feature mapping ran on a machine having GPU: 2 x GTX 1080 Ti with 3584 (1.6 GHz) CUDA cores & 12 GB graphic memory and CPU: i9-7900X 3.30 GHz processor (20 cores), 64 GB RAM. Only the feature mapping of IK was conducted in GPU. Other processes in IKDE were run in CPU.
We have used the following codes:
* Isolation Kernel:
https://github.com/IsolationKernel/Codes/tree/main/IDK/IKDE to build IKDE;
* LOF:
* Other codes are from the respective authors.
The reported results for randomized algorithms, IKDE, RACE and HBE are averaged over five trials. The results of the deterministic algorithms, e.g., OKDE and KDEOS, are obtained from a single trial.
All datasets are normalized to [0, 1] in the preprocessing.
Sources of datasets used for anomaly detection are:
* https://lapad-web.icmc.usp.br/repositories/outlier-evaluation/DAMI,
* https://odds.cs.stonybrook.edu, https://sites.google.com/site/gspangsite,
* https://www.csie.ntu.edu.tw/~cjlin/libsvmtools/datasets/.
The parameter search ranges are shown in Table 6.
Appendix B: Proof of Theorem 1
Since all \(y \in Y\) is \(y \sim {\mathcal {P}}_Y\), we derive the following expectations.
By Lipschitz continuity of \(\rho _Y(y)\) and \(x,y \in \theta [z]\), the following relation holds in \(\theta [z]\).
These expressions give the following bias and variance of \({\bar{f}}_{\psi }(x \vert Y)\).
The second line is from (5) and the homogeneity of \(\theta [z]\), the fourth line is from (B1), and the last two lines are from Cauchy–Schwarz inequality and (5).
The inequality of the third to fifth lines is from (B1). The last two lines are from Cauchy–Schwarz inequality, (5) and Proposition 1.
By Proposition 2, \({\textit{Bias}}_\psi [{\bar{f}}_{\psi }(x \vert Y)] \rightarrow 0\) if \(\psi \rightarrow \infty \). Accordingly, both \({\textit{Bias}}_\psi [{\bar{f}}_{\psi }(x \vert Y)]\) and \({\textit{Var}}_\psi [{\bar{f}}_{\psi }(x \vert Y)]\) converge on 0 if \( n \rightarrow \infty \), \(\psi \propto n^\alpha \) and \(0<\alpha <1\). \(\square \)
Appendix C: Analysis of consistency of IKR \(_V\)
The Nadaraya–Watson-type kernel regression for one-dimensional data space is known to be consistent [37] if its kernel function \(\kappa (x,y)\) is finite, absolutely integrable and normalized and satisfies:
and its kernel bandwidth h depends on the size n of the dataset W as
This consistency of the kernel regression holds for both fixed and variable kernel bandwidths as far as h satisfies the last two conditions. All of GKR, GKR\(_N\) and GKROS satisfy these conditions, and thus, they are consistent.
The Voronoi diagram-based Isolation Kernel Regression (IKR\(_V\)) \(\kappa _\psi (x,y \vert U)\), shown in Eq. (4), is finite and absolutely integrable and can be normalized. When we chose \(\psi \propto n^\alpha \) (\(0<\alpha <1\)) as stated in Theorem 1, the upper bound of a Voronoi partition’s half size, i.e., \(R_{{\textit{max}}}(\psi )\) on the one-dimensional data space is probabilistically bounded for large n. That is, for large \(\psi \), Eqs. (6) and (7) give
Equation (2) means \(\kappa _\psi (x,y \vert U) = P(x,y \in \theta [z] \vert \theta [z] \in H)\). Thus, \(\kappa _\psi (x,y \vert U)\) is upper bounded by setting \(\epsilon = \vert x-y \vert / 2\) as
Accordingly, the following formula holds.
By applying L’Hospital’s rule three times, the r.h.s. is known to converge to zero in the limit \(\vert x -y \vert \rightarrow \infty \). Thus, the Isolation Kernel also satisfies Eq. (C2).
From Proposition 2, the size of a Voronoi partition, which corresponds to h(n) upper bounded by \(2R_{{\textit{max}}}(\psi )\), converges to zero if \(n \rightarrow \infty \). Thus, the condition of Eq. (C3) holds.
Furthermore, let \(R_{{\textit{min}}}(\psi )\) be the minimum inscribed radii of a Voronoi partition \(\theta [z] \in H\) generated in a homogeneous Poisson point process of intensity \(\psi / \vert {\mathcal {X}}_U \vert \). Calka and Chenavier [28] showed that
holds in the limit \(\psi \rightarrow \infty \) for one-dimensional space, where \(c_3\) is a positive constant. This fact implies
in the limit \(\psi \rightarrow \infty \). If we set \(\psi \propto n^\alpha \) (\(0<\alpha <1/2\)) and make \(n \rightarrow \infty \), \(n R_{{\textit{min}}}(\psi ) \ge \delta \) holds for any large \(\delta \) with probability one. Thus, \(n R_{{\textit{min}}}(\psi ) \rightarrow \infty \) holds with probability one under \(n \rightarrow \infty \). This fact implies Eq. (C4) because h(n) is lower bounded by \(2R_{{\textit{min}}}(\psi )\).
The above analysis shows that the consistency of IKR\(_V\) in one-dimensional data space is as good as the Gaussian kernel-based regression. The hypersphere-based IKR\(_S\) may also have the similar characteristic.
Current analyses on the behavior of the Nadaraya–Watson-type kernel regression for high-dimensional data space are limited in scope. For example, a recent analysis [38] derives an upper bound of the regression bias only. We conjecture that the consistency of kernel regression in high-dimensional data space is similar to the one-dimensional case.
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Ting, K.M., Washio, T., Wells, J. et al. Isolation Kernel Estimators. Knowl Inf Syst 65, 759–787 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10115-022-01765-7
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10115-022-01765-7