The wave of interest in data-centric applications has spawned a high variety of data models, making it extremely difficult to evaluate, integrate or access them in a uniform way. Moreover, many recent models are too specific to allow immediate comparison with the others and do not easily support incremental model design. In this paper, we introduce GSMM, a meta-model based on the use of a generic graph that can be instantiated to a concrete data model by simply providing values for a restricted set of parameters and some high-level constraints, themselves represented as graphs. In GSMM, the concept of data schema is replaced by that of constraint, which allows the designer to impose structural restrictions on data in a very flexible way. GSMM includes GSL, a graph-based language for expressing queries and constraints that besides being applicable to data represented in GSMM, in principle, can be specialised and used for existing models where no language was defined. We show some sample applications of GSMM for deriving and comparing classical data models like the relational model, plain XML data, XML Schema, and time-varying semistructured data. We also show how GSMM can represent more recent modelling proposals: the triple stores, the BigTable model and Neo4j, a graph-based model for NoSQL data. A prototype showing the potential of the approach is also described.
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We say that data are semi-structured when, although some structure is present, it is not as strict, regular, or complete as the one required by the traditional database management systems [1].
Big Table is the model shared by popular NoSQL databases like Apache HBase and Cassandra [13].
In the remainder of the paper we denote constants by means of lowercase words, whereas words denoting variables start with a capital letter.
The notation \(b_2\mid N'\) stands for the restriction of mapping \(b_2\) to the nodes in \(N'\).
Plain XML documents may also contain ENTITY nodes, not unlike macro calls that must be expanded before parsing. We do not consider ENTITY expansion in this paper.
For the sake of conciseness Table 1 does not explicitly consider Base Types, because they may be very large.
An edge pointing to \(m_2\).
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Damiani, E., Oliboni, B., Quintarelli, E. et al. A graph-based meta-model for heterogeneous data management. Knowl Inf Syst 61, 107–136 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10115-018-1305-8
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10115-018-1305-8