Linear temporal logic (LTL) is extensively used in formal methods, in particular in runtime verification (RV) and in model checking. Its propositional version was shown by Wolper (1983, Inform Control 56(1/2): 72–99) to be limited in expressiveness. Several extensions of propositional LTL, which promote the expressive power to that of Büchi automata, have therefore been proposed; however, none of those, by and large, have been adopted for formal methods. We present an extension of propositional LTL with rules, that is as expressive as these aforementioned extensions. We then show a similar deficiency in the expressiveness of first-order LTL and present an extension of it with rules, which parallels the propositional version. In our work on runtime verification, we focus on execution traces which consist of events that carry data, where a first-order version of LTL is needed, and in particular on past time versions of first-order LTL. In the previous work, we provided an algorithm for past time first-order LTL that uses BDDs to represent relations over data elements, and implemented it as a tool called DejaVu. In this paper, we propose a monitoring algorithm for the extension of past time first-order LTL with rules. This is implemented as an extension of DejaVu, and experimental results are provided.
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The logics are called monadic since they allow relations with one parameter that explicitly represents the time; hence, instead of occurrences of a proposition p in the temporal logic formulas, the monadic logics have a relation p where p(i) stands for p holds at time i. First-order monadic logic allows quantifying over the time variables, while second-order logic allows quantifying over the relations.
For a counter-free language, there is an integer n such that for all words x, y, z and integers \(m \ge n\) we have that \(xy^m z \in L\) if and only if \(xy^n z \in L\).
Finite domains are handled with some minor changes, see [24].
This theory is based on the compactness theory of first-order logic, see [17] Chap. 4.
Again, the definition can be extended to any number of variables.
Other enumeration generation schemes are possible. Our implementation allows a garbage collection mechanism that can reuse enumerations that are no longer needed.
With k bits, we can store \(2^k\) enumerations. It is possible to extend the number of bits used on the fly.
An additional 900+ lines of mostly property-independent boilerplate code is generated.
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We would like to thank Dogan Ulus for his contributions to the earlier stages of this project. We would also like to thank Kim Guldtrand Larsen, Ioannis Filippidis, Armin Bierre and Jaco van de Pol for sharing their BDD expertise with us.
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The research performed by the first author was carried out at Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, under a contract with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. The research performed by the second author was partially funded by Israeli Science Foundation Grant 1464/18: “Efficient Runtime Verification for Systems with Lots of Data and its Applications”.
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Havelund, K., Peled, D. An extension of first-order LTL with rules with application to runtime verification. Int J Softw Tools Technol Transfer 23, 547–563 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10009-021-00626-y
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10009-021-00626-y