Web archives, such as the Internet Archive, preserve an unprecedented abundance of materials regarding major events and transformations in our society. In this paper, we present an approach for building event-centric sub-collections from such large archives, which includes not only the core documents related to the event itself but, even more importantly, documents describing related aspects (e.g., premises and consequences). This is achieved by identifying relevant concepts and entities from a knowledge base, and then detecting their mentions in documents, which are interpreted as indicators for relevance. We extensively evaluate our system on two diachronic corpora, the New York Times Corpus and the US Congressional Record; additionally, we test its performance on the TREC KBA Stream Corpus and on the TREC-CAR dataset, two publicly available large-scale web collections.
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This article builds upon and expands our previous work [41].
All gold standards are available at: http://federiconanni.com/event-collections/.
See, for example, Nick Ruest collection of the Bataclan Attack: http://ruebot.net/post/look-14939154-paris-bataclan-parisattacks-porteouverte-tweets.
More info here: https://archive-it.org/organizations/89.
For example, the UK Web Archive: https://www.webarchive.org.uk/ukwa/collection.
Size of the collections varies, spanning from 18 documents to more than 6000, depending on the topic.
For example: https://sites.google.com/site/cfpwsevents/.
THOMAS has been a digital collection directed by the Library of Congress. It offered, among other materials, the official record of proceedings and debate since the 101th Congress (1989–1990). In 2016, THOMAS has been completely substituted with Congress.gov, which provides full-text access to daily congressional record issues dating from 1995 (beginning with the 104th Congress).
As also remarked in [19].
Cf. e.g., the first multi-party election in Algeria, 1991.
See for example the Italian general election in 1996.
A list of all events examined in our work is available here: https://federiconanni.com/event-collections/.
We also tested TF-IDF weighted frequency, but we did not obtain any significant improvement over raw frequency.
For example, the youth organization PORA is related to the aspects Protests and Internet usage of the event Orange Revolution and less to its Causes.
Which corresponds to EvAsp-GloVe.
Method marked with * is significantly better than all others on its left.
We detected and removed news duplicates from the initial pool of potentially relevant documents, before conducting the final evaluation.
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This work was funded by a scholarship of the Eliteprogramm for Postdocs of the Baden-Württemberg Stiftung (project “Knowledge Consolidation and Organization for Query-specific Wikipedia Construction”) and by an AWS Research Award (Promotional credits name: EDU_R_FY2015_Q3_MannheimUniversity_Dietz). Furthermore, this work was also supported by the Junior-professor funding program of the Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts of the state of Baden-Württemberg (project “Deep semantic models for high-end NLP application”).
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Nanni, F., Ponzetto, S.P. & Dietz, L. Toward comprehensive event collections. Int J Digit Libr 21, 215–229 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00799-018-0246-x
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00799-018-0246-x