A scalable approach to trust negotiation is required in digital library (DL) environments that have large and dynamic user populations. In this paper we introduce Trust-Serv, a model-driven trust negotiation framework for Web services, and show how it can be used to effectively handle trust negotiation in DLs. The framework employs a model for trust negotiation based on state machines, extended with security abstractions. High-level specifications expressed with the state-machine-based model are then translated into formats suitable for automating the trust negotiation process. The proposed framework also supports negotiation policy lifecycle management, an important trait in the dynamic environments that characterize DLs. In particular, we present a set of policy change operations that enable the dynamic evolution of negotiation policies without disrupting ongoing negotiations. The proposed approach has been implemented as a container-centric mechanism that is transparent to the DL and to the developers of DL Web services, simplifying DL development and management as well as enabling scalable deployments.
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Skogsrud, H., Benatallah, B. & Casati, F. A trust negotiation system for digital library Web services. Int J Digit Libr 4, 185–207 (2004). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00799-004-0083-y
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00799-004-0083-y