The lightning network (LN) is a technological solution designed to solve the bitcoin blockchain transaction speed problem by introducing off-chain transactions. Since LN is a sparse and highly distributed network with three predominant routing protocols, its native pathfinding algorithms can potentially find multi-hop payment paths similar from the payment sender’s perspective, but the algorithms themselves have different performance, computational cost, energy consumption, and ultimately different CO2 emissions per step in the pathfinding phase. Bitcoin itself generates approximately 61.4 million tons of CO2 eq. per year. Since the LN is built on top of bitcoin, every small change in its energy consumption can have a significant impact on overall pollution. In this paper, we show that the reinforcement learning (RL) approach can reduce these costs and achieve better performance in terms of energy consumption at each pathfinding step. We introduce one-shot path prediction and propose a RL solution for a network agent that learns its neighborhood and uses local knowledge to cleverly solve the pathfinding problem and outperform native pathfinding algorithms.
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All data and algorithms used can be found in the public repository: https://github.com/ellariel/ln-one-shot-path-planning.
Each node on the path other than the sender will have to lock the payment amount on its outgoing channel in the payment for a maximal duration of lock time. Nodes can decide on the lock time of their channel. Lower lock times indicate a higher risk for the node not to be able to relay information within a time interval. Higher lock times indicate that the maximal latency is higher. So, senders prefer lower lock times, while intermediaries might prefer the increased security of longer lock times.
The success rate in this case shows the relative number of transactions that were successfully routed by the agent in their neighborhood.
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The authors would like to thank Dr.-Ing. Manfred Veenker and the Veenker Foundation for their help, and Ildar Baimuratov, Konstantin Glonin, Henrik Müller and Yuan Xue for their constructive and valuable discussions and guidance during the planning and development of this research.
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Appendix A
Appendix A
1.1 Experiment details and hyperparameters
We used the same setup for the additional training and the experiments and employed mostly default hyperparameters for the Stable-Baselines3 PPO implementation [31]: policy type: actor-critic; timesteps per epoch: 100,000 for general training, 10,000 for experiments and additional training; learning rate: 0.0003; discount factor (\(\gamma\)): 0.99; GAE parameter (\(\lambda\)): 0.95; clipping parameter: 0.2; value function coefficient: 0.5; maximum value for the gradient clipping: 0.5.
Hardware setup for general training. CPU: AMD EPYC 7662 64-Core Processor, 256 CPUs; GPU: 2 x A100-PCIE-80GB; 1 TB RAM, 1007.764 GB available; Platform system: Linux-5.10.0-15-amd64-x86_64-with-glibc2.31; Python version: 3.10.6.
Hardware setup for experiments and additional training. CPU: 11th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-1135G7 @ 2.40GHz, 8 CPUs; GPU: 1 x NVIDIA GeForce MX350; 8 GB RAM, 7.675 GB available; Platform system: Windows-10-10.0.22621-SP0; Python version: 3.9.13.
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Valko, D., Kudenko, D. Increasing energy efficiency of bitcoin infrastructure with reinforcement learning and one-shot path planning for the lightning network. Neural Comput & Applic (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00521-024-10588-2
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00521-024-10588-2