Meta-heuristic search algorithms were successfully used to solve a variety of problems in engineering, science, business, and finance. Meta-heuristic algorithms share common features since they are population-based approaches that use a set of tuning parameters to evolve new solutions based on the natural behavior of creatures. In this paper, we present a novel nature-inspired search optimization algorithm called the capuchin search algorithm (CapSA) for solving constrained and global optimization problems. The key inspiration of CapSA is the dynamic behavior of capuchin monkeys. The basic optimization characteristics of this new algorithm are designed by modeling the social actions of capuchins during wandering and foraging over trees and riverbanks in forests while searching for food sources. Some of the common behaviors of capuchins during foraging that are implemented in this algorithm are leaping, swinging, and climbing. Jumping is an effective mechanism used by capuchins to jump from tree to tree. The other foraging mechanisms exercised by capuchins, known as swinging and climbing, allow the capuchins to move small distances over trees, tree branches, and the extremities of the tree branches. These locomotion mechanisms eventually lead to feasible solutions of global optimization problems. The proposed algorithm is benchmarked on 23 well-known benchmark functions, as well as solving several challenging and computationally costly engineering problems. A broad comparative study is conducted to demonstrate the efficacy of CapSA over several prominent meta-heuristic algorithms in terms of optimization precision and statistical test analysis. Overall results show that CapSA renders more precise solutions with a high convergence rate compared to competitive meta-heuristic methods.
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Appendix A. Objective test problems used in this work
Unimodal test functions
A description of the unimodal test functions (\(\hbox{F}_1\)–\(\hbox{F}_7\)) is shown in Table 19.
Multimodal test functions
A description of the multimodal test functions (F8-\(\hbox{F}_{13}\)) is shown in Table 20.
Fixed-dimension multimodal test functions
A description of the fixed-dimension multimodal test functions (\(\hbox{F}_{14}\)–\(\hbox{F}_{23}\)) is shown in Table 21.
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Braik, M., Sheta, A. & Al-Hiary, H. A novel meta-heuristic search algorithm for solving optimization problems: capuchin search algorithm. Neural Comput & Applic 33, 2515–2547 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00521-020-05145-6
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00521-020-05145-6