Differential Evolution (DE) is a global optimization process that uses population search to find the best solution. It offers characteristics such as fast convergence time, simple and understood algorithm, few parameters, and good stability. To improve its presentation, we propose a differential evolution algorithm based on subpopulation adaptive scale and multi-adjustment strategy (ASMSDE). The algorithm separates the population into three sub-populations based on fitness scores, and different operating tactics are used depending on their characteristics. The superior population uses Gaussian disturbance, while the inferior population uses Levy flights. The intermediate population is responsible for maintaining the population's overall variety. The sizes of the three sub-populations are adaptively changed in response to evolutionary results to account for changes in individual differences over time. With the number of iterations increases and the disparities between individuals reduce, adopt a single population model instead of multi-population model in the later stage of evolution. The ASMSDE algorithm's performance is evaluated by comparing it to other sophisticated algorithms that use benchmark function optimizations. Experimental results show that the ASMSDE algorithm outperforms the comparison algorithms in the majority of circumstances, demonstrating its effectiveness and capacity to manage local optimum situations.
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Xue, C., Liu, T., Deng, L. et al. Multi-population multi-strategy differential evolution algorithm with dynamic population size adjustment. Soft Comput 28, 9949–9963 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00500-024-09843-4
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00500-024-09843-4