Recent self-supervised contrastive learning methods are powerful and efficient for robust representation learning, pulling semantic features from different cropping views of the same image while pushing other features away from other images in the embedding vector space. However, model training for contrastive learning is quite inefficient. In the high-dimensional vector space of the images, images can differ from each other in many ways. We address this problem with heuristic attention pixel-level contrastive loss for representation learning (HAPiCLR), a self-supervised joint embedding contrastive framework that operates at the pixel level and makes use of heuristic mask information. HAPiCLR leverages pixel-level information from the object’s contextual representation instead of identifying pair-wise differences in instance-level representations. Thus, HAPiCLR enhances contrastive learning objectives without requiring large batch sizes, memory banks, or queues, thereby reducing the memory footprint and the processing needed for large datasets. Furthermore, HAPiCLR loss combined with other contrastive objectives such as SimCLR or MoCo loss produces considerable performance boosts on all downstream tasks, including image classification, object detection, and instance segmentation.
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In this study, we constructed a heuristic binary segmentation mask dataset for the ImageNet ILSVRC-2012, which can be found here: https://www.hh-ri.com/2022/05/30/heuristic-attention-representation.
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The authors of the research paper made significant contributions to the study. Y-HL provided the methodology and conceptualized the study, while C-EH, VNT, and S-HL developed and validated the software. K-LY assisted with data curation. MSA, VNT, C-EH, S-HL, and Y-HL contributed to writing, reviewing, and editing. Y-HL and J-CW provided supervision, and Y-HL also managed project administration and acquired funding. All authors have approved the published work.
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A Implementation details
1.1 Heuristic mask proposal generator
Our heuristic binary mask approach eliminates the need for external supervision or training on the limited dataset of annotated masks. The mask generator network architecture comprises a residual convolution feature extractor, a \(1\times 1\) convolutional classification layer for saliency prediction, and the spatial feature map representation obtained from the output of the \(1\times 1\) convolution. The generator’s output mask can be segmented into foreground and background regions depending on the saliency threshold, as shown in Fig. 2 (in the main text).
Demonstration of heuristic binary masks employed in the HAPiCLR Framework. First row: random selection of images from the ImageNet [16] training set. The second to the fourth row is the mask obtained from our heuristic mask proposal technique with different saliency thresholds in [0.4, 0.5, 0.6]. Fifth Row: human-annotated ground-truth masks from Pixel-ImageNet [40]
In the convolution encoder for the feature extractor, we leverage the ResNet-50 backbone that is pre-trained on self-supervised objectives [5, 12, 34] with the unlabeled dataset. In our implementation, we evaluated the saliency threshold value across the range of [0.4, 0.5, 0.6] as illustrated in the corresponding Fig. 11. To generate a high-quality mask, we determined the saliency threshold that yielded the maximum mean Intersection-Over-Union (mIoU) compared to the ground-truth saliency object mask obtained from Pixel-ImageNet [40]. We evaluated mask quality on a subset of 485,000 images, specifically from 946 out of the 1000 classes in the ImageNet dataset. The mIoU of the generated masks, using three saliency thresholds of 0.4, 0.5, and 0.6, were 0.451, 0.490, and 0.448, respectively. Finally, we select the threshold value 0.5 with the highest mIoU for generating masks for the entire ImageNet train set dataset.
Data augmentation
The HAPiCLR data augmentation pipeline starts with the HAPiCLR cropping technique. Then, these cropped views undergo the same set of image augmentations as in SimCLR [1], involving the arbitrary sequence composition transformation encompassing color distortion, grayscale conversion, Gaussian blur, and solarization. Finally, each image and its corresponding heuristic binary mask undergo a transformation process through an augmentation pipeline. This pipeline consists of a set of operations, which will be detailed as described below. First, we use the random cropped image with resizing and random flipping; for the binary mask, only cropping and flipping the underlying image is applied. Subsequently, the cropped images undergo transformations, including color distortion (color jittering, color dropping), random Gaussian blur, and solarization, each applied with the specified probability. Table 7 lists the specific parameter settings for the augmentation pipeline.
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Tran, V.N., Liu, SH., Huang, CE. et al. HAPiCLR: heuristic attention pixel-level contrastive loss representation learning for self-supervised pretraining. Vis Comput 40, 7945–7960 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00371-023-03217-x
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00371-023-03217-x